The Bookmark About Libraries and Friends

by Mary Olson

The California State Library has announced a new free service supported by the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library
Services under the provisions of the American Rescue Plan Act, administered in California by the State Librarian.

Connected California: Digital Navigators
Digital navigators can help you find free or low-cost internet service; free or low-cost devices, such as computers, tablets
or smartphones; learn basic computer skills, such as how to use the internet or set up email and find and use online
resources for things such as taking courses or applying for jobs.

You can contact a navigator by voicemail at 1-800-790-5319; by text at 1-626-873-8390;

by email at [email protected] or through their website:

A navigator will respond within 24 hours of your inquiry, Monday through Friday. Your navigator will work with you oneon-one by phone, in English or Spanish, to discuss your needs and help you get connected to the internet and online

October is the month of One County, One Book. This month, Ventura County is reading Taste Makers: Seven
Immigrant Women Who Revolutionized Food in America by Mayukh Sen. One County, One Book culminates with a special author event with Mayukh Sen at 2 pm on Saturday, November 12 at California State University, Channel Islands’ Grand Salon. For more information and to register for the author event, go to

Ventura Friends of the Library have two big events in the next couple of weeks. If you are interested in what the
Friends of the Library do to support our local libraries and literacy in our community, please drop by —

Ventura Friends of the Library Book Sale
Saturday, October 22, 10 am to 3 pm
at the Vons at Telegraph and Victoria
Quality used books at bargain prices. Music on CD and Vinyl and Audiobooks.

Ventura Friends of the Library Annual Membership Meeting
Sunday, October 30
2:00 to 4:00 pm
E.P. Foster Library Topping Room
In keeping with the Taste Makers theme of this year’s One County One Book selection,we have invited Emily Tan
from SpiceTopia to spice up our meeting with a flavorful tale. SpiceTopia is a purveyor of teas and spices, including
their very own Tastes of Ventura blends. The shop is located at 576 E. Main Street.

All are invited to attend!

Her presentation will be followed by a brief business meeting for members to receive the Treasurer’s report, elect the
Officers for 2023 and vote on a bylaw change.

For more information about Friends’ events, visit our website: or email
[email protected]

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