Vol. 16, No. 07 – Dec 28, 2022 – Jan 10, 2023 – Harbor Patrol Blotter

Tuesday 12/6

11:37am, dispatched to unknown problem at 1591 Spinnaker. Officers responded with AMR/VFD to an unconscious person in elevator. The patient was awoken, and no medical was discovered, transient sleeping.

Wednes 12/7

7:00am, raised flags to half staff for Pearl Harbor Memorial Day.

4:11pm, dispatched to a boat fire at VWM E-dock. Officers responded in Fireboat, VFD responded by land. After investigation, discovered an electrical fire with heat detectors. Power disconnected; owner advised of fire source.

6:26pm, received report of disturbance between Portside security and fishermen. Officers responded, assisted settling the dispute. Fishing not allowed in the area.

Saturday 12/10

6:03am, observed Weather Service issued Small Craft Advisory, raised pennant.

10:45am, observed the start of the “Santa Paddle” beginning at the village.

11:00am, contacted a Standup foil paddler in harbor paddling without a lifejacket. Officers issued a warning, educated what was needed, a lifejacket.

9:18pm, observing the weather is “turning” for the worse. Rain is intensifying, wind is gusting to 25kts out of South Southwest.

Sunday 12/11

12:33pm, received report of a vessels’ bilge pump continually pumping in VIM B-dock. Officers responded, investigated. A valve was failing, and the vessel was in serious danger of sinking. Contacted owner, TowBoat US took over call.

3:50pm, while on patrol, observed the Santa Clara Rivermouth breeched.

Wednes 12/14

12:53am, dispatched to abdominal pain in VIM marina building. Officers responded with VFD/AMR, assessed patient, AMR transported to hospital.

11:53pm, received report of a transient refusing to leave front door of business in the village. Contacted the individual and convinced him to leave the area.

Thursday 12/15

8:40am, officers taking scientist studying tagged sharks around to their offshore buoys onboard the Fireboat.

6:53pm, dispatched to a lift assist in the Ventura Marina Community. Officers responded with VFD and were able to place the patient back in her wheelchair.

Friday 12/16

6:03am, observed Weather Service issued Small Craft Advisory, raised pennant.

11:10am, officers preparing navigation buoys for the Parade-of-lights parade route through the harbor.

1:35pm, dispatched to a snake bite in the bird watching/settling pond area near Surfers Knoll. Officers responded, found an individual digging in the dirt for what he believed is a dead body. VPD arrived and arrested the individual for drug offense and probation violation. No medical or snake bite observed.

6:30pm, 2022 Ventura Parade of lights begins. Fair weather observed and no major incidents reported during the parade. As usual, heavy traffic on Spinnaker

Saturday 12/17

12:48am, dispatched to a fall patient in Portside apartments. Responders had to gain access through an open window. No injuries, patient assisted back to bed.

9:00am, officers taking scientist out on Rescue B19 for annual Audubon Christmas bird count to the breakwall and beyond.

1:50pm, while on patrol in Rescue Boat19, observed commercial lobster trap in the navigable channel just outside the Harbor Entrance. Officers were able to relocate the trap out of the channel and back to the other traps off the breakwall.

4:05pm, while placing navigation buoys for Parade, observed a sheen of petroleum in the South Basin of the harbor. Officers investigated, UTL source.

6:30pm, Parade of lights begins, 43 participants for this evening’s parade.

Sunday 12/18

9:37am, received report of female transient trespassing on vessel in VWM. Officers responded, the repeat offender detained, PD investigating incident.

7:41pm, dispatched to Portside apartment for unknown problem. Officers responded, found reporting party worried about neighbors excessive drinking. Investigated, contacted/assessed patient, no issues or medical found.

Monday 12/19

1:46pm, received report of sick sealion from concerned beach patrons. Officers explained who to contact, and contacted rescue volunteers to investigate.