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Education to facilitate changes for the better for people with mental illness

by Carol Leish MA

“On September 8, 2021” according to Mary Haffner, an advocate for people with mental illness, “NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) Advocacy Group held a countywide Town Hall to address the needs of people with mental illness.”

During the Town Hall, it was discussed that: “Because of the gaps in services to people with mental illness, the Ventura County Behavioral Health Advisory Board recently passed a unanimous motion requesting that the Ventura County Board of Supervisors approve an independent assessment regarding the continuum of care for people with severe mental illness. Through this comprehensive assessment, it will become possible to reduce the number of people who continue to cycle through successive hospitalizations, incarcerations, and homelessness. Other counties in California have conducted similar assessments and the California State Auditor has recommended that all counties do so, too.”

The NAMI Town Hall also focused on the fact that, ‘The gaps in Ventura County are significant, from crisis care to long-term care. As for crisis care, Ventura County has no psychiatric facility that can directly admit psychiatric emergencies. Someone in crisis with a psychiatric emergency must first wait in a general hospital emergency room. However, other California counties have facilities that allow them to pass hospital emergency rooms so that they can receive prompt treatment. In addition, Ventura County has only 8 chairs for crisis stabilization. For a county of 846,000, this is woefully deficient. As for long-term care, Ventura County has only one 43-bed locked facility, which is currently staffed for 36 patients (July, 14, 2021 ‘Ventura Breeze’: ‘Expansion of Hillmont Psychiatric Unit alleviates waits for patients in crisis.’). There are few Board and Cares, and not enough supportive housing to support long-term rehabilitation and care. As a result, people who need a higher level of care may end up at a sober living home with inadequate supports, thus setting them up for relapse and getting caught up in the cycle again.”

“Ventura County appears to have the second highest percentage of inmates classified as ‘open mental health cases,’ according to a review of the latest numbers from the Board of State and Community Corrections (BSCC),” according to the NAMI Town Hall. “With no needed intercept model diversion program, and a dire lack of crisis care, and very few options for long-term treatment and housing, people with severe mental illness cycle into either jail or homelessness.”

Haffner believes that, “We don’t do more to help those with severe mental health issues because I believe that discrimination and stigma play a big role in our society’s failure to provide adequate treatment. We have normalized the jailing of people with mental illness and we have too many people who don’t want any treatment facilities in their communities. This is why leadership is so important. We need leaders who understand the illness and who are willing to educate the public and work towards solutions.”

Vol. 15, No. 01 – Oct 6 – Oct 19, 2021 – The Pet Page

∙ Since 1992, the Spay and Neuter Animal Network, otherwise known as SPAN, has made it their mission to reduce dog and cat overpopulation throughout Ventura County by raising public awareness about the direct consequence of irresponsible breeding.

Today more than ever, responsible dog and cat owners like you play the most significant role in the solution to overpopulation by spaying and neutering your pets. SPAN shares in that responsibility by providing financial assistance to pet owners who would otherwise be unable to pay for this procedure.
SPAN is a highly regarded nonprofit and recognized for commitment to their mission and overall success. Over the last 30 years, SPAN has provided financial assistance for the spay and neuter of over 35,000 thousand dogs and cats.

“SPAN receives hundreds of requests for financial assistance every year. Our ability to help pet owners is directly related to our Thrift Store sales, Legacy gifts, and unrestricted cash donations. Thanks to our all-volunteer staff at SPAN, we are proud to say that 100% of our income is used towards spay and neuter procedures.” — SPAN Board of Directors
For more about SPAN, their mission, and opportunities to assist, please visit at
Shop the SPAN Thrift Store, located at 110 N. Olive St. Suite A Ventura (Please visit website for store hours). SPAN Thrift Store Phone: 805-641-1170

∙ Veterinary Viewpoint: Raising healthy puppies
Dr. Joanna Bronson

Lack of sleep is normal for new puppy owners. Puppies play hard, eat, and sleep. Potty training should rotate around any change in activity. Puppies will have to relieve themselves after playing, eating, and sleeping, and any other form of excitement, usually every hour for puppies a month old or younger.

