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Vol. 16, No. 02 – Oct 19 – Nov 1, 2022 – The Pet Page

Search Dog Foundation (SDF) -When Hurricane Ian made landfall in Florida on September 28, it did so as a Category 4 with 150 mph winds.

Even viewing a model, it’s easy to imagine how entire towns can be wiped out and residents trapped under debris, a sobering reminder of the importance of our mission. Over the years, our SDF teams have deployed to Ian and hundreds of other disasters to ensure no one is left behind.

Three SDF teams were among hurricane Ian response.

With your support, we continue to keep our teams and the next generation of first responders prepared and ready to act when communities need them.

We had three teams deploy in response to Hurricane Ian: Karen Meadows & Jax and Shawn Hall & Manion of Virginia Task Force 2, and Ed Ruiz & Harper of California Task Force 2. Notably, all three teams are relatively new to the roster, partnered in the last eighteen months.

New does not mean green, though. Even after the leashes of search dogs are handed off to their first responder partners, the teams have ongoing support and instruction from our dedicated canine training staff. These three teams had been training consistently for any disaster they might encounter and were well-prepared and ready to join their task forces when the call came.

After 15 days in Florida, all canine teams have demobilized from the Hurricane Ian incident and returned home. The many days of searching through homes ripped from their foundations, boats stranded inland, and streets unrecognizable with debris become a blur amid such widespread devastation. However, like the resilience and determination we look for in our search dogs, many human rescuers worked day in and day out until they completed their mission. We are incredibly proud of these teams and thankful for their sacrifice and their service.

We are celebrating National Make A Dog’s Day on October 22. We use this day to ensure that the dogs around us enjoy themselves as best as possible. This is a day to spread information about dogs’ importance in our lives and how much they can improve our days with love and loyalty. We also use this day to encourage people to adopt from shelters and provide a better life for at least one puppy. We mean the world for a dog, and it is time we ensure they get everything they deserve.

Is it safe for cats to drink milk?

By Charles Q. Choi

Cats are commonly shown lapping milk from saucers. But can they safely drink milk?

The popular image of cats drinking milk may have emerged during the 19th century, when cats and dogs became popular subjects for artists. As the Industrial Revolution progressed and more people migrated to cities, the number of cat and dog owners grew, and artists were increasingly called on to paint charming works of pets. As such, French artist Alfred-Arthur Brunel de Neuville often drew cats drinking from bowls of milk, and his work proved very popular during his lifetime, according to Rehs Galleries in New York City.

However, giving milk to adult cats might actually do more harm than good to them, according to Britain’s leading veterinary charity, the People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals. Cats often lose their tolerance for lactose, the sugar found in milk, when they get older, just as most humans do.

“For most cats, the ability to digest lactose declines after weaning,” Nathalie Dowgray, head of the International Society of Feline Medicine in the United Kingdom, told Live Science. “As a result, milk can cause digestive issues in cats and lead to symptoms such as diarrhea or vomiting.”

Some cats may keep the ability to digest lactose into adulthood, just as some people do, Dowgray noted. Still, “there are no additional nutritional benefits to giving your cat cow’s milk if they are fed a high-quality complete and balanced cat food,” she said.

In addition, cow’s milk is full of fat. A saucer of milk for a cat “is like you eating an entire 12-inch pizza,” the People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals noted. As such, cow’s milk can lead a cat to become overweight, Dowgray said.

Cats may still crave milk despite the problems it causes because they may connect it with positive memories from their time as kittens, according to Hastings Veterinary Hospital Burnaby, British Columbia. They may also simply like the taste of the fat in it, the People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals noted.

Nearly one in three pet dogs suffer from these ADHD-like repetitive behaviors — and researchers now suspect that an animal’s home life could be the cause.

A study involving thousands of Finnish pet dogs found that certain factors make a canine more likely to develop repetitive behaviors, including:

  • Belonging to a first-time dog owner.
  • Living in a larger family.
  • Being the only dog in a family.
  • Getting little exercise.

These repetitive behaviors can range from the annoying to the actively harmful.

Dogs can injure themselves by licking or chewing a paw, or break a tooth lunging at a glimmer of light on a wall, said Erica Feuerbacher, an associate professor who studies domestic dog behavior at the Virginia Tech College of Agriculture and Life Sciences in Blacksburg, Va.

