Christy Weir Candidate for City Council District 2

It has been my honor to represent the people of Ventura as a Mayor and City Councilmember. I have shown a strong responsiveness to the needs of our community and have demonstrated thoughtful, balanced leadership. I am running for re-election in District 2 to make sure our residents are heard as we make decisions that impact our future. Four generations of my family have been fortunate to call this beautiful community our home, and my highest priority is quality-of-life improvements for all Ventura residents, including children and seniors.

As we recover from the economic and cultural impacts of COVID-19, it will be important to have leaders in place who are experienced, knowledgeable and creative. My years as a councilmember and chair of the city’s Finance and Budget Committee have given me a firm understanding of government processes, financial stability and the priorities of our community.

As a centuries-old town, we have challenges with aging infrastructure, but also enjoy the unique character of our historic buildings and cultural heritage. Our spectacular geographic location, bounded by the ocean, two rivers and hillsides, is truly our “good fortune,” to be celebrated and protected. Policies that guide our future, while balancing conservation, environmental sustainability, quality of life and growth, will be enacted in the upcoming adoption of a new General Plan, and will need steady, responsive leadership.

The core services of public health and safety, street paving, sidewalk maintenance, parks and urban forestry remain high priorities, and I will give them my continuing attention and support. My focus will also include enhancements to keep our downtown and midtown thriving. I was instrumental in the creation of Main Street Moves, the downtown street closure that enables outdoor dining to keep our restaurants in business through the pandemic. The Midtown business district also needs attention and I am working with merchants and others to visually enhance the streetscape, plant more street trees and improve parking lots.

With sea level rise and increasing storm surges, our coastline is being battered. As the vice-chair of BEACON, a multi-county joint powers authority, we are addressing beach erosion and clean oceans with grant-funded projects, such as the Surfer’s Point Managed Retreat. This project will complete the expansion of the dune area and move the eroding bike path inland, away from wave action. To help prevent harmful coastal litter and reduce plastic waste, I recently introduced to the City Council an ordinance banning Styrofoam use by restaurants in Ventura.
It is essential that as future development is considered, our city government requires compatible, high-quality projects that take into account our limited water supply, traffic and public safety impacts such as emergency evacuation. I am committed to transparency in decision-making, respect for our small-town neighborhood character, the creation of a more walkable, bike-friendly community and the preservation of open space and hillsides for future generations.

I would be honored to have your vote.
Christy Weir