Vol. 9, No. 20 – July 6 – July 19, 2016 – Harbor Patrol Blotter

6-15 5:12pm, received a dispatch to a traffic accident at Spinnaker and Navigator from FCC.  Officers responded and assisted Ventura Fire, PD, Gold Coast ambulance with the two car collision.  Eight people were treated and four were sent to local hospital for evaluation.


6-16 2:50pm, received a report of a fall victim at the restrooms in the village.  An elderly female slipped in the restrooms.  Officers responded and attempted to assist the patient.  She refused medical care and self-transported to local hospital for evaluation of an injured wrist.



6-17 3:53pm, received a report of a 12 year old girl complaining of sting ray strike from State Parks lifeguards at Harbor Cove lifeguard tower.

5:19pm, received a report of a car accident at Harbor Cove beach parking lot.  Officers responded and found an intoxicated person who attempted to leave the scene.  Ventura PD arrived, investigated and eventually arrested the individual.



6-18 11:48am, received a report of a dismasted sailboat near the South Jetty from State Parks lifeguards.  Officers responded and assisted the disabled vessel.  It was released at the Launch ramp without incident.

9:39pm, received a dispatch to a beach fire from FCC.  Officers responded and assisted Ventura fires extinguish the small fire in the Arundel.  Several juveniles were issued warnings for the violation.



  6-23 10:47pm, received a complaint of a loud party on a boat in Ventura West Marina.  Officers responded and found four people having a conversation on a boat.  A warning was issued for the noise complaint and the party disbanded.
  6-24 8:55pm, received a report of an overdue boater.  After a brief investigation the boater was safely located and in no danger.
  6-26 7:00am, officers assisting with the Breath-of-Life Triathlon: setting swim buoys and assisting with lifeguarding the swim heats.

1:52pm, officers on patrol assisted State Parks with an injured Personal Water Craft operator.  They transported the patient to Harbor Cove beach to be further assessed.

2:07pm, received a report of a dog bite in the Harbor Village near the Hat store.  Officers responded and assisted a young child with a minor injury to their finger.  The child was released to their parents and no further care was needed.

  6-27 3:02pm, received a dispatch to a penetration injury at the Ventura Yacht Club.  Officers responded and assisted a young girl who was stabbed in the foot by the wind indicator from the mast of a sailboat.  The patient was transported to local hospital for further evaluation and care for the puncture.