Thankfully, the potty-training process usually goes smoothly when consistency is followed. There may still be occasional accidents, and during inclement weather, an indoor potty-training pad may come in handy. The important thing is not to punish the pup when an accident happens. He’s doing what nature tells him to do. Praising him when he does go outside is a good thing.

If an accident is discovered, and he is close by, pick him up, take him outside and walk a bit. Do not rub his nose in it his accident.

Any new puppy should be closely chaperoned inside and outside. New puppies want to chew anything in sight. Rocks, twigs, leaves, etc., all taste and crunch satisfactorily. Watch and remove any objects before they get lodged or swallowed.

Until your puppy is fully vaccinated, it’s best to avoid dog parks and contact with other dogs. If your puppy is small enough to carry, you may expose him to watching other animals, while keeping him safe from touch.

Puppies like to bite, you and everything in sight. Their teeth are horribly sharp. Exchange your flesh for a toy and trying to keep him occupied with appropriate chew toys, but make sure that toys cannot be easily dismantled and parts swallowed or get stuck in his mouth.

Also, be aware of poisonous substances and plants. Keep the garbage and all human food out of reach. Medications should always be kept out-of-sight. Electrical cords are very tempting to chewers and can be deadly through electrocution.

∙ Dr. Joanna Bronson of Bronson Veterinary Services,

Whether you’re a new dog owner or a seasoned pup parent, there’s always something new to learn about taking care of your pet.

Keep your dog on heartworm medication
Add extra water bowls around the house to prevent dehydration in older dogs
It’s best to make your older dog’s trip to the water bowl as short and easy as possible.
Making sure your older dog has constant access to water can help prevent dangerous dehydration.

If your dog has difficulty climbing stairs, it’s a good idea to keep their food and water bowls on the ground floor of the house.

Give your dog personal space if they need it. All dogs are different — some pets love to snuggle up, but others don’t like to be closely cuddled or held.

Long play sessions, active games, praise, and treats are all ways to show your dog that you love them without invading their personal space.

If you’re struggling to train your dog, miscommunication may be the problem.
Giving dogs inconsistent verbal cues can be confusing for them. For example, telling your dog to “go potty” one day and “go pee” the next can be confusing.

Instead, train your dog using the exact same word or phrase every time and try to keep those cues short, like saying “down” rather than “go lay down.”

Try to keep your dog’s diet consistent
Suddenly changing your dog’s food could upset their stomach or give them diarrhea.

Brush your dog’s teeth every day
Just like those of humans, dog’s teeth should be regularly brushed to avoid cavities and bad breath.
If you aren’t able to brush your dog’s teeth, talk to your vet about products that your dog can chew on to control tartar buildup.

Make and keep regular vet visits
Dogs can sometimes develop health problems that aren’t obvious to the untrained eye, so it’s important to schedule routine visits to the vet.
Regular checkups are also opportunities to monitor your dog’s dental health and keep them up-to-date on vaccinations, which can help you avoid costly interventions in the future.

Resist the urge to bend the rules, even on special occasions. For example, allowing your dog on the furniture as a treat but then scolding them for jumping on the sofa the next day can be very confusing, so try to establish clear house rules and stick to them.

Praise your dog for good behavior instead of scolding them when they’re naughty
Instead of scolding your dog for being afraid or nervous, try showering them with praise when they calm down or giving them a treat when they appropriately react to a stressful situation.

Just as humans may develop neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease as they grow older, our aging canine friends also can develop dementia, also referred to as canine cognitive dysfunction syndrome (CCDS), a complex of behavioral and neurological symptoms the prevalence of which increases with age.

“Hurry up I need to go!” Savana

Namba presents The Honey Whiskey Trio

Trio tells stories through song and stomp, highlighting the musical traditions of American Folk Music.

“Prepare to be stunned by The Honey Whiskey Trio. They create moving vocal music but you will also see and hear elements of dance and theatre in their performance. They draw deeply from the well of American musical tradition. We are thrilled to have them as part of our series of Americana-themed shows this Fall” said Namba Arts Musical Director Doc Ventura.

