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Water rates increase 43%

by Res Publica

Decisions made by past and present City Councils led to Ventura Water increasing water rates by 7% and wastewater rates by 6% for each year over the next four years. In truth, water rates for the “average” ratepayer will increase by 43% during that time.


Ventura is obliged under Proposition 218 to allow ratepayers to protest the rate increases. Yet, Ventura Water doesn’t make it easy to do so. The protest form is intentionally challenging to locate. In the 8-page Ventura Water ‘Proposed Rate Adjustments’ document, Ventura Water buries the protest procedure on the last page. It is not bolded or highlighted to stand out to the reader. The protest format is not user-friendly. There is little explanation on how to complete the form, making it confusing to property owners.

If you oppose this increase, Ventura Water’s notice states that the parcel owner, or customer of record on the water bill, must file a written protest with the City Clerk at City Hall.


The City did not enclose a protest form with the rate increase notice. Instead, the brochure directs you to go online. You can find the Water Shortage Rate Protest form here You can complete the form online, but you must print it for it to count.

Written protests may be submitted by mail to the Ventura City Clerk’s Office at 501 Poli Street (Room 204) Ventura, California 93001, or in person at the drop box near the back entrance of City Hall at 501 Poli Street, Ventura, California 93001 (parking lot behind City Hall). All mailed written protests must be received (not postmarked) by the City Clerk no later than May 17, 2021, at 5:00 pm.

To prevent the rate increase, most property owners (51%) must file a protest. Renters have no right to protest.  Business owners have no right to protest.  Only the 32,000 people that own property with water meters have a right to vote.  The remaining 81,000 people in the City of Ventura are effectively disenfranchised. They have no vote but will have to pay.


Ventura Water plans to build a $240 million wastewater treatment plant that will duplicate facilities that already exist near Ventura. The 2019 Corollo Report (commissioned by Ventura Water), titled Ventura Water Supply Projects and Alternatives, states that if Ventura Water utilizes the United Water Conservation and the Oxnard Water Treatment Plant, they would not need to build a separate treatment plant. The cost savings to Ventura ratepayers could be enormous.

The ‘lack of control and trust’ Ventura Water purports to be why it’s not cooperating with other water agencies is absurd. It’s already working with several other agencies and depends upon many other outside agencies for water resources.

If we continue down this path, Ventura ratepayers will pay more than may be needed. Ventura Water has put the price tag on “control” and “trust.” It’s $200 million

The Ventura City Council should:

Call for an accurate, independent, cost analysis that could result in potential savings of $200 million

Delay any rate increase to Wastewater rates

Direct the City attorney to apply for a deadline extension on the Wishtoyo Consent Agreement to provide more time to find the optimal solution while avoiding substantial legal penalties

Open negations with United Water and the City of Oxnard to utilize a wastewater treatment process.

Our current path is misguided and needs reevaluation. Making a financial decision based on “trust and control” is not in the public’s best interest.

Answer In A Breeze

Q: Do you know why construction stopped on the hotel next to the Golden China restaurant? Weeds are growing up around the concrete slab and no construction equipment is there. Did they abandon the job?  

Marsha Moreland 

A: Marsha: According to Charlie the construction superintendent construction stopped for a myriad of reasons that came up during construction. One was some water coming out of the bottom of the slope. They have all been resolved and construction will resume very shortly with completion to be completed in about 18-months and the hotel to open in about 2-years.

Have a question? Send it to [email protected] and we will try to get you an answer.

Vol. 14, No. 16 – May 5 – May 18, 2021 – The Pet Page

∙ SPAN Thrift Store is open to the public and looking for donations of adult clothing, household items and tools if you’ve got items you no longer use.

SPAN Thrift Store regularly provides $10 spays and neuters for low income households with cats and dogs.

Three upcoming clinics are: Tuesday, May 11th at the Albert H. Soliz Library – El Rio, 2820 Jourdan St., Oxnard, 93036, a second one on Tuesday, May 18th at Shiells Park, in the parking lot, located at 649 C St., Fillmore, 93015 and a third one on Tuesday, May 25th at SPAN Thrift Store parking lot 110 N. Olive St. (behind Vons on Main).

Please call to schedule an appointment (805) 584-3823.By Linda Carroll

∙ Beachgoers may have felt safe from Lyme disease, but a new study suggests those heading to the shore also need to keep a careful eye out for disease-carrying ticks.

