Category Archives: Ventura Music Scene

Vol. 13, No. 14 – Apr 8 – Apr 21, 2020 – Ventura Music Scene

by Pam Baumgardner

As incredible as it may be, Ventura’s music scene is keeping its preverbal blood flowing. I’ve been watching so many live streaming events, where you can purchase to view and some where you can make a donation to the “tip” jar. Our artists and musicians are doing what they can to keep our scene alive. For this column, I reached out to a number of musicians and asked how they’ve been dealing with the Stay Home order.

Shawn Jones Singer/Songwriter

How is the Covid-19 Stay Home order affecting you as a working musician?

Shawn: Well, for the next half of the year all my work is gone. Everybody is in lockdown mode and all of the clubs all over the world are closed as well as outdoor events so there you have it. I had four international trips booked in Italy, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Austria, Costa Rica, Ireland, Hawaii, Seattle, and local gigs that are all gone. It’s impacting me pretty severely.

Is there an upside to this?

Shawn: There is an upside to it in regard to things slowing down, having a chance to reflect, a little bit of writing here and there, inventing new ways to create and to share your music, getting things done around the house, etc.

But the downtime is also filled with chasing down new ways to make money in the music industry and looking into COVID-19 bills that have passed and grants that are possibly available for musicians and freelance gig economy people. Before we were never counted in and now, we are because of this horrible pandemic we are finally being recognized as a working class of people that have rights as well.

You have a new record ready to release, right?

Shawn: Well I was supposed to be doing a release in Liechtenstein for the new vinyl that we did that included Sam Bolle on bass and Gerry Morgan from Ireland on drums. It’s a live album from our studio live session at Little Big Beach Studios in Liechtenstein. That will have to come out in the fall at this point if everything goes well.

Additional thoughts you’d like to add?

Shawn: My heart goes out to all of those that are suffering right now so that’s kind of more the important thing on my mind and being responsible in my actions and staying self-quarantined.
I am also doing a lot of writing and trying to cut it close to the heart as possible and get to some very thought-provoking topics and issues for the next project which will come out when I am ready and since I am independent it’s when I’m ready instead of when the record company tells me I need to release it, so all I can say is it will be sooner than later!

(Shawn Jones is the king of social media, you find him on most all platforms including his official website,

Kelly Zirbes, singer/songwriter of Kelly’s Lot

Are you and Perry (Kelly’s Husband and Guitarist for Kelly’s Lot) still working a day job?

Kelly: Perry is still working. He is finishing up a post-production sound on the new Ghostbusters movie. He can do that from home and meets with the team on Zoom for updates.

How’s the Covid-19 Stay Home order affecting you as a working musician?

Kelly: We have switched gears and started planning, arranging and writing a new record featuring songs from the Facebook Word Challenge that I have been doing for a couple years. Fans give me a word and I write a song in 2 hours. I miss playing with my band but a new CD is nothing to complain about. I am blessed.

Do you find an upside to this?

Kelly: No, not with all the fear, sadness and suffering. I don’t mean to be negative, but live music helps so many and creates a community that is missing right now.

What are you doing to fill the time?

Kelly: Just writing more songs and checking in with people. We feel blessed that Perry is still working so we have reached out to those who are not working now and have helped in different ways. We all need to look to the left or look to the right and see who beside us who is hurting and do something to help.

Add anything else you’d like to share.

Kelly: If you’d like to help a local musician, just think about who you loved going out to see in your local pubs and reach out to them. Maybe they are doing an online concert or selling CDs on their websites. Maybe they need to hear from their fans, maybe they need financial help. If you are working and okay, maybe help someone who is not.  I’m sure they would really appreciate it!

(Kelly’s Lot can be found on most social media platforms as well as their official website at

Dan Grimm, Singer/Songwriter & owner Carbonite Sound

Are you still working your day job?