Courtney Gasque Politano, Ann Louise Jefferies Thaiss and Christina Wilson began singing together in each other’s living rooms as an emotional and musical release. In 2013, after seeing the impact of their music on the contemporary A cappella community, these sisters in song solidified their style as American Folk and picked up instruments to further enhance their vocally driven sound.

Today their passion for music education, community outreach, and singing unapologetically continues to drive them. They create, arrange, and explore music from the front porches, music halls, and hymn books of early America, sharing it with students, adults, and life-long music lovers across the United States.

Tickets for this show are $20 and may be purchased at the Namba Arts website Please note that proof of vaccination or Covid test must be presented to enter.

Other upcoming Americana music shows at Namba Arts this Fall are: The Carolyn Sills Combo Nov 13, The Healers ft. Henry Carjaval Nov 19, Phil Salazar and the Kinfolk Nov 20, Anna May December 4.

Vol. 15, No. 01 – Oct 6 – Oct 19, 2021 – Movie Review

Streaming Spotlight by Cindy Summers
Y: The Last Man – FX on Hulu
3 out of 4 palm trees

Y: The Last Man is based on DC Comics’ acclaimed series by Brian K. Vaughan and Pia Guerra, a 60-issue science fiction comic book series published in 2002 in which a worldwide event kills every male mammal on the planet but for one cisgender man and his pet monkey. This plunges the entire planet into a post-apocalyptic world full of dystopian realities.

For some unknown reason, every man in the world died of some sort of plague all on the same day, leaving women to assume the roles previously held by men who were no longer alive. The many deaths in the chain of command for the United States government left Senator Jennifer Brown (Diane Lane) in charge. That very same day Agent 355 (Ashley Romans) was sent out on her first day to guard the president, and when the chain of command changed, she informed President Brown that she was at the service of whatever sitting president.

There was chaos everywhere caused by the instantaneous death of men such as planes falling from the sky and mass casualty car pileups, which also killed many women. All normal operations had gone offline, including power, and those left in the cities began to protest and riot in an effort to gain answers to what had happened thinking somehow the government was involved. President Brown gathered a team of dedicated women and setup to get some basic resources online while also try to find the cause and deal with the outcome of this cataclysmic event.

President Brown had a daughter named Hero (Olivia Thirlby) who she had strained relations with and was a paramedic in New York. Hero was traveling on foot with her friend Sam (Elliot Fletcher), who was transgender and experiencing prejudice due to looking like a man. Hero refused to reach out to her mother for any assistance, and had not even contacted her since the event. President Brown sent Agent 355 to retrieve Hero and bring her back to the White House.

When Agent 355 returned she didn’t have Hero, but did have Yorick (Ben Schnetzer), President Brown’s son, which seemed impossible as it was believed that all mammals with a Y chromosome on the planet had died. Yorick also had his pet Capuchin monkey Ampersand with him, which also seemed miraculous as he was also male. Though President Brown was overjoyed to see her son, the situation presented a huge number of issues, including some believing it could be used as validation for the public’s conspiracy theories regarding government involvement in the event.

Agent 355 convinced President Brown that it was too dangerous for her son to be discovered there, and agreed to secretly get him to a geneticist and cloning expert Dr. Allison Mann (Diana Bang) in Boston who they believed could shed some light on why Yorick and Ampersand were still alive. Unfortunately the only lab that had what Dr. Mann needed was in San Francisco.

While this was happening it was discovered that former cabinet secretary Regina Oliver was alive in Israel, having been injured and in a coma since the event. She of course was looking to return to run the country rightfully in the line of succession, and had very conservative views similar to those of the recently deceased president and in direct opposition to those of President Brown.

Season 1: 9 – 50min episodes

Ventura Land Trust Presents OAKtober celebrating our community’s oak trees

Dr. David White spoke at the October 2 event.

Through the month of October, Ventura Land Trust will celebrate its first annual OAKtober with a series of events that acknowledge and celebrate Ventura County’s oak trees and ecosystems.

