Our hearts go out to each and every one of you

by Livingston Memorial staff

As we all begin to find our footing again after the impact of the Thomas fires, we at Livingston Memorial Visiting Nurse Association would like you to know that our hearts go out to each and every one of you. We are here to acknowledge, hold and honor all of the emotions we are all experiencing as a result of these fires.

We are here to provide grief support services to individuals and families within our community. Our openhearted counselors are here to offer presence and compassionate support throughout this trying time. Whether you have lost a home, lost pets or farm animals, were suddenly evacuated, are a first responder or if you are closely connected with those who have experienced a loss, we are here for you.

Here are a few gentle offerings for you to consider as you take care of yourself, your family and your loved ones…
• Take life slowly as you begin to resume your daily schedule. Be patient and be good to yourself.
• Be mindful of what you put into your body. Drink more water than you normally would and eat healthy, nourishing food.
• Get lots of rest and take naps if you feel more fatigued. One of the physical symptoms of grief is exhaustion; rest is restorative for your body.
• Allow yourself to feel the multitude of emotions that arise, such as confusion, sadness, anger and guilt. Know that you are not alone nor are you the only one feeling this way.
• Connect with your loved ones in person or by phone. Share your own experience and listen to others. Connection offers us great healing in times of pain.
• Know that sometimes we are at a loss of what to say to someone. Sometimes saying just that, in a loving way, is the best thing to do! Your compassion and presence will be felt by the other.
• Explore what feels soothing and healing to you. Listening to music, going for walks, drawing on religion or spirituality…We all have our own unique grieving process as well as our own ways of healing.

As the threat of imminent danger is behind us and we begin healing our community, we all must remember that everyone’s grief is valid and quite unique. It is important for us all to move forward with care and compassion. Remember to honor yourself and your experience. Remember to listen to others. And most importantly, return to your breath as you take life one moment at a time.

You can help by joining Livingston Memorial Visiting Nurse Association’s remarkable core of volunteers and community heroes that give special gifts of time and compassion to patients and their families at the end of life.

They will provide you with training that gives you the confidence to enter the homes and lives of others to support them as a part of the Livingston Hospice Team. Training begins Wednesday, January 31st from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm and continues for eight consecutive weeks.

What you receive back is as priceless as what you give.

For more information, contact Maddy Hazard at 642-0239 x775 or [email protected].