Researchers in California were surprised to find just as many adult black-legged ticks carrying Borrelia burgdorferi, the bacterium that causes Lyme, in areas of grass and scrub leading to the beach they did as in the woodland habitats in the northwestern part of the state.

“We went into new habitats and found them in numbers we didn’t expect,” said lead author Daniel Salkeld, a research scientist at Colorado State University. “A few years ago I would have said the ticks there wouldn’t have been infected because there aren’t any grey squirrels, which are the source for Lyme in California.”

People may not be looking for ticks when heading to the beach, but the tiny bugs could be hiding in coastal grasses or nearby scrub areas.

“I think they’ve been under our noses all along,” Salkeld told NBC News. “We just haven’t thought to look very closely.”

Fortunately, for Californians, at least, the ticks aren’t a year-round problem. They’re only there during the rainy season, Sakeld said.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that around 476,000 Americans are diagnosed and treated for Lyme disease each year.

Typical symptoms include:

  • Fever
  • Headache
  • Fatigue
  • A characteristic skin rash, called erythema migrans

Most cases of Lyme can be successfully treated with a few weeks of antibiotics, according to the CDC. Untreated, the illness can spread to the joints, heart and nervous system.

To take a closer look at where the ticks might be hanging out, Sakeld and his team dragged public and private areas, including California state parks, county and regional parks and national parks in Marin, Monterey, Napa, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz and Sonoma counties for the blood-sucking bugs.

The researchers found Borrelia burgdorferi in 4.1 percent of adult ticks in coastal scrub and in 3.9 percent of adult ticks in woodland areas.

Sakeld doesn’t know yet how the ticks are being infected. The reservoir of the bacteria “could be voles or rabbits,” he said.

The findings were published in the journal Applied and Environmental Microbiology.

“This is a great study,” said Laura Goodman, an assistant research professor at the Baker Institute for Animal Health at the Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine. “There is a bias in this country where people think they are only at risk when they go into the woods. But really, prevention and vigilance should be practiced everywhere outdoors, and we should be vigilant year-round.”

Lia Gaertner, director of education and outreach at the Bay Area Lyme Foundation, offered prevention tips:

  • Stay on trails and on sand.
  • Wear light clothing and use tick repellent.
  • Check and triple check your body — up to three days later.
  • Throw clothes into hot dryer once inside.
  • Shower.

“We tell people that if they find a tick attached to themselves, they should always save it so you can send it for identification and see what type it is and if it carries disease,” Gaertner said.

While black-legged ticks are predominantly a woodland and shrubland species, they can also be found in grasslands near the coast, said Richard S. Ostfeld, a tick expert and distinguished senior scientist at the Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies in Millbrook, New York.

∙ How Often Should You Wash Your Dog?

By Jennifer Nelson

Is your pup smelling a little ripe? How often and when to bathe your dog can depend on several factors. “Dogs don’t need baths as often as humans,” says Dr. Callie Harris, a veterinarian at Purina, who is based in Atlanta, and judge of ABC’s Pooch Perfect, a new dog grooming competition show.

How often you bathe your dog can vary depending on his coat type, lifestyle, health conditions, and even the time of year. But a good rule is about once a month. Dr. Harris says you can let your nose make the call. “My personal gauge is when I am kicking my dog out of the bed. This usually means it’s time for a bath,” she says.

If you have a very young puppy, it’s a good idea to hold off baths for a bit. Young puppies can’t regulate their body temperature, so their first bath shouldn’t be before about eight weeks old.

Long haired breeds, like Shih Tzus or collies, and double-coated breeds, like labs, beagles, and huskies, obviously need more bathing to keep long or thick coats clean and matt-free. Short hair breeds who don’t get that dirty may need less washing.

Dr. Harris says to use dog-safe shampoo, and for those double-coated breeds, a de-shedding shampoo can help cut down on the amount of hair they shed. “No matter what shampoo you choose, make sure you thoroughly rinse all product out of your dog’s coat to prevent any skin irritation.”

Doggie conditioner is probably not necessary for most breeds, but long-haired dogs whose fur can mat easily may benefit. Check with your vet or a good groomer about the best conditioners for a long-haired breed. Conditioners also come in de-shedding formulas.