Feuerbacher herself ran into such trouble while transporting a rescue Belgian Malinois, because she didn’t know that the dog was a “light chaser.”

“We had just had her loose in the back of my car, kind of tethered but not in a crate,” Feuerbacher recalled. “And my phone flashed, caught a light, and she leapt into the driver’s seat — while I was driving! I had a mesh barrier up between the front seats and the back of the car, but she launched herself over it!”

She added: “Luckily my husband was able to catch her and restrain her. We pulled over right after that and he sat in the back with her the rest of the way” to keep her settled, so those lights didn’t cause an accident.

For the study, Sulkama and her colleagues gathered questionnaire data on almost 4,500 Finnish pet dogs and their owners.

About 30% of the dogs in the study engaged in repetitive behaviors, the researchers found, and the likelihood of these behaviors was associated with a dog’s home and lifestyle.

For example, dogs that are their owner’s first canine companion are 58% more likely to develop repetitive behaviors than ones that belong to veteran dog owners, results show.

Aera Energy celebrates its 25th anniversary by helping others

NAMI received a $10,000 grant.

Two organizations that empower, educate, support wellness, and change lives in Ventura County are getting a boost from Aera Energy as the company celebrates its 25th anniversary. 

Aera employees are sharing their excitement by providing much needed resources to the communities where they live and work. Aera’s employee-resource groups (ERGs) selected ten nonprofit organizations to receive a total of $100,000 in grants to support programs aligned with Aera’s values and those of the ERG. The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)-Ventura County and the STEMbassadors, Inc. IDEA Center on Ventura Avenue each received a $10,000 grant to help amplify the work they do for Ventura families. 

Dozens of teens will use the new IDEA Center with the help of the grant from Aera’s Interfaith ERG. Local middle and high school students exploring STEM can use the latest lasers, computer-controlled cutting machines, and 3D printers – to bring their own creations to life at this student-run center. They can manufacture and sell the products they create at local stores, which is something they can’t do through school programs. Some teens have gone on to start their own for-profit businesses. 

The grant covers monthly membership fees for teens from middle and high schools including De Anza Academy of Technology and the Arts, Ventra and El Camino high schools. It’s about giving teens options that can make lasting impacts on their futures, said Alex Wulff, president of STEMbassadors, Inc., who oversees the IDEA Center. 

Aera’s Diverse Ability and Wellbeing Network (DAWN) selected the NAMI Ventura County’s Family-to-Family Program, designed to foster learning, healing and empowerment among individuals supporting loved ones with serious mental illness. 

The DAWN ERG is focused on normalizing discussions around mental and physical disabilities so that we can help each other navigate resources, build trust, and exercise compassion,” said John Bohan, Aera production engineer, and chair of DAWN. “We feel passionate about supporting NAMI Ventura’s Family-to-Family program because it supports people who care for a loved one with a mental illness and empowers caregivers to make meaningful differences in the lives of those they love.” 

NAMI Ventura County has been providing its services at no cost to families for 41 years. “Our mission is to educate, support and advocate for families and individuals who often can’t speak for themselves,” said Roberta Griego, executive director of NAMI Ventura County. “Thank you Aera, for your support in helping make our work possible.”

Vol. 16, No. 02 – Oct 19 – Nov 1, 2022 – Movie Review

Streaming Spotlight by Cindy Summers
Top Gun: Maverick – Amazon Rentals & Theaters

4 out of 4 palm trees

When the U.S. Government discovered there was an unsanctioned nuclear enrichment facility that could supply the needed materials to build nuclear weapons, the decision was made that the facility would have to be destroyed. Unfortunately, it was at the end of a narrow, well-guarded canyon in the crevasse of two large mountains making it almost inaccessible even by air strikes. A plan was formulated to get the Navy to solicit the skills of their top twelve Top Gun pilots to train a team to take out the facility, though most had never seen any combat flying.

When considering who would train the best for this impossible mission, one of the Navy’s top aviators, Pete “Maverick” Mitchell (Tom Cruise) was called to action by his Top Gun rival, Admiral Tom “Iceman” Kazansky (Val Kilmer), who had become commander of the U.S. Pacific Fleet, while Maverick rose only to Captain in the ranks over the past 30 years, spending his time testing Next-Gen jets pushing them past supersonic to the Mach 10 threshold.