Oaks are the foundation of several major ecosystems in Ventura County. Each oak is central to home to a hundred interdependent plant and animal species. Trees work for us by cleaning air and water, sequestering atmospheric carbon, buffering climate extremes, and reducing energy usage. Oaks reduce flooding and support our native wildlife. Oaks, and trees in general, provide important benefits that provide the foundation for our individual and planetary health.

VLT and event partners will drive awareness of the value of oaks across California, while developing a community network to support these important oak ecosystems. Scheduled events include:

On October 2, OAKtober featured Once Upon a Watershed Program Director Dr. David White and Melina Watts, Author of Tree.

Guests met at the Harmon Canyon Preserve trailhead and walked a short distance to an oak grove with trees that are over 300 years old. Dr. David White spoke about the central role of oaks in the ecosystem in Harmon Canyon Preserve and gave tips on how to grow an acorn into a sprout help the young tree to mature. Writer Melina Watts read from her 2017 novel Tree, the story of a California live oak from the point of view of the tree.

On October 30, from 9-10:30am, in partnership with Los Padres ForestWatch, LPFW Conservation Director Bryant Baker, known on Instagram as @bryanttheshrublander, will lead a presentation on Harmon Canyon Preserve’s signature oak woodlands. This presentation will delve into the habitat, biology, and natural history of oak woodlands in Ventura County’s hills and the Los Padres National Forest. Guests will meet at the Harmon Canyon Preserve trailhead and walk a short distance to a Harmon Canyon oak grove to see and learn about the trees up close. Location: 7511 Foothill Road, Ventura.

Other events will be announced as they are scheduled. Guests are encouraged to RSVP for OAKtober events at Space is limited. Find more OAKtober resources at

The mission of Ventura Land Trust is to permanently protect the land, water, wildlife and scenic beauty of the Ventura region for current and future generations. Founded in 2003, Ventura Land Trust believes that preserving open space and providing public access enhances the economy, quality of life, and public well-being of Ventura and surrounding communities.

The organization currently owns and manages land along the Ventura River and in the Ventura hillsides, including the 2,100-acre Harmon Canyon Preserve, opened in June 2020. Harmon Canyon Preserve is Ventura’s first large-scale nature preserve. All preserves are open to the public daily from dawn to dusk for free. Ventura Land Trust received accreditation by the Land Trust Alliance in 2019. Learn more and become a member at

Vol. 15, No. 01 – Oct 6 – Oct 19, 2021 – Ventura Music Scene

by Pam Baumgardner

Randy Parsons has left the building? Randy packed up the prime space he had occupied upstairs since 2014 overlooking Main and Chestnut for Parsons Guitars (past clients include Jimmy Page, Jack White, Sammy Hagar and others), it was where he created state-of-the-art, one-of-a-kind guitars, and where he provided luthier workshops for those who wanted to learn how to build their own guitar which included students such as Ventura’s own Gary Best.

I asked Randy for any final words and he told me, “I really loved Ventura, it’s a special place, the people are all pretty damn cool, although I’m still convinced the whole city is some type of witness protection program.”

I thought about it, and I can’t disagree. Though totally talented and incredibly nice, I always admired his love for cats; there’s just something about a man who adores the feline species. Randy and wife have landed in Kansas where they bought a castle looking church moving on to their next adventure.

And speaking of next adventures, Colin Bailey has also left the building, he passed away peacefully at his home in Port Hueneme at age 87. I met Colin when I saw him first perform at Squashed Grapes in 2015 with the Frank Potenza Trio. Adam and Josh from the Grape told me to look up Colin’s background which I did and I was just floored. This man had not only worked with Frank Sinatra, Benny Goodman, Joe Pass and dozens more, he not only recorded on more than 100 jazz albums, he not only continued to give drum workshops including those at Pulse Drumming here in Ventura, but he was the drummer on the Charlie Brown Christmas special, a cartoon special that will always take me back to my childhood!

