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Lost Fremont Matchlock gun

by Richard Senate

In the early weeks of January, 1847 California was a scene of battle. The US had sent west a well connected and ambitious military man to California and the west in hopes of concocting a rebellion among American Settlers in the Mexican Territory of Alta California. Col. John C. Fremont lead an “exploratory expedition” with Kit Carson as his guide. This attempt to steal California was unneeded when war was declared after the Battle of Palo Alta in Texas. But he came and gave birth to the so called California Republic (where we get the Bear Flag from).

California fell to the Americans but then went into rebellion focused on Los Angeles and government of General Flores (California Governor Pio Pico having fled with the treasury for Old Mexico) . Fremont formed the “California Battalion” of old Mountain Men and settlers and marched south to seize Los Angeles from forces still loyal to Mexico. They were being attacked from the south by troops from US held San Diego. General Flores, with help from Native America Tribes loyal to Mexico, had all the US forces under constant surveillance, and sent a small force to Ventura County to try to stop, or at least delay, Fremont. A ragtag company of militia were formed, mostly vaqueros armed with eleven foot long lances, and a motley collection of arms . They gathered at the Sanchez Adobe in Saticoy. Fremont slowly marched along the beach south from Santa Barbara after ‘capturing’ the town.

There was no opposition in what is today Ventura, and they seized the mission. They raised the US flag, spent the night in the Mission orchard and then marched down the beach to the Santa Clara River. There they turned inland following the river and in so doing passed by the Olivas Adobe, constructed six years before. Fremont didn’t mention the site in his report and may have missed it in the windy dust storm that hampered their travel.

Not far from the adobe, the Americans were opposed by the Mexican militia on horseback, arrayed for battle. A few insults were exchanged and a few shots that missed their targets. Fremont, fearing this was only part of a larger force waiting to fall on his flank. He stopped the advance as the Mexican Lancers galloped around, performing equestrian feats on horseback. Fremont had two cannons, and four hundred and fifty men. The Militia had only about sixty and few firearms. Having delayed Fremont for an hour, they wisely retired from the field. When Fremont advanced, he found an old matchlock musket dropped by the Mexicans. It was perhaps four hundred years old at the time and dated back to the time of Cortez and the Conquest of Mexico. He kept the piece as a relic. The skirmish, if you could call the bloodless exchange that, was perhaps the last military action in California in the Mexican-American War. I always wonder what happened to that ancient musket that Fremont picked up. Perhaps a historical search could be made to locate the piece?

Vol. 16, No. 14 – Apr 5 – Apr 18, 2023 – Mailbox

Hello Sheldon,

It’s good to see you writing op eds for the Ventura Breeze again.  I stopped reading the VB after you stopped writing for it, but now I am back.  I hope you continue as I greatly enjoy your informative and incisive writing.

Best regards,

Jim Sullivan
Ventura, CA

PS. I applaud your comments about Fox News.  It’s just astonishing to me that so many people can support them and Mr. Trump.

Jim : Thanks for your comments. Truthfully, I’m very concerned about the future of this country.

Our greatest weakness lies in giving up.
The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.
~ Thomas Edison

Vol. 16, No. 14 – Apr 5 – Apr 18, 2023 – Movie Review

Streaming Spotlight by Cindy Summers
Unstable – Netflix Original Series

3 out of 4 palm trees
Breeze rating from 1 to 4 palm trees, 4 being best.

“Unstable” stars Rob Lowe as Ellis Dragon, a biotech engineering genius known throughout the world for his inventions that battle climate change and other scientific challenges. Ellis is very charismatic and has a childlike joyfulness in the way he goes about doing his work and dealing with issues in his extraordinary life. Due to the untimely death of his wife of 30 years, we find Ellis in the midst of what most around him consider a breakdown and his son Jackson (John Owen Lowe, who is his actual son in real life) is called away from his life in New York as a talented flutist to support his dad emotionally.