Maverick didn’t consider himself a trainer and was also concerned that one of the twelve pilots selected to train for the mission was Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw (Miles Teller), son of Maverick’s late best friend and RIO Nick “Goose” Bradshaw. Rooster resented Maverick for pulling his papers and setting him back four year in the pilot program, but unbeknownst to him Maverick promised Rooster’s mother before she died that Rooster would not become a pilot like his father.

The mission was a direct assignment from Iceman, who knew though Maverick had a harsh exterior that he was the best pilot and candidate for the job. Maverick wanted to decline, but heeded his dear friend’s words and set off to head up the mission and deal with the loss of Goose and having Rooster on the team. Maverick’s true wish was to honor his best friend and be the father Rooster never had, but Rooster blamed him for his father’s death.

Maverick felt that if he put Rooster on the team he may lose his life and if he didn’t Rooster would never forgive him. Maverick was reluctant to further interfere with Rooster’s career, but Iceman advised him that “It’s time to let go” and reassured him that both the Navy and Rooster needed Maverick. Unfortunately Iceman died shortly after of throat cancer and was no longer there to help Maverick navigate the intricacies of diplomacy.

The other pilots also didn’t respect Maverick, though quickly changed their views after every one of them lost to Maverick in basic dogfight training in their F-18s. After numerous VR training flights, Maverick chose Lieutenant Natasha “Phoenix” Trace and WSO Lieutenant Robert “Bob” Floyd. to lead the second strike pair, including Lieutenant Reuben “Payback” Fitch and WSO Lieutenant Mickey “Fanboy” Garcia and chose Rooster as his wingman. The four jets launched from an aircraft carrier as Tomahawk cruise missiles were launched from the USS Leyte Gulf to destroy the nearby air base as they approached.

As they said throughout the movie, the success of the mission ultimately “comes down to the pilot in the box” regardless of the considered odds against them, and “Top Gun: Maverick” shares a compassionate putting aside of the past between Maverick and Iceman (Val Kilmer), who actually suffers from the health condition he portrayed in the movie.

Rated: PG-13
Runtime: 2h 11m

Community Memorial Hospital Earns “Blue Distinction® Center+” recognition for expertise and quality in spine surgery

The national Blue Cross Blue Shield Association has selected Community Memorial Hospital in Ventura as a Blue Distinction Center+ for Spine Surgery, as part of the Blue Distinction Specialty Care program. Blue Distinction Centers® are nationally designated healthcare facilities that show a commitment to delivering high-quality patient safety and better health outcomes, based on objective measures developed with input from the medical community and leading accreditation and quality organizations.

 We are excited to announce that we have received the Blue Distinction Center+ recognition for our exceptional spine surgery program at Community Memorial Hospital,” said Community Memorial Health System Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, Adam Thunell. “Meeting the rigorous criteria for this designation is a true collaboration amongst our surgeons, clinical leaders, and staff, and we are proud to offer such a high level of spine care right here in our community.”

According to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, spinal surgeries are among the most common and expensive elective surgeries in the United States. Facilities like Community Memorial Hospital that are designated as Blue Distinction Centers® for Spine Surgery demonstrate expertise in cervical and lumbar fusion, cervical laminectomy and lumbar laminectomy/discectomy procedures, resulting in fewer patient complications and readmissions compared to other facilities. Designated facilities include hospitals and surgery centers and they must maintain national accreditation. In addition to meeting these quality thresholds, facilities designated as Blue Distinction Centers+ are, on average, 20% more cost-efficient for an episode of care compared to other facilities. 

The Blue Distinction Specialty Care program has helped patients find quality care in the areas of bariatric surgery, cancer care, cardiac care, cellular immunotherapy, fertility care, gene therapy, knee and hip replacements, maternity care, spine surgery, substance use treatment and recovery, and transplants. Research for many of these programs shows that those designated as Blue Distinction Centers demonstrate higher quality and improved outcomes for patients. Community Memorial Hospital is also a Blue Distinction Center for Maternity Care.

For more information about the program, visit

Vol. 16, No. 02 – Oct 19 – Nov 1, 2022 – Ojai News & Events

A new exhibition, Ojai Day Mandalas, opens at the Ojai Valley Museum. The pop-up exhibit will only be on view for four weeks. It runs through November 6.