You can wash your dog too frequently, and it’s important not to. “Excessive bathing may cause your dog to have a dry coat or dry skin,” says Dr. Harris. Similar to how humans can develop dry skin from long, hot showers, you don’t want to overdo bathing your dog. If she already has dry skin, ask your veterinarian about special shampoo and conditioning products that are more hydrating and keep baths infrequent if possible.

What if Your Dog Hates the Bath?

For dogs who aren’t a fan of bath time, several tricks can make the experience less stressful:

  • Use a tub that is non-slippery and comfortable.
  • Try showering with your pup. He might like it more if you’re in there, too.
  • Make it calm and stress-free by placing your dog in the tub or sink gently.
  • If she doesn’t like running water, fill the tub up a few inches before you put her in.
  • Use a cup to wet your dog rather than a shower sprayer.
  • Start with wetting and sudsing her back legs first.
  • Give lots of treats.
  • Smearing peanut butter, cheese, or other favorite snacks in the shower or tub can help distract.

If your pup still isn’t loving the bath, establish a relationship with a groomer who is trained to bathe dogs successfully with minimal stress. Pet parents may not realize that bath time can be a great way to bond with your dog and provide positive engagement. Turning your pup’s bath time into a family affair by involving the kids may help, too.

As always, consult your veterinarian about questions and concerns at your pet’s next appointment.

Hero helps injured seal

Photo by Susan Lang

Sgt. Casey Sutherland told the seal “I’m sorry but you were jay-walking so I will need to write you a ticket!” Only kidding of course, Casey is a hero for trying to help this injured seal.


Vita Arts Center hosts free art workshops for children

Twelve-year-old Phoebe Hopp’s wide eyes stared hauntingly out at her grandmother from the self-portrait she’d drawn in art class. Lydia Hopps couldn’t see her granddaughter’s expression. Most of her face was covered by a mask, which she and other students had worn to prevent spread of COVID-19 during the class at Vita Art Center.

Thus began an ambitious community art project at Vita Arts Center called “Through Our Eyes,” organized by the center’s founding director, Mary Perez. The project involves a series of free art workshops for children ages 8 to 18, led by professional artists. Instructors guide students to create a self-portrait of themselves wearing a face mask.

Workshops at Vita Arts Center are already underway, and the center plans to hold several more through the end of the year. An on-site and online exhibit of 100 self-portraits is planned for June. The center will also create a printed catalog of the portraits that will be available to the public.

So far, Perez has enough funding to provide workshops for 100 students. She hopes to secure enough funding to offer workshops to a total of 500 children and teens. 

Parents can sign their children up for the workshops online, and registration is on a first-come, first-served basis. Perez is also reaching out to local schools to discuss hosting workshops for their students. 

To sign up for a workshop or to donate to the Through Our Eyes Community Art Project and Exhibit, visit Workshop spaces are limited and pre-registration is a must. Vita Art Center is located at 28 W. Main St.

The Bookmark About Libraries and Friends – Book sale

by Jill Forman

Note: This Bookmark was supposed to be in last issue but inadvertently, of course, was left out so you have the pleasure of reading 2 Bookmark articles in this issue.

By the time this comes out, the Ventura Friends of the Library will have had their first outdoor, hands-on sale of the year, on April 17. We are so excited to be able to offer high-quality used books to the booklovers of Ventura, and to generate funds for library programming and supplies. Thanks to all the volunteers and to the folks who came out to get bargains and support us!

Reopening status

Now that Ventura County is in Orange tier, the libraries will be open for limited in-person browsing. Check with your local branch to find out those hours, and to make arrangements.

Bad Art presentation

Director Louise Reilly Sacco will join the Ventura County Library at 6pm on Friday, April 30, 2021, to talk about the collections at the Museum Of Bad Art (MOBA) via ZOOM.

The Museum Of Bad Art collects, exhibits, and celebrates art that will be seen in no other venue. Since 1993, they have collected art from thrift stores, yard sales, sidewalk trash, and even the artists who create it.

In this presentation, the world’s leading cultural institution dedicated to art in which something has gone wrong describes how and why it was established. MOBA presents pieces from their collection, with an insightful, pithy, and often humorous commentary.