For some reason, there are so many special events falling on the same day, Saturday, October 9; I’ve listed them here along with websites to find out more:

1. Topa Mountain Music 2021 Benefit Concert headlining is The White Buffalo with sets from Lee Koch Band, Bryan Titus Trio, Will Breman Band and more at the Libbey Bowl. Go to for more information and tickets.

2. Surf ‘n’ Suds at San Buenaventura State Beach, where it’s more about the beer than music, but it’s always a good time. Performing will be Jacob Marquez and the Good Vibes, Mestizo and DJ Hecktik. For tickets go to

3. SteckleStock 2021 at Steckle Park in Santa Paula features a full day of live music from Premonition, Sisterook, Charles Law Band, No Biggee, Tommy Foytek Band and Whiskey Business. You can find more on this via Facebook on Premonition’s page.

4. Surfers Point Live has a full day of Reggae, 2 – 10 pm at the Ventura Fairgrounds featuring Sublime with Rome, the Dirty Heads, Rey Fresco, Local Love Project and Hirie. Find out more at

Quick Notes: Congratulations to Suzanne & Ian McFayden (50 Sticks of Dynamite, Duncan and the Dragonslayers) for tying the knot; tickets are on sale for the Ventura Winter Wine Walk for December 11 sometimes called the event of the season if not the year for downtown Ventura (; Cadillac Zack presents the Delgado Brothers at Cantara Cellars on Friday, October 8 and the legendary band Canned Heat plays Thursday, October 14 (call Zack at 323-377-5291 for tickets); Ojai Pops Orchestra has a free show at the Libbey Bowl on Sunday, October 10; Ventura Theater shows include Social Distortion October 6, Pennywise with Dead Kennedys on October 7, Pennywise with Strung Out of October 8, and Elefante, Inspector on October 15; Queen Nation plays a free show at the Collection at Riverpark in Oxnard on Wednesday, October 13 at 6:30 pm; and Phil Salazar & the Kin Folk play the Ojai Underground Exchange on Friday, October 15. is undergoing changes. I’ve invested in a new calendar app which doesn’t seem to be saving me much time, but I can load items way in advance which should help in the long run. The look and feel is evolving and for the time being, I’m covering all of Ventura County.

Do you have any music-related news or upcoming shows you want help publicizing? Please send all information short or long to [email protected], and for updated music listings daily, go to

Focus on the Masters Arts Archive & Library receives California Arts Council Grants!

Donna Granata interviewing Porfirio Gutierrez for his oral history which is preserved in the archives.

Focus on the Masters (FOTM) is thrilled to announce that California Arts Council is supporting our work through two separate grants: their Impact Projects Award and Arts & Cultural Organizations General Operating Relief.

FOTM’s Impact Projects Award partners Learning to See Outreach with Diversity Collective, Ocean View School District and Black Lives Matter to facilitate the design and exhibition of large-scale art installations that celebrate diversity and unity. As with all our Learning to See (LTS) endeavors, this program stems from the inspiration of the artwork and life stories of FOTM documented artists from our community. Four artists, who identify with the community participants, will lead the creative processes, providing present day role models who have exceled in pursuit of their passions.

The Arts & Cultural Organizations General Operating Relief will assist with FOTM’s Arts Archive & Library’s general support systems such as computers, software, and the preservation of our unique collection of primary source material. The archive is the foundation of the organization and requires ongoing care and preservation regardless of the pandemic.

FOTM’s public programing was suspended during the pandemic and adapted to on-line programing wherever possible. This greatly reduced earned and contributed income from monthly events, in-school classes/tuition, annual fundraising gala, and smaller fundraising activity normally held throughout the year. With the limited resources available, FOTM prioritized its LTS outreach to assist the schools with the challenges of a virtual classroom.

FOTM is a non-profit, 501(c)(3), art appreciation program that documents, preserves, and presents the works and lives of accomplished contemporary artists.

Lenny and Susan LaCroix Trio

On Saturday, October 2, the Lenny and Susan LaCroix Trio entertained visitors to the Ventura Harbor playing by the carousel building. Susan is the President of the Channel Cities Jazz Club that presents monthly concerts at The House of Dance, 3007 Bunsen Ave.

