From Steve Bennett

Steve Bennett “The outpouring of generosity in our community has been inspiring.”

Dear fellow Ventura County residents

Today, we stand on the verge of a monumental challenge. Will we as a community effectively implement the Stay Well at Home order? Will we keep our local hospitals from becoming overloaded? Will our collective efforts be relentless enough to save the lives of many of our family members and/or neighbors?

Our medical care providers and essential service workers courageously stand on the front lines and deserve our utmost support. We need to honor their efforts by decreasing the risks they are taking every day. We do that by doing all we can to slow the spread of this virus.

Each of us needs to put the health of our community ahead of our own comfort and desires.

Some of us must do better at following the Stay Well at Home order, and all of us must avoid letting our guard down early. That could reverse the benefits of our sacrifices to date right when we are at a critical stage in this battle.

This is our time to shine and readily make our personal sacrifices, show extra kindness to each other, help where we safely can, and overall make our maximum individual contribution to this great community struggle.

County government has worked hard with federal, state, and other local governments as well as many non-profit organizations to respond to the crisis. County resources are being used to meet the challenge as we procure supplies and materials, assist the most vulnerable, and improve our medical capabilities. You can visit for overall information and guidance.

Our public and private health care providers are heroically dealing directly with contagious COVID-19 patients. They are ramping up their care capabilities with speed and ingenuity. Nevertheless, their ability to absorb seriously ill patients is not unlimited. We must each do our part to slow the spread and avoid overwhelming our health care system. If that happens, we will face needless deaths in Ventura County.

The outpouring of generosity in our community has been inspiring and heartwarming. People are donating from their own supplies of protective equipment and making generous financial contributions. College students are organizing online tutoring and volunteers are delivering food to homebound seniors. There is help and kindness pouring forth in Ventura County.

Anne Frank and 7 others hid in a 450 square foot attic for 761 days. We can do this folks!

Thank you,

Steve Bennett Ventura County Supervisor