This event is free and open to the public. To register for this event, visit For additional information, contact Ron Solórzano, Regional Librarian, at (805) 218-9146 or [email protected]. Instructions for registering for this event on Zoom can also be found on our online calendar at

Member event

Kate McDermott, author of The Art of the Pie, will lead a hands-on session of baking with follow-along instructions on Saturday May 8 at 2:00 p.m. via ZOOM. Current VFOL members will receive email invitations and will be given priority for pre-registration.

Learn how to make and shape a flaky all-butter pastry dough which can be used to make many tasty treats in your kitchen.

If you do not receive an invitation by April 25, call Mary Olson at 805-223-1187.

Online Store Update

Many new offerings in education and travel. Remember travel?

We are losing some of our storage space at Hill Road, so if your order from us we thank you and request that you pick up your items within a week. If for some reason you cannot, email the bookstore folks and we’ll see what we can arrange.

More educational and entertaining programs offered by your libraries

Poetry Virtual Open Mic Night hosted by Phil Taggert. Thursdays 7:30 – 10:00 p.m. Enjoy a featured poet, then share your own work with the group if you wish. Black Poets of Ventura County featured through May 6.

Friends of the Library Book Discussion. Saturday May 1, 10:00 a.m.- noon. The Long Haul by Finn Murphy. [email protected].

Ukulele Jam Mondays 7:00 – 10 p.m.

Always more events than I can cover: Storytimes, Discover Science, Minecraft Mondays, Art Lessons……




City of Ventura launches online tool to support local businesses in recovering from COVID-19

The City of Ventura’s Economic Development Division is launching a new online business intelligence tool called “SizeUp Ventura” to provide access to market research information.

“The City of Ventura is committed to helping our local businesses succeed and recover from the pandemic,” stated Mayor Sofia Rubalcava. “They are the foundation of our local economy, employ our residents, create new jobs, and make our community a more prosperous place.”

Local businesses and entrepreneurs can now access free industry-specific and hyperlocal information to help them grow and make smarter decisions using big data analysis. SizeUp features information collected from hundreds of public and proprietary data sources covering firmographic, demographic, geographic, labor, wage, cost, consumer spending, transportation, and more.

“In today’s information economy, if you don’t have access to information your business is at a significant disadvantage. With the launch of SizeUp, we are empowering Ventura businesses to make more data-driven decisions to better operate, succeed, grow, and recover from the devastating impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Estelle Bussa, City of Ventura Economic Development Manager.

Using the new SizeUp Ventura website, local businesses can:

1.   Rank their business performance compared to industry competitors,

2.   Discover potential customers and suppliers,

3.   Better understand the competitive landscape, and

4.   Optimize advertising to target ideal customer segments.

In support of Small Business Week, local small and medium businesses are invited to a virtual SizeUp Ventura workshop on Thursday, May 6, 2021, from 12:00 – 1:00 p.m. Advance registration required for the Zoom meeting. To register, visit

To learn more about SizeUp Ventura or the City’s Economic Development Office, visit

City of Ventura launches online tool to support local businesses in recovering from COVID-19

The City of Ventura’s Economic Development Division is launching a new online business intelligence tool called “SizeUp Ventura” to provide access to market research information.

“The City of Ventura is committed to helping our local businesses succeed and recover from the pandemic,” stated Mayor Sofia Rubalcava. “They are the foundation of our local economy, employ our residents, create new jobs, and make our community a more prosperous place.”

Local businesses and entrepreneurs can now access free industry-specific and hyperlocal information to help them grow and make smarter decisions using big data analysis. SizeUp features information collected from hundreds of public and proprietary data sources covering firmographic, demographic, geographic, labor, wage, cost, consumer spending, transportation, and more.

“In today’s information economy, if you don’t have access to information your business is at a significant disadvantage. With the launch of SizeUp, we are empowering Ventura businesses to make more data-driven decisions to better operate, succeed, grow, and recover from the devastating impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Estelle Bussa, City of Ventura Economic Development Manager.

Using the new SizeUp Ventura website, local businesses can:

1.   Rank their business performance compared to industry competitors,

2.   Discover potential customers and suppliers,

3.   Better understand the competitive landscape, and

4.   Optimize advertising to target ideal customer segments.

In support of Small Business Week, local small and medium businesses are invited to a virtual SizeUp Ventura workshop on Thursday, May 6, 2021, from 12:00 – 1:00 p.m. Advance registration required for the Zoom meeting. To register, visit

To learn more about SizeUp Ventura or the City’s Economic Development Office, visit