Dan: Hell yeah I am, and I’m surprised! When I took the job at to start the tech support team for online learning, I didn’t think I would be there long –– I thought I would sign a new artist contract and be writing for an artist or touring within the year. Amazingly, 14 years later, my love for the technological evolution of human learning has never been stronger. I’m having some Deja vu these days because when the economic bubble burst in 08′, skyrocketed with people needing to learn new skills to survive.  Linkedin acquiring was unexpectedly awesome, and I am proud of how many people’s lives we have helped improve with the massive platform for learning.
But sadly, the music industry as a trade has been demolished over that same time frame. Streaming services have become disastrous, live venues pay 1/10th the money they used to, and while people still value music so greatly –– there isn’t the same class of fair pay for work you see in trades like plumbing, electricians, and carpentry. I’m actively working to try to change that using every platform at my disposal, and I think every musician and industry person should be too.
How’s the Covid-19 Stay Home order affecting you as a working musician?
Dan: I miss my band and playing in front of a live audience so much.  At the same time, it’s good for me because I have to focus on writing and getting solo demos for license instead of taking gigs. On the bright side, there is still a growing need for music behind all that streaming content most folks are binge watching. Plus, if you can’t find material to write about in these interesting times, you shouldn’t ever complain that Bob Dylan, Crosby Stills and Nash, Neil Young, or anyone in the 60’s had more things to address in their music. I’m hopeful songwriters are taking advantage of a powerful moment in history to channel powerful concepts into song.
Tell me how this all is affecting the studio.
Dan: It’s a mixed bag, the part of our revenue at Carbonite Sound (formerly Brotheryn) that comes from recording live bands is paused, fortunately, we have been so busy over the last 6 months with TV, movies, bands, and various sound projects that there is a lot of mixing, mastering, and cleanup work that can be done in isolation. This could go on for longer than we can guess, and we think it’s time we look at ways we can pivot with the post pandemic shifts that may occur. On that note, we think we have a few good ideas in the works and I’m really excited to see what we can do to improve the things we offer artists, industry, and audience.
(Find out more about Dan Grimm on his Facebook page and Carbonite Sound (clientele includes Kenny Loggins, Joe Bonamassa, Izzy Stradlin, Farrelly Brothers and more at

Karen Parkhouse, Singer/Songwriter of The Barrelhouse Wailers

Do you work a day job?

Karen: I don’t work a day job, but I volunteer teach choir at Balboa middle school, so that’s obviously not happening at the moment. My husband is still employed and works from home.

How’s the Covid-19 Stay Home order affecting you as a working musician?

Karen: Covid has affected us by performances being cancelled through June resulting in income loss for the band.  Also, band cannot rehearse with remote communication only.  We are working on some new stuff though, and setting up recording stations at each of our houses.

Is there an upside?

Karen: The upside is learning to slow down; unfortunately, so many musicians rely on gig income, so it’s rough for some. Upside is also taking time to work on writing. I’ve set myself a daily music challenge to be creative and practice/ produce something every day and to document this time in life.

Anything else you’d like to add?

Karen: It’s tough for performers to not perform.  It’s like our outlet has been taken away.  Thankfully we live in a period that we can still express ourselves and reach an audience through social media where even tips can be sent remotely. The energy level has gone down, but support for each other has skyrocketed.

(The Barrelhouse Wailers have two CDs to date; look them up on Facebook and YouTube and on their official website

Jeff Donovan, Guitarist from The Guitar and Whiskey Club

Do you work a day job? If so, are you still working?

Jeff: I used to spend my days working Monday through Friday from home, so now I spend 24 hours a day at home (except for the occasional store run). My heart goes out to the many people not in a good situation right now.

How’s the Covid-19 Stay Home order affecting you as a working musician?

Jeff: I am trapped at home with the singer of my band as a roommate – how fortunate is that? On the other hand, the rest of the band members are not able to be with us right now, so we have had to develop new material – and do live streaming as the Guitar & Whiskey Club “Lite” in place of shows with the full band.

Is there any upside to it?

Jeff: Yes, there is extra time to create music, but on the downside, I have to spend some of that time sanitizing my groceries and mail, and just about everything else in sight!

(Get the low down on the hard rockers at and most social media platforms)

Robert Ramirez from Medicine Hat

I know you injured yourself and have been rehabilitating but how has this Stay Home Order been affecting you?

Robert: COVID19 and its impact on myself and Medicine Hat has been quite a journey. This has all happened while simultaneously recovering from broken clavicle surgery. With a brand-new album, corresponding release parties and a trip to play SXSW all being cancelled, we pretty much watched all the hard work and planning slip away, like a carpet being pulled out from under us.

As is for many artists, the Stay Home order has caused us to rethink how we share our music. We’d like to do some live streaming as soon as I’m able. In the meantime, we’re coming up with different ways to get the new songs out there. Medicine Hat plans to post a song a day from the new album, on our Facebook page. We’ll include lyrics, photos and interesting notes pertaining to each track, kind of a virtual Story Tellers.  We’re trying to take advantage of this time to work on promoting, submitting the record for reviews and maybe start writing the next one!

