Audubon events

June 17:   8:30 am   Pine Mountain -Tevin Schmitt 661-904-1563 –  If you have never birded Pine Mountain now is time!  To carpool from Ventura meet at 7:15 a.m. at the Casitas Vista exit under the bridge. If you wish, you may meet the group at Pine Mountain Inn at 8:30 a.m  If for some reason weather makes Pine Mountain impassable, we will bird Wheeler Gorge as an alternate.

June 12 :   8:30 am   Emma Woods -Linda Easter  482-7537 – We will begin at the entrance to Emma Wood State Beach, searching the scrub for sparrows and warblers. The estuary is always an exciting place to bird There will be a fair amount of walking, so please dress appropriately in layers and comfortable shoes.

June 20 :  8:30 am   Ojai Meadows- Adele Fergusson   415-4304 –  This beautiful preserve is a birding hotspot and includes a restored wetland and native plantings. Target birds will include: Western Bluebirds, Sora, Belted Kingfisher,  Western Meadowlark, Merlin, Cedar Waxwing, Lark Sparrow, Lincoln’s Sparrow and White-crowned Sparrows.

June 26 :  8:30 am  Wheeler Canyon -Gary Tuttle   525-2327  – This canyon provides good birding opportunities. We will be looking for raptors, ground doves, Western Bluebirds and maybe a Hairy Woodpecker.

 July 11 :   8:30 am  Canada Larga -Adele Fergusson   415-4304- Meet near the beginning of the road off Hwy 33. We will carpool from that location as we walk and drive this long county road.

July 17  :  8:30 am  Carpinteria Salt Marsh -Linda Easter  482-7537- To car pool meet behind Carrows (on Harbor) at 8:00.  Take HWY 101 North to Carpinteria, exit Casitas Pass Rd., rt. on Carpinteria Ave. left on Linden & rt. on Sandylane Rd. to Ash. Park along Ash.