Ventura Police Department is hiring

The Ventura Police Department is hiring Police Officer Trainees for the October, 2017 Academy and Lateral or Academy Trained Police Officers on an on-going basis.

The department prides itself on hiring and retaining the most qualified individuals. When it comes to hiring, the use of HR software that some companies implement helps make the process a lot easier. From sending out offer letters to background checks, these are necessary steps to take in order to find the right individuals to join the team. The position of Ventura Police Officer is not only challenging but also extremely rewarding. As a police officer fighting and preventing crime, protecting the innocent, and serving the community is what you do daily, but it is the individuals we hire who are leaders, have courage, integrity, self-discipline, and compassion that make our department great.

An information booth will be set up every Thursday, ending March 30, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in the police department lobby located at 1425 Dowell Drive in Ventura. Those interested in applying are invited to come and have questions answered and learn more about the opportunity and hiring process. For more information about the Thursday recruitment booth or to make an appointment with a recruitment officer please call 797-8886.

If you believe you have what it takes apply for the position of Police Officer Trainee or if you are currently a sworn peace officer consider a lateral transfer. Information can be found online at or at

The Ventura Police Department will step up Bike & Pedestrian Safety Enforcement Operations with focused enforcement on collision causing factors involving motorists, pedestrians and bicyclists.

The department has mapped out locations where pedestrian and bike collisions have occurred along with the violations that led to those crashes. Extra officers will be on duty patrolling areas where bike and pedestrian traffic and crashes occur in an effort to lower deaths and injuries.

Officers will be looking for violations made by drivers, bike riders and pedestrians alike that can lead to life changing injuries. Special attention will be directed toward drivers speeding, making illegal turns, failing to stop for signs and signals, failing to yield to pedestrians in cross walks or any other dangerous violation.

Additionally, enforcement will be taken for observed violations when pedestrians cross the street illegally or fail to yield to drivers who have the right of way. Bike riders will be stopped and citations issued when they fail to follow the same traffic laws that apply to motorists.

Bicycle and pedestrian fatalities are rising in California as more people use non-motorized means of transportation. Locally, the Ventura Police Department has investigated many fatal and injury collisions involving pedestrians and bicyclists. Funding for this program is provided by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

Football fans across the country will celebrate America’s most watched national sporting event, Super Bowl LI, on Sunday, Feb. 5. For many, the celebration will include drinking alcohol. That’s why the Ventura Police Department and law enforcement agencies across Ventura County are teaming up with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) for a special Fans Don’t Let Fans Drive Drunk reminder to urge all football fans to call the right play on Super Bowl weekend by passing the keys to a sober driver before the drinking begins.

Drunk driving can be deadly in 2015 10,265 people—29 percent of all people killed in motor vehicle crashes in the United States that year—were killed in crashes that involved an impaired driver.

“Super Bowl Fans Don’t Let Fans Drive Drunk. If you want to be the MVP of Super Bowl LI, volunteer to be a designated driver to help your family and friends get home safely,” said Sergeant Darrick Brunk. “Drunk driving only leads to disaster and tragedy. It is never worth the risk. If you do plan to drink, remember to pass the keys to the sober driver before kickoff.”

Fans that have been drinking are encouraged to plan ahead and secure a safe ride home by designating a sober driver, using public transportation, or calling a taxi or rideshare program.