The next concert will be on Sunday, October 17th, from 1-4 pm, featuring The Barrelhouse Wailers.

Vol. 15, No. 01 – Oct 6 – Oct 19, 2021 – Music Calendar

For more up-to-the-date listings go to

2215 Michael Dr., Newbury Park
Tuesdays: Rockstar Karaoke
Sat 10/9: Mini Driver Band
Sat 10/16: The Replay

Boatyard Pub
Ventura Harbor
Thursdays: Jim Friery; then Bluegrass Jam
Sat 10/16: Teresa Russell & Stephen Geyer

Bombay Bar & Grill
143 S. California St., Ventura
DJs Friday – Sunday

Café Fiore
66 S. California St., Ventura
Wed 10/6: Bryan McCann
Fri 10/8: Self Righteous Brothers
Sun 10/10: Free Love Project
Wed 10/13: Edgar Thatcher Duo
Fri 10/15: Otis Hayes

Cantara Cellars
126 N. Wood Rd., Camarillo
Fri 10/18: Delgado Brothers
Sat 10/9: Ray Jarique & the Uptown Brothers
Thurs 10/14: Canned Heat

The Cave
4435 McGrath St., Ventura
Music 5:30 – 8:30
Thursdays: Bobby Apostol
Fridays & Saturdays: Warren Takahashi

The Collection at Riverpark
2751 Park View Court, Oxnard
Wed 10/13: Queen Nation (6:30 pm)

Copa Cubana
Ventura Harbor Village
Tuesdays: McWorter, Berghoff & Jones (7 pm)
Sat 10/9: Teresa Russell

Downtown Ventura
California & Main Stage
Wednesdays: Warren Takahashi (5:30 pm)
Fri 10/8: Christy P. Klotz (6 pm)
Sat 10/9: Michelle Meadow Love (11 am); Sepiatone & Peter Boles (5:30 pm)
Sat 10/16: Simi Rat Pack (11 am); VCMA 5:30 pm

Four Brix
2290 Eastman, Ventura
Music 6-8 pm on Fridays, Sat & Sun 1 – 3:30 pm
Sun 10/10: On Tap
Fri 10/15: Caught Red Handed

The Garage
1091 Scandia Ave., Ventura
Wednesdays: Blue Wednesday Blues Jam

Grapes and Hops with a Twist
454 E Main St., Ventura
Music 8 pm unless other noted
Thursdays: LA Jazz Experience (7 pm)
Fri 10/8: Tex Pistols
Sat 10/9: Salty Suites
Sun 10/10: Danny McGaw (2 pm)
Fri 10/15: Shawn Jones
Sat 10/16: Blue Motel Room (2 pm); Dive Bar Messiahs
Sun 10/17: Dave Parsonage (2 pm)

Keynote Lounge
10245 E Telephone Rd, Ventura
Fri 10/8: Pull the Trigger
Fri 10/15: Reign
Sat 10/16: Vinyl Gypsies

Leashless Brewing
585 E. Thompson Blvd, Ventura
Music 6:30 pm except Sundays at 3 pm
Thurs 10/7: Singular Nature
Fri 10/8: Illunis
Sat 10/9: Like the Morning
Sun 10/10: Ryan Dietz
Fri 10/15: TC King

Libbey Bowl
210 Signal St., Ojai
Sat 10/9: Topa Mountain Music Fest headlining The White Buffalo
Sun 10/19: Ojai Pops Orchestra

Lookout & Grill
2800 S. Harbor Blvd., Oxnard
Wednesdays: Tommy Foytek’s Variety Show

Lucas Sellers Wine
330 Zachary Street, Moorpark
Sat 10/16: Katie Shorey (2 pm); Hannah Rose (6 pm)

Majestic Ventura Theater
26 S. Chestnut St., Ventura
Wed 10/6: Social Distortion
Thurs 10/7: Pennywise, Dead Kennedys
Fri 10/8: Pennywise, Strung Out
Fri 10/15: Elefante, Inspector