(Medicine Hat’s new release Fences is available at and all streaming platforms.)

Next issue I’ll be checking in with more musicians including Guy Martin, Tommy Marsh and Jon Gindick.

Vol. 13, No. 13 – Mar 25 – Apr 7, 2020 – Ventura Music Scene

by Pam Baumgardner

We find ourselves in uncharted territory as the Covid-19 pandemic hits home. Many venues initially didn’t take Governor Newsom’s Stay-Home Order too seriously, but once the Ventura County Public Health Officer, Dr. Robert Levin, issued our own local emergency order, each venue, one by one, closed their doors and posted on social media they would not be open for business until allowed to do so; and as much as we all would like to think live music is an essential service, alas, by definition, it brings people together in too close proximity to remain safe.

This extraordinary event is disrupting our normal routine and we’re scrambling to figure out how best to endure and stay safe.

Forever the optimist, I still feel for our community; I feel for the musicians who lost all their gigs; I feel for Sheldon Brown, publisher of the Ventura Breeze, as his advertisers have fallen short of covering the cost of production, yet he’s doing everything he can to keep the Breeze alive; I feel for all the small business owners forced to close their doors (hopefully just temporarily); I feel for the grocery workers who have to constantly restock (and deal with cranky customers) as certain people feel compelled to overbuy; I feel for first responders forever on standby, ready to serve; I feel for parents with children unexpectedly at home due to school closures; and I feel for those scared and worried about this pandemic because that is in their nature to do so. The only comfort and advice I can offer is to ask those who are in anguish to take a step back, and really try to realize worrying doesn’t help anyone (especially you and your family), it only adds to the problem. If you can get to that point, then figure out what you can do to better the situation; seriously, do something, anything!

During this time of social distancing, I’ve seen so many resourceful and creative solutions for remaining connected especially using social media, but I’ll be honest, Facebook can be potentially soul damaging when people constantly vent angry political-blaming posts, but I want you to remember that you have the power to “hide” those posts, even “unfollow” and “delete” friends and in extreme situations, “block” individuals who chronically share mind-numbing snarky remarks, false information and diatribe. What’s left are pictures of pets, children running amok, creative suggestions to try at home, groups forming to support each other (one is a bartering group here in Ventura) and of course all our beautiful musicians providing live online concerts using social media (YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, even

I was concerned for a day, maybe two, on how to move forward with supporting Ventura’s music scene on my website, but once I saw musicians and singer/songwriters inviting fans to view their home concerts, I knew I could help promote and list those events instead of venue calendars. And because I’m also a website designer, I created a page where you can view that video after the performance is over on the VenturaRocks Artist page. And just so you know, many of the performers also provide a way to make a donation, a tip jar if you will, so you can help these artists who lost all their gigs for the time being.

I’ll be honest (with a Cheshire smile), it’s a little mini vacation for me not having to research where all the live music is and compiling a calendar (both for the Breeze and Here’s a little insight on where I get my information: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, email, messenger, text messages, phone calls and venue websites, not to mention the occasional flyer I’ll spot walking around town. What makes it even more challenging is the fact that people will not always list an event in a timely manner, so I have to research several times a week instead of only once, and even then, I can miss a gig by someone who posted the morning of the show. So yeah, I’m decompressing and enjoying cleaning out the junk drawer(s), and spending time with my senior pups.

Gratefully, the Stay Home Order allows us to go to the grocery store and pharmacy, even to a restaurant for take-out or drive-thru, which brings up another point. While we are at home, we can still support local restaurants who are providing delivery services, many of them without delivery fees. For a list of FAQs on what is allowed, go to

As I follow the guidelines of social distancing, I’m loving my community uplifting each other and voicing words of support as I walk my senior dogs down at Pierpont Beach, albeit, at least from a distance of six feet or more. I’m seeing people out enjoying the fresh air, walking their own dogs, biking, jogging and letting their kids out for some much-needed space, which after all, Ventura’s space is one of the most beautiful on the planet.

Please keep in mind, we will get through this quicker if we all adhere to the guidelines here and now.

#TogetherAtHome #StayVenturaStrong #StirCrazy #SupportYourLocalMusican #TheVenturaBreezeRocks #WeCanDoThis #VenturaWillRockAgain

Finally, my sincere condolences go out to the family and friends of Jim Salzer as the community grieves at his passing. He was an icon here in town and his impact on the music scene as a concert promoter and record and video store owner will be felt for a very long time.

