County Board of Supervisors honors Ventura County Lions Clubs

stuff lionsLions Clubs honored for their contribution and support toward the establishment of Pediatric Eye Center.

The Ventura County Board of Supervisors presented members of the Ventura County Lions Clubs with a resolution in honor of their contribution and support toward the establishment of the Pediatric Eye Center at Ventura County Medical Center.

Ventura Downtown Lions Vision Projects Chairs Sandy Greenberg and First VP Don Fromberg along with Lions of the Pleasant Valley, Ojai, and Camarillo Amber Light clubs were on hand to present a check for $41,675.28 to Amy Towner, CEO of the Health Care Foundation for Ventura County.

The funds will be used to purchase a retinal imaging camera which will be used to screen babies for Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP) and other needed equipment for the Ventura County Medical Center.

The Resolution reads in part:

“Whereas, upon becoming aware of the great need for additional optometric and other eye care services for the children served by the VCMC system throughout Ventura County, and of the need for the establishment of a Pediatric Eye Center at Ventura County Medical Center to reduce waiting times for needed eye exams and vision care, Lions in numerous clubs in Ventura County have, since February 2016, joined together and have, to date, raised in excess of $50,000 for the purchase of necessary equipment to assist in establishing this now operational VCMC clinic; and

Whereas, the Lions in Ventura County intend to continue to work with VCMC in its efforts to provide a Pediatric Eye Center at Ventura County Medical Center, potentially an adult vision center as well, and in efforts to address the very substantial problem of diabetes throughout Ventura County, a major cause of blindness.

Now, Therefore Be It Resolved That, the Ventura County Board of Supervisors expresses its great than and appreciation to the Lions of Ventura County for their outstanding contributions and efforts and commends them most heartily for their dedication to service and to the great service they have done and are doing for the children and for all of the residents throughout Ventura County.”

The Ventura Downtown Lions Club meets the first three Thursdays of every month for lunch at noon at the Derby Club – Ventura County Fairgrounds.

For more information, visit or call 655-5595.