Artlife Foundation

Carol Vogl’s 6” x 9” submissions that reveal the character and quality of work folks are sending in.

The pandemic has curtailed our “live” interactions, and we hope to get to some in person events soon. But be assured the Foundation is alive and well and has a current ongoing project we want to tell you about.

We are receiving submissions for our Post-Pandemic Mail ART project on a daily basis. So far, we have over 60 pieces of art from the USA and from Spain, Turkey, Romania, Basil, Japan, Germany, Italy, Macedonia, Poland, Uruguay, Austria, Hungary, Belgium, and several pieces from University of the Arts, Berlin, Germany.

The deadline for submissions is April 1, 2021. You may want to submit a piece, with information about how to do so available at our current website

The plan is to copy all entries, which are limited to 6” x 9” originals, and place originals on placards for display in various store fronts in downtown Ventura. And then have an exhibit of all of them in some gallery space.

Finally, we received a note from a Romanian artist Stefan Balog who praises Joe Cardella for his mail art endeavors, a tradition we are keeping alive: “Hello again. We are involved for many years in the mail art movement, and we organized till now 26 international mail art shows. I as an artist love mail art. Mr. Cardella is a legend in this field. I am looking forward for future cooperation. Sincerely, Stefan Balog, Alba, Romania.”

The Artlife Foundation Inc. Board is Bob Chianese President, Nello Panelli, Curtis Cormane, Jonell McLain, Jone Pence, Jeanne LaRocco, Pete Ippel.

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