Different Care Settings at the End of Life

The three most common places people at the end-of-life die are at home, in a hospital, or in a care facility. While not everyone has the chance to decide where they will die, people who know the end of life is approaching may be able to plan ahead. Several factors may help with this planning, including knowing the type of care you need and want, where you can receive this level of care, advance care directives, costs, and availability of family and friends to help.

It’s important for a caregiver or family member to work closely with the health care team to decide the type of comfort care needed at home in order to make the dying person as comfortable as possible. This type of care can often be provided by nursing assistants or family and friends without medical training. However, a doctor will continue to oversee the patient’s health care plan. Hospice care is frequently used at home.

Caring for someone who is at home at the end of life can be physically, emotionally, and financially demanding for the people providing the care. Extra support from paid caregivers or home service providers, also known as respite care, can help. If the person who is dying is returning home from the hospital, sometimes a hospital discharge planner, who is often a social worker, will be able to help with the logistics. Your local Area Agency on Aging might be able to recommend other sources of help.

In a hospital setting, you will have access to medical professionals who understand the needs of a dying person. This can be very reassuring to both the person and their family.

In addition to the regular care team, some hospitals have palliative and hospice care teams that can assist with managing uncomfortable symptoms at the end of life, such as digestive issues or pain. These teams can also help with making medical decisions for patients or families.

No matter which end-of-life care setting you choose, it’s important to make plans for this care in advance. Having these documents in place helps medical staff provide the care that you wish to receive at the end of life and helps family members avoid having to make difficult decisions about your care without your input. Learn more about advance care planning.

Many people are in care facilities, such as nursing homes, at the end of life. In a nursing home, nursing staff are always present. Unlike a hospital, a doctor is not in the facility at all times but is available when needed.

Some people are discharged from a hospital to a care facility, while others may already be living in one. If you have lived in a nursing home or long-term care facility for a while, you may choose to stay and receive end-of-life care there. You and your family may already have a relationship with staff who work there, which can help make the care feel more personalized than in a hospital.

This content is provided by the NIH National Institute on Aging (NIA). NIA scientists and other experts review this content to ensure it is accurate and up to date.

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