Do you have any music-related news or upcoming shows you want help publicizing? Please send all information short or long to [email protected]. For updated music listings daily, go to

Vol. 13, No. 12 – Mar 11 – Mar 24, 2020 – Ventura Music Scene

by Pam Baumgardner

It’s not always easy to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day when it falls mid-week as it does this year on a Tuesday, so a lot of the celebrations will take place the weekend before with hardcore Irish venues such as Dargan’s celebrating full throttle on Tuesday anyways. You can expect the obligatory bagpipers and Claddagh Irish dancers throughout the day; I also hear the Ventura City Fire Pipes and Drums will be making their rounds including at stop at Made West Brewing.

Surge Du Monde plays the Red Cove on Saturday, March 14. The band’s genre is “Deep Groove – Old Country – Folk Core” with Austin Wrinkle on drums and percussion (nominated two years for World Percussionist of the Year, Drum! Magazine Drummies Awards), Orest Balaban who toured with the Eels back in the day and Eric Warner who recorded with Jon Swift. Casual Business also plays. The following weekend, Saturday, March 21, Blues Bullet will be joined by Whiskey Dick (Texas), James Hunnicutt (Washington) and the Hajj (Cypress Island).

There will be a hardcore night of Psychobilly/Rawkabilly/Ska with Los Pistoleros out of Reno, Mama’s Hot Sauce out of Palmdale along with locals Double Wide at the Garage on Saturday, March 14.

The Majestic Ventura Theater has a number of concerts over the next couple of weeks including Fitz and the Tantrums on Friday, March 13, the Growlers on Wednesday, March 18, Yachtley Crew on Friday, March 20, and then a tribute to Bob Marley with One Drop Redemption, BombaFiya and After the Smoke on Saturday, March 21.

Quick Notes: celebrates its 11th anniversary this month serving Ventura’s music community; Buffalo Trance plays the Saloon on Friday, March 13; Social Distortion tribute band, Sick Boy, returns to the Sewer with the Hell Toupees on Friday, March 13; you can dance all night to tech music at the Ventura Beach Club with Club805 on Friday, March 13; mPhaka will be the Winery of Ventura’s band both for their float during the St. Patrick’s Day Parade and then again that evening at their venue on Market Street; the Channel Cities Jazz Club presents the Barrelhouse Wailers at the House of Dance on Sunday, March 15; Karyn805 releases her second CD at Winchesters on Friday, March 20; and the Copa Cubana will feature a night of salsa dancing and more when Cuban born Fermin Siforntes Quartet plays on Friday, March 20

So far, no events locally have been cancelled or postposed due to the Coronavirus. I’ve seen concerned raised on social media regarding the Skull & Roses event at the Ventura Fairgrounds over the weekend of April 2 where over a dozen bands play celebrating the music and community of the Grateful Dead. So far everything is a go, but keep your often-washed fingers crossed!

Do you have any music-related news or upcoming shows you want help publicizing? Please send all information short or long to [email protected]. For updated music listings daily, go to

Vol. 13, No. 12 – Mar 11 – Mar 24, 2020 – Music Calendar

For more events go to

Blue Agave
185 E. Santa Clara
Fridays: Mariachi Band; DJ
Saturdays: DJ

Boatyard Pub
Ventura Harbor Village
Tuesday-Thursday 6 pm, Friday & Saturday 7 pm
Mondays: Milo Sledge
Thursdays: Jim Friery, Bluegrass Jam
Wed 3/11: Karen Eden
Fri 3/13: Teresa Russell & Stephen Geyer
Sat 3/14: Shorebreak
Sun 3/15: Ken Devoe
Tues 3/17: Frank Barajas
Wed 3/18: Finnhead Dave
Fri 3/20: Frank Barajas
Sat 3/21: Karen Eden
Sun 3/22: Epitome of Dreams
Tues 3/24: Shorebreak

Bombay Bar & Grill
143 S. California Street
Thursdays, Friday & Saturdays: DJs

Café Fiore
66 S. California Street
Wed 3/11: Big Adventure
Fri 3/13: Cosolive
Sat 3/14: Self Righteous Bros
Tues 3/14: Colette Lovejoy Band
Wed 3/18: Donna Butler
Fri 3/20: Colette Lovejoy Band
Sat 3/21: Otis Hayes
Tues 3/24: Donna Greene

Camarillo Barrelworks
126 Wood Road, Suite 104
Camarillo, CA
Music 7-10 pm
Sat 3/14: Katey Shorey

Cantina 31
Limon y Sal
598 E. Main Street
Saturdays: DJ
Sundays 1-4: Instone

Casa Bella
391 E. Main Street
Thursdays: Danny D.

