Public Invited to Mayor Erik Nasarenko’s State of the City Address February 29

Ventura Mayor Erik Nasarenko will present the annual State of the City address in Council Chambers at City Hall, 501 Poli Street, on Monday, February 29, 2016 at 6 pm.  A brief reception will be held after the address, followed by the regularly scheduled City Council meeting.

The address, titled “Invest in Ventura, Now and For a Strong Tomorrow,” will focus on themes related to investing in our community and a proposed sales tax measure.  “The City of Ventura responded early and decisively to the economic downtown by implementing cost-saving measures, eliminating and reducing programs, and deferring much needed maintenance. Protecting our most essential city services like infrastructure, crime prevention and programs for seniors and youth with a stable funding source that is guaranteed to be spent locally will ensure a strong tomorrow for Ventura,” said Mayor Nasarenko.

The public is welcome and encouraged to attend.  The State of the City address will be broadcast live on Channel 15 within Ventura city limits, and rebroadcast thereafter. It can also be accessed online by visiting the City’s website at and clicking “Videos.”


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