The annual Ojai Day Mandala is a long-time tradition. Started by local artist River Sauvageau, she continues to lead a small group of women who plan the design and lead the community painting. The exhibition explores making the yearly Mandala through drawings, photographs, and videos provided by the self-titled Mandala Mavens.

In addition to Ojai Day Mandalas, small exhibitions on a range of topics related to the history of the valley, and a diorama of the Sespe Wilderness, are always on view at the museum.

The Ojai Film Festival spotlights filmmaking in the Ojai Valley, and surrounding areas, with the Gold Coast series which ties up the four days of in-person screenings on Monday, November 7. This year’s Bill Paxton Award goes to Travis Greer, whose narrative feature “Time Capsule” will screen that evening at 7 p.m.

Honorees, including Greer, will receive their awards at a brunch on Sunday morning, November 6, in the Ojai Art Center courtyard. Gold Coast screenings happen at 1 p.m., 4 p.m., and 7 p.m. on Monday, November 7, also at the Ojai Art Center.

The Ojai City Council declined to deal with the decision to allow up to three cannabis lounges in the city. Council members decided to hold off on the item until a new City Council is installed in January.

A cannabis lounge allows cannabis smoking, vaping or consumption of edibles on-site. Port Hueneme is expected to open the first cannabis lounge in Ventura County this fall.

Vol. 16, No. 02 – Oct 19 – Nov 1, 2022 – Music Calendar

For more listings, additional times and genres go to

Aqua Beachfront Bar
Crowne Plaza Hotel, Ventura
Music at 7 pm
Thurs 10/20: Lion Heights
Sat 10/29: Halloween Party w/ Morie & the Heavy Hitters

Boatyard Pub
1583 Spinnaker Dr., Ventura
Wednesdays: Frank Barajas
Thursdays: Jim Friery; Bluegrass Jam
Fri 10/21: Teresa Russell & Stephen Geyer
Sat 10/22: Guy and Dave
Tues 10/25: Troy Edwards
Fri 10/28: Epitome of Dreams
Sat 10/29: Frank Barajas

Cantara Cellars
126 N. Wood Rd., Camarillo
Fri 10/21: Slogan Acoustic
Sat 10/22: Caught Red-Handed
Fri 10/28: Johnny and the Love Handles
Sat 10/29: The Brandon Ragan Project

The Cave
4435 McGrath St., Ventura
Wed & Thurs: Bobby Apostol
Fri & Sat: Warren Takahashi

Copa Cubana
Ventura Harbor Village
Tuesdays: Blues Tuesdays
Thursdays: Glenn Bennet

The Collection
2751 Park View Court, Oxnard
Rock the Collection
Wed 10/19: Bruno and the Hooligans

Copper Blues
The Collection, Oxnard
Fri 10/21: Zeppheads
Sat 10/22: NDR CVR
Fri 10/28: Blue Moon Boys
Sat 10/29: No Idea Band

Four Brix Winery
2290 Eastman Ave., Ventura
Sun 10/23: Mark Masson solo
Fri 10/28: On Tap
Sun 10/30: Moxy Raven

Gigi’s Cocktails
2493 Grand Ave., Ventura
Sat 10/22: Rat Boy, False Confession, Latch-key Kids

The Grape
2833 E. Main St., Ventura
Tuesdays Jazz Jam
Thurs 10/20: Tom Etchart & Friends
Fri 10/21: Fred Kaplan (5pm)
Sat 10/22: Fausto Cuevas y la Moderna (2 pm); Thom Rotella Quartet (8 pm)
Wed 10/26: Gregg Karukas
Thurs 10/27: Tom Etchart & Friends (5 pm); Coleen & Co. (7 pm)
Fri 10/28: Fred Kaplan (5 pm); Ed Smith & Loloraccie (8 pm)
Sat 10/29: Barrelhouse Wailers (5 pm); Big Bad Voodoo Daddy and their Big Bad Band (sold out)

Harbor Cove Café
1867 Spinnaker Dr., Ventura
Saturdays: The Cook Hand Ukes

Keynote Lounge
10245 E Telephone Rd, Ventura
Thursdays: Open Mic
Sat 10/22: Pull the Trigger
Fri 10/28: Halloween Party w/ Vinyl Gypsies