The Cave
4435 McGrath Street
5:30 – 8:30 pm
Weds & Saturdays: Varon Thomas
Thurs & Fridays: Warren Takahashi

Concrete Jungle Brewing
4561 Market Street
Sat 3/14: DJ Hear & Now
Sun 3/15: Fist Fight on Ecstacy, Failing Up, The Pawns, Deathwish Dogs
Sat 3/21: HoneyBadger

Copa Cubana
Ventura Harbor Village
Music 7 pm; Sat 11 am; Sundays 3 – 6 pm
Sat & Sundays: Ken Devoe (Noon)
Tuesdays: The Jerry McWorter Trio
Thursdays: The Gypsy Blues Band
Sun 3/15: Brandon Ragan Project
Fri 3/20: Fermin Sifontes Quartet
Sun 3/22: Karen Eden & the Bad Apples

Dargan’s Irish Pub
593 E. Main Street
Music: 4pm
Sun 3/15: The Sunday Drivers
Tues 3/17: Bagpippers

1888 Thompson Blvd
Sat 3/14: Erotic City
Fri 3/20: Sgt. Pepper
Sat 3/21: Righteous & the Wicked

Duke’s Griddle n Grill
1124 S. Seaward
Wednesdays: Karaoke

El Rey Cantina
294 E. Main Street
Fridays & Saturdays: DJ”
Thursdays: DJ Honey
Sat 3/14 Sin Chonies
Sat 3/21: Kyle Swan

Four Brix Winery
2290 Eastman Avenue
Fridays 6 pm; Sundays 1 pm
Fri 3/13: Karen Eden & Bill Macpherson
Fri 3/20: Ignition

The Garage
1091 Scandia Avenue
Thursdays: Open Mic w/ Spencer
Fri 3/13: Guttural Riot, Cadaver Pudding, The Daves, F Word, Passengers of Rapture
Sat 3/14: Los Pistoleros, Mama’s Hot Sauce, Double Wide
Sat 3/21: The Robot Uprising, Fifi, Plot, the Mormons

Gigi’s Cocktails
2493 Grand Avenue
(805) 642-2411
Thurs, Fri & Sat: Karaoke

Grapes and Hops
454 E. Main Street
Wed 6-9, Fri & Sat 8 pm, Sun 4 pm
Tuesdays: Tango Tuesdays
Thursdays: Vinyl Night
Fri 3/13: Dianne Miller Band
Sat 3/14: Shawn Jones Trio
Sun 3/15: Jelly Roll
Fri 3/20: Tex Pistols
Sat 3/21: Colette Lovejoy Band
Sun 3/22: Crooked Eye Tommy & Paddy Marsh

The Hong Kong Inn
435 E. Thompson Blvd
Tuesdays: Open mic (6-10 pm)
Wednesdays: The Get Down Jam
Sun 3/22: Del Franklin

House of Dance
3007 Bensen Ave.
Sun 3/15: Barrelhouse Wailers (2:30 pm)

Keynote Lounge
10245 E. Telephone Road
Tues, Wed and Sun: Karaoke
Thursdays: Open mic night
Fri 3/13: Pull the Trigger
Sat 3/14: Heart & Soul
Fri 3/20: DJ AVG
Sat 3/21: Crosscut 805

Leashless Brewing
585 E. Thompson Blvd.
Tues: Open Mic, The Listening Room
Sat 3/14: The Salty Suites
Thurs 3/19: Robert Quindaro & Friends
Fri 3/20: Kevin Tate
Sat 3/21: Boom Duo

Made West Brewing
1744 Donlon Street
Thurs 6 pm; Sat 11 am – 9 pm; Sun 1 – 7 pm
Thurs 3/12: RJ Bloke
Sat 3/14: Moon Dog & the Astral Cats
Sun 3/15: Kirby Ai
Tues 3/17: Ventura City Fire Pipe and Drums
Sun 3/22: Milo Sledge

Majestic Ventura Theater
26 S. Chestnut Street
Fri 3/13: Fitz and the Tantrums
Wed 3/18: The Growlers
Fri 3/20: Yachtley Crew
Sat 3/21: One Drop Redemption, BombaFiya, After the Smoke

