Vol. 8, No. 26 – September 30 – October 13, 2015 – Forever Homes Wanted

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERABreckan would like to remind everyone, “Adopt. Don’t Shop!” This handsome Silver Marten arrived at Ventura County Animal Services on Easter Day along with 12 other babies who were too young to be separated from their mother. Devoted VCAS volunteers took these babies into foster and bottle fed them morning and night until they were strong enough to eat on their own. Breckan is now neutered and ready for his forever home. This engaging bunny loves his daily salad and will do just about anything for a nibble of apple or a raisin. To meet this sweet bunny and learn how fostering saves lives, visit VCAS at 600 Aviation Drive in Camarillo and ask for ID number A618667. For information about offsite rabbit adoptions, bunny nail trims, and compatibility dates, please visit www.facebook.com/VCASBunnyBrigade.


scamp to adopt CARLHi: I’m Katie a shy 3 1/2 year old Chihuahua X who is in need of a new home. I was originally found as stray and when my owners couldn’t be found, they decided to keep me. Now they’ve decided I have to go, but I’m lucky to have a sponsor so I could come into the C.A.R.L. program.

I’m not overly active, enjoy a comfy lap to sit in and laying out in the sun. I’m good with other small dogs, but I don’t care for cats. Although I lived with children and did okay, I’m still getting used to my new surroundings and if I get afraid I try to defend myself, so for this reason I’d do best in a home without small children. I walk well on a leash so we can go on leisurely walks together. I also come when called, so hopefully you’ll be calling my name soon.