Leashless Brewing
585 E. Thompson Blvd., Ventura
Fri 10/21: Evan Joffred
Sat 10/22: Vinny Berry
Sun 10/23: Jayden Secor
Fri 10/28: Jacob Marquez & the Good Vibes
Sat 10/29: Halloween Party w/ Shaky Feelin’
Sun 10/30: Kavika G

Libbey Bowl
210 Signal St., Ojai
Sun 10/23: Ojai Pops Orchestra (3:30 pm)

Majestic Ventura Theater
26 S. Chestnut St., Ventura
Fri 10/21: Alkaline Trio, Slaughterhouse
Wed 10/26: Thursday
Sat 10/29: Black Flag, Total Chaos, iDecline

5800 Santa Rosa Road, Camarillo
Wed 10/19: Richard Weiss
Fri 10/21: Tour Support
Sat 10/22: Jeanne Tatum Trio
Wed 10/26: Robert Van
Fri 10/28: Mark and Jim Duo
Sat 10/29: Pam and Hollywood

Margarita Villa
Ventura Harbor
Fri & Sat 7-10 pm; Sun 5-8 pm
Fri 10/21: Tossers
Sat 10/22: Big Adventure
Sun 10/23: Operation 90s
Fri 10/28: Colette Lovejoy Band
Sat 10/29: Cinnamon Whiskey
Sun 10/30: CRV

Mrs. Olson’s
2800 Harbor Blvd., Oxnard
Sat 10/22: The Bomb
Sun 10/23: Teresa Russell

Namba Arts
47 S. Oak Street, Ventura
Fri 10/21: Bryan Bielanski
Fri 10/28: Listening Room Redux
Sat 10/29: Halloween Party w/ Nick & the Old Souls

Ojai Underground
616 Pearl Street, Ojai
Fri 10/21: Expandards

Ojai Valley Brewing
307 Bryant Street, Ojai
Wed 10/19: Artists Brew
Thurs 10/20: Singer Songwriter Series
Fri 10/21: Van Allen Twins
Sat 10/22: Top Shelf Brass Band
Sat 10/29: Buena Onda

The Raven Tavern
1651 S. Victoria Ave., Oxnard
Fri 10/21: Hogers Heroes
Sat 10/22: Free Love Project
Sun 10/23: Brittney & Ben
Fri 10/28: Jayden Secor
Sat 10/29: Halloween Party w/ Vinyl Gypsies
Sun 10/30: Teresa Russell

Salsa Music Festival
Freedom Park, Camarillo
Sat 10/22: Chino Espinoza y los Duenos del Son of Los Angeles, Humberto Barajas

San Souci
21 S. Chestnut St., Ventura
Fri 10/21: The Pitts, Wormwood, Alkaline Trio
Sat 10/29: Voght Kampff, Buffalo Trance, The Ooo Wee Ooos

The Shores
1031 Harbor Blvd., Oxnard
Sat 10/22: No Biggie

Strey Cellars
951 Rice Ave., Oxnard
Fri 10/21: Barrelhouse Wailers
Sun 10/23: Bar Fly Band
Sat 10/29: Halloween Party w/ the 805 Social Club

The Twist on Main
454 E. Main St., Ventura
Wednesdays: Americana Night
Thursdays: LA Jazz Connection
Fri 10/21: The Jetlemons
Sat 10/22: Bella Lucarelli (2 pm); Dive Bar Messiahs (8 pm)
Sun 10/23: Subs (12:30 pm); Austin Vallejo (5 pm)
Fri 10/28: Breaking Bored
Sat 10/29: Dive Bar Steve (2 pm); Halloween Party w/ Dave Rea and Acoustic DNA (8 pm)
Sun 10/30: Bob Bishop Band (12:30 pm); George & Michael (5 pm)

Vaquero y Mar
435 E. Thompson Blvd., Ventura
Sundays: Mariachi
Tuesdays: The Sea Hunter
Wednedays: Tribal Me

Ventura Music Hall
1888 E. Thompson Blvd., Ventura
Wed 10/19: Atmosphere
Fri 10/21: Sueco
Sat 10/22: Knuckle Puck
Sun 10/23: Rexx Life Raj
Wed 10/26: Ginger Root
Thurs 10/27: The Aquadolls, Sitting on Stacy, Strange Case
Sat 10/29: Red Not Chili Peppers
Tues 11/1: La Santa Cecilia