Margarita Villa
1567 Spinnaker Drive
Music 7 pm; except Sundays at 4 pm
Fri 3/13: Bobby Campbell
Sat 3/14: Midnight Vinyl
Sun 3/15: CRV
Sat 3/21: Reign
Sun 3/22: James Brothers Band

6555 Telephone Road
Wed: Karaoke
Orozco’s de Ventura
839 E. Front Street
Fri & Sat 5 pm: Victor and Artis

2 W. Main Street
Wednesdays: Karaoke
Fri & Sat: DJs

Peirano’s Delicatessen
204 E. Main Street
Music: 6-8, Sundays Noon – 2
Sat 3/14: The Midtones

2209 E. Thompson Blvd
Tuesdays: Danny D.

Red Cove
1809 E. Main Street
Sat 3/14: Casual Business, Surge du Monde
Sat 3/21: Bljues Bullet, Whiskey Dick, James Hunnicutt, The Hajj

456 E. Main Street
Fridays: Disco Soul Club w/ DJ Cid Hernandez
Sat 3/14: Buffalo Trance

Sandbox Coffeehouse
204 E. Thompson Blvd
Thurs 6 pm, Weekends noon
Thursdays Open Mic
Sat 3/14: The BRKN
Sun 3/15: Connor Jewett

Sans Souci
21 S. Chestnut
Sundays: DJ Darko
Mondays: Karaoke w/ Brian Parra
Tuesdays: DJ Nick Dean
Wednesdays: Open mic
Thursdays: DJ Spinobi
Fri 3/13: Sick Boy, The Hell Toupees

The Shores Restaurant
1031 Harbor Blvd, Oxnard
Thursdays: Karaoke
Fri 3/13: Frank Barajas
Sat 3/14: Brandon Ragan Project
Sun 3/15: Karen Eden
Fri 3/20: Ray Ray & the Posse
Sat 3/21: Terry Foyek Trio
Sun 3/22: Jose Jazz Group

The Star Lounge
343 E. Main Street
Thursdays: DJ Terry
Fri 3/13: Reign
Sat 3/14: Dive Bar Messiahs
Fri 3/20: Dusty Jugz
Sat 3/21: Brandon Ragan Project

The Sushi House
1127 S Seaward Avenue
Music 1 – 3:30 pm
Saturdays: Gary Ballen

The Tavern
211 E. Santa Clara Street
Sundays: DJ
Thursdays: Get Right DJ
Sat 3/21: Agent 18

Topa Mountain Winery
821 W. Ojai Avenue, Ojai
Music: 3-5 pm
Sat 3/14: Shaky Feelin’
Sun 3/15: Sophie Holt
Sat 3/21: Shawn Jones
Sun 3/22: Patricia Avis Trio

Topa Topa Brewing Co.
Colt Street
Music at 2 pm
Sun 3/15: Anchor & Bear
Sun 3/22: Seth Patterson

Ventura Beach Club
281 W. Main Street
Fri 3/13: Club805: Coalesce NYE

Water’s Edge
1510 Anchors Way
Music 11 am – 3 pm
Sun 3/15: Telegraph Road

632 E. Main Street
(805) 653-7446
Music at 7:00 pm; Sundays at 5 pm
Fri 3/13: National Cat
Sat 3/14: Déjà vu Too
Sun 3/15: Jodi Farrell & Jim Rankin
Fri 3/20: Karyn 805
Sat 3/21: CRV Acoustic Trio
Sun 3/22: Teresa Russell & Jerry Breiner

The Winery Ventura
4756 Market Street
Thurs – Sat 7-10; Sundays 1 pm
Wed 3/11: Beers Bros. Open Mic
Sat 3/14: mPhaka
Sun 3/15: Reggae with Angel (1-4)
Wed 3/18: Jazz Jam
Thurs 3/19: Blues Jam
Fri 3/20: Patrick Martin Band
Sat 3/21: Ky-Enie
Sun 3/22: David Gorospe

740 South B Street, Oxnard
Tues – Thurs 6 pm; Fri & Sat 7:30 pm
Tuesdays and Thursdays: Mark McKinney
Wednesdays: Open mic
Fri 3/13: Mphaka
Sat 3/14: Blue Motel Room
Fri 3/20: Shawn Jones
Sat 3/21: Clear Sky

