Vol. 17, No. 08 – Jan 10 – Jan 23, 2024 – Harbor Patrol Blotter

Tuesday 12/19

10:40pm, dispatched to a choking victim in the Ventura Marina Community. Officers responded with AMR/VFD to assist with assessment and treatment.

Wednes 12/20

8:40am, observed heavy debris coming down and out the barranca in the keys. Officers did not start rescue boats due to the debris in the water.

11:46am, dispatched to an Ocean Rescue at VWM for a male who fell into the water and cannot get out. The male victim was eventually pulled from the water and was treated for hypothermia by AMR medics.

Thursday 12/21

1:55am, officers mitigating flooding from an extreme storm cell around the harbor. Navigator was flooded, and signs were placed in the low-lying area near the Holiday Inn express parking lot, water was up to vehicles windows.

Friday 12/22

12:45pm, observed then removed a large tree limb and various other flotsam in the Pierpont Basin that came down the barranca at the entrance to the keys.

Saturday 12/23

12:23pm, officers cleaning and drying out cabinets and equipment on the patrol vehicles that were inundated with water from the recent storms.

Sunday 12/24

11:07pm, dispatched to a male with an injured finger at Surfers Knoll. Officers responded with AMR/VFD to assist with locating, assessment and treatment.

11:55pm, contacting two VPD units near VHV G-dock. They were investigating two fishermen fighting over who caught more squid that evening.

Monday 12/25

6:43pm, dispatched to fire alarm at 4points Sheraton, cancelled en route.

Tuesday 12/26

1:07pm, dispatched to surfer in distress off Emma Wood. Officers Responded in Fireboat to the call, found one surfer at outside reef, not in distress.

Wednes 12/27

2:19pm, dispatched to a missing surfer at Surfers Point, a surfboard washed up on the beach. Officers responded in the Fireboat and Rescue watercraft, the missing person was found in the parking lot at C-street, no injuries.

Thursday 12/28

6:51am, dispatched to vessels adrift near VWM H-dock. Officers responded in the Fireboat, found damaged docks and vessels lines parted from the strong surge created by the massive swell. TowBoat US assisted with towing vessels.

9:30am, issuing warnings to seek higher ground to beach patrons watching the large surf. Surges of white water are rushing up the beach and inundating the parking lots with debris and water. Beach is impassable from flooding/debris.

9:50am, dispatched to Ocean Rescue at Seward, 8 victims. Officers responded in the Fireboat and Rescue watercraft to the call. The patients were actually on the street knocked down by the surge from a rogue wave that also flooded street.

10am-1pm, dispatched to multiple Ocean Rescues at Rincon, Mondos, Ventura Pier, San Pedro, Ayala, Surfers Knoll Jetty and more. Marine Safety Officer Nick Givens on the RWC pulled multiple victims from dangerous situations.

Friday 12/29

2:08am, received a landline from a captain of commercial fishing vessel at Santa Cruz Island wondering when they can return to the harbor. Officers advised that the United States Coast Guard “captain of the port” has ordered the harbor closed, that the entrance would be reevaluated at daybreak.

6:50am, officers standing by in the Fireboat at the harbor entrance while ten commercial fishing vessels attempt returning to port. Extreme conditions exist with waves periodically closing out the entrance. Thankfully, all the vessels made it back to port with some real “white knuckler” passes into the harbor.

2-6pm, officers conducting multiple ocean rescues on the RWC along Pierpont.

8:49pm, dispatched to a traffic accident at 1567 Spinnaker dr. The call turned out to be a 59 y/o male suffering a medical condition and drove on the promenade through the Harbor Village, ending up at the fish offloading pier. The patient was treated then transported to local hospital for further evaluation.

Saturday 12/30

9:00am, issuing warnings to beach patrons observing the huge waves at harbor beaches, advising to move to safe distances from surges that are constantly inundating the beaches and parking lots that are closed.

9:28am, dispatched to Ocean Rescue, surfer in distress at the Ventura Point. Officers responded on RWC’s to assist. The surfer was able to return to shore.

2:10pm, observed a commercial fishing vessel in violation of speed and USCG closure outbound of harbor. Officers futilely attempted to contact/stop vessel.