Ellis’ main ally in the company is CEO Anna Bennet (Sian Clifford) who constantly finds herself in unusual and at times embarrassing situations supporting and protecting Elis from the press, his board of directors and at times himself. Even prior to Ellis losing his wife Anna dealt with these challenges, though now a step up with things like finding him completely naked in his office and wanting to have the board of directors to join him to ending up on the cover of Time magazine as “The Wizard of Odd” in a photo with a metal bowl on his head wearing a translucent cape and with a live hawk perched on top.

When Anna questioned Ellis as to the disappearance of the psychologist the board hired to evaluate him, she discovered that Ellis had kidnapped him and locked him in the basement of his luxury mansion due to discovering the psychologist was going to write an unflattering report and then attempted to blackmail Ellis. In a very bizarre twist of fate, the psychologist actually befriended and sought life advice from Ellis regarding his own recent breakup, and when allowed to leave, returned saying he had missed their friendship and begged to return.

Elis would constantly belittle Jackson’s career as a flutist, wanting him to instead be more like him and follow a career in science at his dad’s company. Jackson took the opportunity at a staff karaoke night to share his flute skills, which completely floored Ellis who made an immediate switch to saying Jackson truly had a gift and he should pursue it. Jackson himself was quite the science genius, but had no interest in following in his father’s footprints until he saw Ellis’ latest saving invention “the biomass”, which is 10,000 more dense than a plant, and like plants sucks carbon dioxide out of the air and 100,000 would be the equivalent of planting a trillion trees and would pull 40 billion tons of climate-changing carbon gases from the air every year.

The Red Team was responsible for the biomass project and included Luna Castillo (Rachel Marsh) and Ruby Rosario (Emma Ferreira) who are both quirky geniuses that play well off each other. After sharing the details of the biomass science, Jackson became interested in working on the project as well as getting to know Ruby better after she showed some obvious advances. The main staff is rounded out by office assistant Malcolm Drummond (Aaron Branch), who is often working behind the scenes for Ellis with his crazy plans, and with Anna to help her manage Ellis’ escentric ways.

It’s unclear if this crazy crew of misfit geniuses can save the world with their revolutionary science or if Ellis will be ousted from his own company by a controlling board of directors, but for certain viewers will enjoy clever dialog with witty exchanges and loads of laughs in every episode. Rob has a charming charisma and the father/son bond between Rob and John Owen is genuine and endearing.

Season 1: 8 – 30min Episodes

Vol. 16, No. 14 – Apr 5 – Apr 18, 2023 – Ojai News & Events

Chamber On The Mountain, a chamber music concert series in Ojai presents the multiple award-winning cellist, Alexander Hersh, with pianist, Dominic Cheli, for a beautiful program with a mix of solo cello and cello and piano music on Sunday, April 16, 2023, at 3:00 pm in Logan House (located at the Beatrice Wood Center for the Arts in Upper Ojai). Tickets $30.00 at Audience members are invited to meet the artists at a lovely outdoor patio reception following the performance.

Having already performed as soloist with the Houston Symphony and the Boston Pops, cellist Alexander Hersh has quickly established himself as one of the most exciting and versatile talents of his generation.

Dominic Cheli embraces the role of an artist-citizen in his multifaceted career as performer, educator, composer, and director. He is described as an “inspired keyboardist.

“Elemental,” an art exhibit featuring the work of six talented Ojai artists, will run until April 30th with an opening reception Sunday, April 16th, from 3:00 – 5:00 p.m. at The Ojai Art Center. We hope you can join us.

This show promises to be a must-see exhibition for art lovers and nature enthusiasts alike. In addition, a Patio Pop-Up Show of recent work will be featured Sat. & Sun., April 15th & 16th, from 11:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. The exhibit and pop-up show will feature a wide range of artwork for sale.

We are thrilled to be showcasing the work of these talented local artists, each bringing their unique perspective to the theme of the elements and hope the ‘Elemental’ exhibit will inspire visitors to appreciate the beauty of nature and think more deeply about our relationship with the environment.