Vol. 13, No. 11 – Feb 26 – Mar 10, 2020 – Ventura Music Scene

by Pam Baumgardner

The Ventura Music Festival announced their 2020 lineup recently. Most of the events will be held at the Ventura College Performing Arts Center (VCPAC); but the ever-popular Tea & Trumpets will once again be held at the Pierpont Inn on July 23, and their annual free event will be held at Mission park on July 30 featuring Adaawe, seven women of the voice and drum featuring music from West African roots with Gospel harmonies and American funk. The other performances at VCPAC including Aubrey Logan, an American pop and jazz singer and trombone soloist; Time for Three; Andrea Roberto, Django Festival Allstars, Tom Scott & LA Express and Sean Chen. Tickets go on sale April 13 at

Meanwhile, the Ventura Music Festival has a special event on March 22 featuring seven gifted musicians from Austria called Mnozil Brass, noted as “the Monty Python of the musical world.” This concert will be held at Rancho Campana Performing Arts Center in Camarillo.

Formerly known as Champagne on Main, the Spring Wine Walk & Street Fair will be here before you know it. The street fair is always open and free to the public, but to be a part of the wine walk you will need to buy tickets. The event falls on Saturday, March 28. Get your tickets at

Quick Notes: enjoy some pub rock with Sock Monkey at Red Cove, on Thursday, February 27;
Grady’s Records has an in store performance on Friday, February 28, with Eugene Chadbourne and Daniel Masiel; the Vonettes with the Swizzlers play an early show (6 pm) at Bombay’s on Friday, February 28; Solvang’s La Grimas plays a punk show with Up Your Gut and Defeating the Purpose at the Garage on Friday, February 28; Concrete Jungle Brewing is hosting an “Into the Wild” art show on Saturday, February 29, with Omega Nova playing; you can catch Cinnamon Whiskey at Duke’s at the beach on Saturday, February 29; the Midtones play Peirano’s on Saturday, February 29; Caffrodite Community Collective has a songwriter’s showcase on Sunday, March 1 with Liz Nash, Kathy Kamath, Don Horn and others; check out Sunday Funday, March 1, at Four Brix Winery featuring Mark Masson; Rachel Flowers returns to Ventura for a jazz show at the Winery Ventura on Sunday afternoon, March 1; Los Cool Arrows plays the Ventura Theater on Saturday, March 7; and finally, Second Sunday Supper on March 8 has Shaky Feelin’ at Plan B Winery.

The Jazz community lost a good one this past month when Ken Winter passed away. A former jazz writer and a World War II veteran, he was a gem and a gentleman and I always enjoyed hearing his tales of the many jazz shows he had seen over the years.

Do you have any music-related news or upcoming shows you want help publicizing? Please send all information short or long to [email protected]. For updated music listings daily, go to

Vol. 13, No. 11 – Feb 26 – Mar 10, 2020 – Music Calendar

For more events go to
All Venues Ventura, unless otherwise noted.

Blue Agave
185 E. Santa Clara
Fridays: Mariachi Band; DJ
Saturdays: DJ

Boatyard Pub
Ventura Harbor Village
Tuesday-Thursday 6 pm, Friday & Saturday 7 pm
Mondays: Milo Sledge
Thursdays: Jim Friery, Bluegrass Jam
Wed 2/26: Karen Eden
Fri 2/28: Teresa Russell & Stephen Geyer
Sun 3/1: Oleanderfalls
Tues 3/3: Frank Barajas
Wed 3/4: Finnhead Dave
Fri 3/6: Two’s Company
Sat 3/7: Epitome of Dreams
Sun 3/8: Jon Gindick
Tues 3/10: Shoebreak

Bombay Bar & Grill
143 S. California Street
Thursdays, Friday & Saturdays: DJs
Fri 2/28: The Vonettes, The Swizzlers (6 pm)
Sat 2/29: Herbal Rootz, Lay Low, BombaFiya (6 pm)

Café Fiore
66 S. California Street
Wed 2/26: Big Adventure
Fri 2/28: Instone
Sat 2/29: Otis Hayes

1987 E Main Street
Sun 3/1: Liz Nash, Kathy Kamath, Don Horn, Carlo Logan (11 – 1 pm)

Camarillo Barrelworks
126 Wood Road, Suite 104
Camarillo, CA
Music 7-10 pm
Sat 2/29: Vinyl Rendition
Sat 3/7: Sandy Haley

Cantina 31
Limon y Sal
598 E. Main Street
Saturdays: DJ
Sundays 1-4: Instone

Casa Bella
391 E. Main Street
Thursdays: Danny D.