The Vine
308 E. Ojai Ave., Ojai
Saturdays: Smitty and Julia and Friends
Sundays: Austin Vallejo

632 E. Main St., Ventura
Music Thurs 5:30; Fri 7 pm; Sat 2 pm; Sun 3 pm
Thurs 10/20: Doc Rogers duo
Fri 10/21: Brittney & Ben
Sat 10/22: Mack & D
Sun 10/23: Ray Jaurique Trio
Thurs 10/27: Big Adventure
Fri 10/28: Blown Over
Sat 10/29: LA Jazz Connectin w/ Davey Miller
Sun 10/30: Sin Chonies
Tues 11/1: Open Mic w/ Jenna Rose

Venturan Alan Hammerand was a multi-winner

Gary Whiddon and Alan Hammerand , table tennis winners.

Several local senior table tennis players recently traveled to Henderson, Nevada (Nevada Senior Games) and St. George, Utah (Huntsman World Senior Games) to compete in table tennis tournaments. The Huntsman World Senior Games is the largest multi-sport senior athletic competition in the world. Over 10,000 senior athletes compete in over 30 sports.  

At the Nevada Senior Games in Men’s Doubles Alan Hammerand (Ventura) and Gary Whiddon (Thousand Oaks) won the Bronze Medal 

In Random Draw Doubles Alan Hammerand and Stu Sinykin (Minnesota) won the Gold Medal

At the  Huntsman World Senior Games in Men’s Random Draw Doubles Alan Hammerand and Dan Morgan won the Gold Medal

Vol. 16, No. 02 – Oct 19 – Nov 1, 2022 – Ventura Music Scene

by Pam Baumgardner

I’m loving fall so far with all the unpredictable weather changes; it’s safe to say go out wearing layers, and trust me when I say, you’ll certainly want to be able to strip off several layers once you warm up while dancing at the Salsa Music Fest on Saturday, October 22 at Freedom Park in Camarillo. This one runs from 11 am – 6 pm with food and craft vendors, with dancing like there’s no tomorrow to Chino Espinoza y Los Duenos Del Son! And in case you’re a little rusty on your salsa skills, or have never attempted this fabulous dance, there will be beginner’s salsa lessons at 11:30 along with an advanced lesson featuring star guest, Hector Sanchez. There’s a lot more going on, so be sure to get the details and secure your tickets at

Ventura Music Festival is already busy with next year’s lineup for next summer, but meanwhile, they’re be partnering with Sterling Venue Ventures to bring Mnozil Brass, an Austrian band known as the “Monty Python” of the music world to town. The band’s brand of slapstick comedy promises a fun evening you won’t soon forget when they play the Oxnard Performing Arts Center on March 2, 2023. Find out more about their early bird special at

The next free Ojai Pops Concert Series show will be Sunday, October 23, with vocalists Miriam Dance and Sophie Holt featuring the music of Leonard Bernstein, John Williams, selections from Dreamgirls and Aretha Franklin. Concert starts at 3:30 pm. The next and final show will be on November 6th featuring Larktown & Friends with Lark Cobb and Todd Temanson. And just a reminder that while these shows are free, donations are greatly appreciated.

The Merry Wives of Windsor will perform during the Ojai Storytelling Festival which runs October 27 – 30. The ten-piece all-female folk band blending elements of folk from the British Isles and the Americas will perform during the kickoff celebration on Thursday, October 27 at Libbey Bowl. Find out more about all the performances, dates, locations and tickets at

The Judy Collins and Sophie B. Hawkins concert at Libbey Bowl was cancelled due to Judy breaking an arm. The Libbey Bowl website posted that a full recovery is expected and Ms. Collins looks forward to performing at the Libbey Bowl on June 3, 2023. Original tickets will be honored.

Now to the really fun stuff involving a few Halloween parties.

There are a couple of “early-bird events this year including the one at the Oceanview Pavilion in Port Hueneme where they’re hosting a “Thriller Bash” with Green Jellÿ (pronounced jello) and Sik Sik Siks performing on Saturday, October 22 with a ton of prizes for best costumes. Tickets are available on Eventbrite with this one open to 18 and over.

On the same night, it’s Angie & the Nightmares along with Duncan & the Dragonslayers for one of the Garage’s Halloween parties on Saturday, October 22. This one is free with costume prizes, but you need to be 21+ to attend.