The Ojai Art Center, 113 So. Montgomery St.

SoCal Snow

Snow in SoCal

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Photos by Patricia Schallert and Robert Chianese

Beautiful snow surrounds us as seen from the Harbor looking towards the Portside Ventura Harbor development and other locations.

Vol. 16, No. 14 – Apr 5 – Apr 18, 2023 – Harbor Patrol Blotter

Wednes 3-15

6:03am, observed Weather Service issued Small Craft Advisory, raised pennant.

3:45pm, checked rain gauge, 1.42 inches of rain measured in 24hrs at District.

Thursday 3-16

1:30pm, while on patrol in Fireboat, contacted a sailboat operating around the Manson Dredge and floating pipe. Advised of the dredge’s restriction in ability to maneuver and general danger of dredging equipment. Vessel left the area.

Friday 3-17

7:30am, responded to request for traffic control from Manson Const. so they can sink Dredge pipe across the main channel of the harbor.

12:12pm, dispatched to a medical in Ventura Marina Community. Officers responded with AMR/VFD to a 67 y/o male complaining of nausea and vomiting blood. Patient transported by AMR to local hospital for evaluation.

10:15pm, received report of illegal fishing in the Ventura Marina Community. Officers responded but the violators were gone on arrival. After searching area, contacted by a couple who observed several kids escaping into the keys on bikes

Saturday 3-18

2:30am, dispatched to an assault victim at 1050 Schooner dr. Officers responded with VFD/AMR to assist, but the victim refused medical aid.

11:40am, received request for assistance with a dog on the loose near the launch ramp. Officers were able to capture the animal for the elderly owner.

10:22pm, received report of illegal fishing in the Ventura Marina Community. Officers responded and two fishermen fled the pond area upon arrival.

Sunday 3-19

12:17pm, received report of illegal fishing at the pond in the Ventura Marina Community. Officers responded, but the culprits were gone on arrival.

2:37pm, observed a 35ft sailboat in danger of going aground near the turning basin. Officers responded in Fireboat, took the vessel en tow to the launch ramp.

Monday 3-20

7:55pm, received complaint from Manson Dredge captain of hoop netters in dangerous areas near the dredge. Officers responded in Fireboat and contacted three different fishermen for multiple violations.

Tuesday 3-21

8:34am, observed Weather Service issued Gale Warning for SE winds gusting to 45kts. Officers raised warning pennants at the Port District.

Wednes 3-22

10:30pm, dispatched to a medical in the Ventura Marina Community. Officers responded with AMR/VFD to 74 y/o female with chest pain, she was transported

Thursday 3-23

12:45pm, received a request to retrieve a R/C sailboat that was stuck in floating dredge pipe. Officers responded and were able to rescue the remote-control boat
11-3pm, dispatched to boat fire in Channel Islands Harbor. Officers responded in Fireboat 1 to assist Ventura County/Oxnard fire with an 80ft powerboat fully involved in a marina at CI harbor.

Saturday 3-25

9:30pm, received report of a 50ft power vessel sinking in slip at VIM C-dock. Officers responded, found the vessel as reported and began searching for the source of the leak. After investigation, the bilge pumps were turned on and the water was pumped out of the engine room and forward bilge. Marina manager was notified and officers ensured the power was on and bilge pumps working.

Sunday 3-26

6:32pm, dispatched to full arrest in Ventura Marina Community. Officers responded with AMR/VFD to a 56 y/o male. Obvious signs of death were present, and responders were unable to resuscitate the patient.

Monday 3-27

.9:00am, observed that Manson Construction dredging project has concluded. The H.R. Morris is being towed out of the sandtrap by tug Elmer M en route to Oceanside for maintenance dredging at that harbor.

11:55am, received report that one of the outriggers from the Hokuloa club was vandalized and dragged into the water at Harbor Cove. Incident is under investigation by Ventura PD.

Tuesday 3-28

7:02am, officers putting flags to half mast, respect for Nashville shooting victims