Vol. 9, No. 10 – February 17 – March 2, 2016 – Professor Scamp

•   Sharing a few happy stories. The world certainly needs them.

Kramer, Nik Glaser’s proclaimed noodle-loving golden doodle, disappeared from his Venice, Los Angeles apartment over the holiday break under suspicious circumstances.

For the past nearly 2 months, Glaser launched a ferocious campaign by foot, flier and social media to find his missing service dog that treats his anxiety.

Glaser also filed a police report and set up an anonymous tip line, begging for the safe return of his dog, no questions asked.

The tips poured in, ranging from claims of witnesses seeing the dog being sold on Craig’s List to sightings everywhere from Runyon Canyon to South Los Angeles. Glaser would get his hopes up as he chased down each lead, the heartbreak mounting.

Yesterday a woman named Linda Zlot Pearson posted a message on the Bring Kramer Home Facebook page asking “Could this be your Kramer at the South L.A. Shelter?”

A few hours later, Glaser was on a plane from Seattle, where he has since relocated to accept a new job, and from where he had been making trips down in his continued desperate search to find Kramer.

This time, the identification was pawsitive.

Just in time for Valentine’s Day, their reunion was nothing short of the epic love fest you’d expect – check out the adorable video here at https://www.facebook.com/BringKramerHome13/

From a previous column “My name is Buddy.  I am a golden tan American Staffie/lab mix, weighing about seventy pounds and about ten years old.  People say I act more like a well-behaved four-year-old and am the life of the party wherever I go. I have become a self-made therapy dog since I ended up at Ventura County Animal Shelter in July after my soul mate person of many years, a Vietnam War Veteran, became ill and was taken to the VA Hospital in Los Angeles.”

“To provide an outing for me and give me opportunity to spread a little cheer, on December 16, my handler Jerry Dulek and I dropped by to visit my friends at the Coastal View Healthcare Center.”

“When my visit is over, routine resident life continues.  And it’s back to shelter life for me.  Living a life behind bars, my heart aches even though staff love me, friends visit me, I have good food, a good bed, and as much attention as possible.  But after my last visit to Coastal View, suddenly wow, wham, bang!  Less than two full days later, my life changes forever.  Late in the day on December 18, I left the shelter for the last time and am now living in my forever home with the most wonderful family on the face of the earth.”

Reader Betty Okrent sent me this.

“I did hear from Buddy’s new family that they all enjoyed the Buddy article very much.  Buddy’s “new mommy” told me.  And Buddy seems to be doing great—fits in well, gives and receives much loving, has a snoring contest with her husband on the sofa every night.  And sleeps on the sofa after the family has gone to bed—so they have given in and forgotten the “no sofa” rule.  He also loves his sister Pittie—they share a bed and look out the window at the world passing by. Thank you Scamp.”

“I sent a copy of the article to a dog sitter I used when I lived in CT– she emailed me to let me know she had read the entire Scamp page several times—and enjoyed all the news about animals.  So thanks, again.”

“Take care—Please know you certainly have the best, most thorough newspaper in Ventura.” (this has nothing to do with Buddy but made me feel good).

•   Paw’s Corner By Sam Mazzotta Dog Is Afraid of Cats

Dear Paw’s Corner: My mixed breed dog, “Jessup,” is absolutely terrified of my two cats. As soon as he notices both of them in the room with him, he yelps and runs off to another room with his tail between his legs. I have never seen any other interaction between them, good or bad. Jessup is a rescue dog, and I wonder if something in his past is causing this. Is there any way to get him past his fear of cats? — Jamie in Sioux Falls, South Dakota

Dear Jamie: I suspect the same thing: Jessup had a bad experience with a cat in the past, and the memory still brings up fear. I don’t know that he can ever completely get past that fear, but perhaps you can reduce his flight reaction. If the cats aren’t at all bothered by his presence and are generally pretty mellow (for cats, anyway), you can try to desensitize Jessup somewhat. Do this by gradually reintroducing all the pets into one room. You’ll need a helper for this. First, bring in Jessup and command him to sit or lie down and stay next to you. Keep a supply of treats in your pocket. Next, have your helper bring in one of the cats, cradled in their arms or, if necessary, in a carrier. They should sit down across the room where Jessup can see them. If and when Jessup begins to react, tell him to sit and stay. Give him a treat if he obeys. Do this for only a minute or so at first, and gradually extend the time each day. Avoid getting frustrated. If you can get Jessup to stay just a short time by your side and then calmly leave the room, that would be a big victory.

 “Hurry up I’m late for my lunch with Scamp”
“Hurry up I’m late for my lunch with Scamp”