Empowerment: Works by Modern to Post Modern Women Artists

Empowerment: Works by Modern to Post Modern Women Artists from the collection of Ann Bittl

Including work by:
Alice Neel
Louise Nevelson
Mary Cassatt
Elaine de Kooning
Lee Krassner

Opening Reception: Friday, March 4, 2016 from 6-9 p.m.
Exhibit Dates: March 4 – 27, 2016
Gallery hours: M-F 10-4 pm Sat. & Sun. by appointment

Art History Happy Hour: Sunday, March 13 from 4-6 p.m.
with Ann Bittl discussing Women in the arts, Modern to Post Modern and Sharon Beynon discussing modernism and literature.

Although women artists during the modern period until the latter half of the 20th century, entered the mainstream in the visual arts at a greater number than before; they were still the minority in most museums, institutions, and the art world.

The exhibition not only examines these artists as to creative endeavors, but also the means by which they altered society’s perception of the very nature and practice of art itself.

Vita Art Center
432 North Ventura Ave. Studio 30