Margarita Villa
Ventura Harbor Village
Music Mon -Thurs 6-9, Fri & Sat 7-10; Sundays 5-8
Fri 10/8: Colette Lovejoy Band
Sat 10/9: Champagne Sunday
Sun 10/10: CRV
Fri 10/15: Whiskey Business
Sat 10/16: Corsican Brothers
Sun 10/17: Doc Rogers Band

Mrs. Olson’s
2800 Harbor Blvd., Channel Islands Harbor
Sun 10/10: Teresa Russell & Stephen Geyer (Noon)

47 S. Oak St., Ventura
Sat 10/16: The Honey Whiskey Trio

Ocean Pavilion Performing Arts Theater
575 E. Surfside Drive, Port Hueneme
Fri 10/8: Uptown Funk

Ojai Underground Exchange
616 Pearl St., Ojai
Fri 10/15: Phil Salazar & the Kin Folk

Oxnard Performing Arts Center
Canyon at Oxnard PACC
Sundays: The House Arrest Band (1-4 pm)
Fri 10/8: Sly slick & Wicked, Aalon, Miriah Avilah

Periano’s on the Terrazzo
204 E. Main Street
Music 5 – 8:30 pm
Fri 10/8: Gator Souffle
Sat 10/9: Toni Jannotta Jazz Trio

Prime Restaurant
2209 E. Thompson Blvd., Ventura
Tuesdays: Danny D

The Raven Tavern
1651 S. Victoria Ave., Oxnard
Music at 8 – 11 pm
Fri 10/8: Brittney Burchett
Sat 10/9: HE
Fri 10/15: Jetlemons
Sat 10/16: All Access

2390 Las Posas Rd., Camarillo
Music at 5:30 pm
Fri 10/8: Daniela Cardillo
Sat 10/9: Nate Latta
Fri 10/15: Leeann Skoda
Sat 10/16: Gianna Bella

Ric’s Restaurant
2500 Las Posas Road, Camarillo
Tuesdays: Tour Support with Kurt Griffey & Bob DeLellis
Sun 10/17: Teresa Russell (2:30 pm)

The Shores
1031 Harbor Blvd., Oxnard
Fri 10/8: Karen Eden & the Bad Apples (7 pm)

The Six Chow House
419 E. Main St., Ventura
Thurs 10/7: Shawn Jones (8:30 pm)

Surf ‘n’ Suds
San Buenaventura State Beach
Sat 10/9: Jacob Marquez and the Good Vibes

Star Lounge
343 E. Main Street, Ventura
Sat 10/9: Reign

Steckel Park, Santa Paula
Sat 10/10: Sisterook, No Biggie, Tommy Foytek Band, Charles Law Band, Black Dragon, Whiskey Business

Surfers Point Live
Ventura Fairgrounds Parking Lot
10 W. Harbor Blvd
Sat 10/9: Sublime w/ Rome, dirty Heads, Rey Fresco, Free Love Project

Topa Mountain Winery
821 W. Ojai Ave., Ojai
Sun 10/10: the Salty Suites (Noon)

Vaquero y Mar
435 E. Thompson Blvd., Ventura
Thursdays: Delta by the Beach (5 pm)
Sundays: 805AllStarz (1 pm)

The Vine
308 E. Ojai Ave., Ojai
Sundays: Fire on the Mountain (2 pm)
Sat 10/16: Smitty and Julija and Friends (7 pm)

3500 S. Channel Island Blvd., Oxnard
Wed 9/22: Teresa Russell

632 E. Main St., Ventura
Music Thurs 5:30; Fri 7 pm; Sun 3 pm
Thurs 10/7: Preston Smith
Fri 10/8: James Broz Band
Sun 10/10: The Tossers
Thurs 10/14: Will Breman
Fri 10/15: Jon Gindick Trio
Sun 10/17: Karen Eden & the Bad Apples

1901 Speakeasy
740 South B Street, Oxnard
Music 6:30 – 9:30 pm
Fri 10/8: Jen Staves & Bill Macpherson
Sat 10/9: The Swillys