Gallery Walk with Hiroko Yoshimoto. Santa Paula Art Museum

Biodiversity # 120 50″ x 102″, oil on canvas, 2019

117 N 10th St, Santa Paula. Monday, October 10, 1:00 p.m.

Art isn’t one thing. It doesn’t inspire identical reactions from all viewers. Art inspires, educates. Consciously or not, our responses to works of art help us understand the world around us. Artist Hiroko Yoshimoto inspires us to think deeply. Her work has the power to amaze us. This is especially true of her body of work known as Biodiversity.

Hiroko will share her thoughts about the ecological damage to our planet occurring every day, man’s role in that destruction, and nature’s response.

This event is limited to 20 guests. Suggested donation $20. Attendees who are not members of Santa Paula Museum of Art are asked to pay the Museum’s admission price ($4 adults’ $3 seniors) at the time of the event. Reservations required by October 7.

Also showing is a large-scale installation titled Impending Storms, based on the theme of saving endangered species. Working in collaboration with the Blue Marble Art Collective.

Space is limited! RSVP:, at 805-653-2501 or [email protected]