Happy seventh anniversary Ladies Luncheon!

At a recent  Ladies Luncheon lucky Breeze publisher Sheldon was the first man invited to one of their luncheons.

by Carol Leish

The Ladies Luncheon is having its 7th Anniversary luncheon on June 2 at the Pierpont Inn Pavilion Room in beautiful Ventura.

The Ladies Luncheon was started by local Ventura Realtor, Laurie Ann Meyer-Ehrhardt, in June, 2009.

“A few of us met at the My Florist and Bakery in downtown Ventura.  The next month, when we met at the Pierpont Inn, we had 15 women for lunch.  By the third month, we had 35 women attending, I knew that it was important to continue these monthly lunches.”

Laurie started Ladies Luncheon because she saw a need for women to come together on a regular basis with a ‘no join’ obligation.  “With both no limit on the number of categories represented, and no need to attend every month women are able to attend when it’s convenient for them.  And, there is no limit on the number of categories represented.  Thus, we are representing many local businesses and various nonprofits within Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties.  We continue to be able to provide women with both support and encouragement.”

Ladies Luncheon is the place, “To eat, meet, greet and shop,” according to Laurie.  “Our luncheons are not just for business.  It is also the place to relax, shop, and, to have fun!  What goes on at Ladies Luncheon stays at Ladies Luncheon! We average 45 women each month.  By allowing multiple categories, we are able to support the philosophy of the importance of building relationships in order to do business.  There is always enough business for everyone.”

Laurie’s mom, Pat Morris, who relocated to Ventura in 2012, started coming to Ladies Luncheon when she moved here.  “Mom has always been an inspiration to me and I am so blessed and fortunate for her to be able to participate here and to be supportive of all of us. Elaine O’Malia, of Laine Designs (www.lainedesigns.com) is the web wizard and acts as my right hand helper.”

To join our wonderful group please come on June 2 at our anniversary luncheon.  Go to our website www.TheLadiesLuncheon.com to pre-register  or pay at the door.  Like me, you’ll see the immense value of the supportive and lively group of women who do make a difference!

Our regular Ladies Luncheon’s May mixer, on May 26, from 5:30–7:30pm, will be co-ed so you men can join in the fun. It will be at Grapes & Hops at 454 E. Main St.  in Downtown There will be wine tasting and a no host bar. All are welcome (Guys too!). $15 for wine tasting.