And then the NextGen Rotary club is hosting Crawl-O-Ween on Sunday afternoon October, 23 with several venues participating downtown Ventura; Winchesters will provide live music from the Ray Jaurique Trio. Find out more and get your tickets (after lining up your designated driver) on Three non-profits will benefit: NextGen Rotary, Surfrider Foundation and Food Share. Costumes are encouraged as a contest with prizes will be awarded.

Otherwise, the weekend before Halloween (which falls on a Monday this year) will lead up to the big night:

Thursday, October 27

Coleen & Co. at The Grape

Friday, October 28

Vinyl Gypsies at the Keynote

The Grizwalds at Sunland Vintage Winery

Saturday, October 29

Shaky Feelin’ at Leashless Brewing

The 805 Social Club at Strey Cellers

Morie & the Heavy Hitters at Aqua Bar, Crowne Plaza

Nick & the Old Souls at Namba Performing Arts Center

Dave Rea & Acoustic DNA at The Twist on Main

Vinyl Gypsies at The Raven

Ganda at the Garage

Tasty Thieves at Azar’s

Dave Palmer & Friends at Deer Lodge

Sunday, October 30

Heart & Soul at Tony’s Pizzeria

Quick Notes: Bruno and the Hooligans (Bruno Mars tribute) play the Collection on Wednesday, October 19; the Expandards with Isaac Koren & Mikael Jorgensen featuring Mario Calire and Kevin McCormack play the Ojai Underground on Friday, October 21; Top Shelf Brass Band (NOLA style dirty dance music) play Ojai Valley Brewing on Saturday, October 22; and if you’re willing to travel to Simi Valley, Harley’s Rock & Roll Pizza’s Halloween party will have Hollywood Crue, Black Sabbatha and Metal Health on Saturday, October 29.

Do you have any music-related news or upcoming shows you want help publicizing? Please send all information short or long to [email protected], and for updated music listings daily, go to

Are you taking longer than before to learn new things?

“If I can just remember where I put my glasses!”

Many older adults worry about their memory and other thinking abilities. For example, they might be concerned about taking longer than before to learn new things, or they may sometimes forget to pay a bill. These changes are usually signs of mild forgetfulness — often a normal part of aging — not serious memory problems.

What’s the difference between normal, age-related forgetfulness and a serious memory problem? It’s normal to forget things once in a while as we age, but serious memory problems make it hard to do everyday things like driving, using the phone, and finding your way home.

Talk with your doctor to determine whether memory and other cognitive problems, such as the ability to clearly think and learn, are normal and what may be causing them.

Signs that it might be time to talk to a doctor include:
Asking the same questions over and over again
Getting lost in places a person knows well
Having trouble following recipes or directions
Becoming more confused about time, people, and places
Not taking care of oneself —eating poorly, not bathing, or behaving unsafely

People with some forgetfulness can use a variety of techniques that may help them stay healthy and deal with changes in their memory and mental skills. Here are some tips:

Learn a new skill.
Follow a daily routine.
Plan tasks, make to-do lists, and use memory tools such as calendars and notes.
Put your wallet or purse, keys, phone, and glasses in the same place each day.
Stay involved in activities that can help both the mind and body.
Volunteer in your community, at a school, or at your place of worship.*
Spend time with friends and family.*
Get enough sleep, generally seven to eight hours each night.
Exercise and eat well.
Prevent or control high blood pressure.
Don’t drink a lot of alcohol.
Get help if you feel depressed for weeks at a time.
Mild cognitive impairment

Some older adults have a condition called mild cognitive impairment, or MCI, meaning they have more memory or other thinking problems than other people their age. People with MCI can usually take care of themselves and do their normal activities. MCI may be an early sign of Alzheimer’s disease, but not everyone with MCI will develop Alzheimer’s.

Having more trouble coming up with desired words than other people of the same age
If you have MCI, visit your doctor every six to 12 months to track changes in memory and other thinking skills over time. There may be habits and behaviors you can change and activities you can do to help you maintain memory and thinking skills.

Dementia is not a normal part of aging. It includes the loss of cognitive functioning — thinking, remembering, learning, and reasoning — and behavioral abilities to the extent that it interferes with a person’s quality of life and activities. Memory loss, though common, is not the only sign of dementia. People with dementia may also have problems with language skills, visual perception, or paying attention. Some people have personality changes.