The Cave
4435 McGrath Street
5:30 – 8:30 pm
Weds & Saturdays: Varon Thomas
Thurs & Fridays: Warren Takahashi

Concrete Jungle Brewing
4561 Market Street
Sat 2/29: Omega Nova (6 pm)

Copa Cubana
Ventura Harbor Village
Music 7 pm; Sat 11 am; Sundays 3 – 6 pm
Tuesdays: The Jerry McWorter Trio
Thursdays: The Gypsy Blues Band
Sun 3/1: Brandon Ragan
Sun 3/8: House Arrest

Dargan’s Irish Pub
593 E. Main Street
Music: 4pm
Sun 3/1: The Sunday Drivers

1888 Thompson Blvd
Fri 2/28: Nearvana
Sat 2/29: Twisted Gypsy
Sat 3/7: Dr. Know, IDecline, Nothing Special

Duke’s Griddle n Grill
1124 S. Seaward
Wednesdays: Karaoke
Sat 2/29: Cinnamon Whiskey (6:30 pm)

El Rey Cantina
294 E. Main Street
Fridays & Saturdays: DJ
Sat 2/29: Uproots

Four Brix Winery
2290 Eastman Avenue
Fridays 6 pm; Sundays 1 pm
Fri 2/28: Johnny & the Love Handles
Sun 3/1: Mark Masson
Fri 3/6: Doc Ventura

The Garage
1091 Scandia Avenue
Thursdays: Open Mic w/ Spencer
Fri 2/28: La Grimas, Defeating the Purpose, Up Your Guts
Fri 3/6: Disrupted Euphoria, Anti-Hero, Deified, Pain of Ruin, CFTC

Gigi’s Cocktails
2493 Grand Avenue
(805) 642-2411
Thurs, Fri & Sat: Karaoke

Grady’s Records
2546 E. Main Street
Fri 2/28: Eugene Chadbourne, Daniel Masiel

Grapes and Hops
454 E. Main Street
Wed 6-9, Fri & Sat 8 pm, Sun 4 pm
Tuesdays: Tango Tuesdays
Thursdays: Vinyl Night
Wed 2/26: Bluegrass Jam
Fri 2/28: Mark Masson & Friends
Sat 2/29: Morganfield Burnett & da Blues
Fri 3/6: The Tossers
Sat 3/7: Brian Faith Band
Sun 4/1: Bob Bishop
Fri 3/6: The Tossers
Sat 3/7: Brian Faith Band
Sun 3/8: Mood Swing

The Hong Kong Inn
435 E. Thompson Blvd
Tuesdays: Open mic (6-10 pm)
Wednesdays: The Get Down Jam
Fri 2/28: IDecline, The Hell Toupees, Nothing Special
Sat 2/29: Change Today, Detoxi, The Wraith

Keynote Lounge
10245 E. Telephone Road
Tues, Wed and Sun: Karaoke
Thursdays: Open mic night
Fri 2/28: Whiskey Business
Sat 2/29: Sin Chonies
Fri 3/6: Crooked Eye Tommy
Sat 3/7: Red Rhythm

Leashless Brewing
585 E. Thompson Blvd.
Tues: Open Mic, The Listening Room
Fri 2/28: Kyle Smith
Sat 2/29: Jeff Joslin
Fri 3/6: Jacob Marquez
Sat 3/7: Same Mother, Same Father

Made West Brewing
1744 Donlon Street
Thurs 6 pm; Sat 11 am – 9 pm; Sun 1 – 7 pm
Thurs 2/27: RJ Bloke
Sun 3/1: Ben Schneid
Thurs 3/5: Lauren Hall
Sat 3/7: The Collective
Sun 3/8: Alec Ledbetter

Majestic Ventura Theater
26 S. Chestnut Street
Sat 3/7: Cool Arrows, Grupo Taxi, Los Mixos, Alex Arriaga

Margarita Villa
1567 Spinnaker Drive
Fri 2/28: John Young
Sat 2/29: Freedom of Expression
Sun 3/1: Blue Motel Room
Sat 3/7: Vinyl Gypsies

6555 Telephone Road
Wed: Karaoke
Fri 2/14: Live Band Karaoke

Orozco’s de Ventura
839 E. Front Street
Fri & Sat 5 pm: Victor and Artis

2 W. Main Street
Wednesdays: Karaoke
Fri & Sat: DJs

Peirano’s Delicatessen
204 E. Main Street
Music: 6-8, Sundays Noon – 2
Sundays: The Swillys
Sat 2/29: The Midtones

Plan B Winery
3520 Arundell Circle
Sun 3/8: Shaky Feelin’

Poinsettia Pavilion
3451 Foothill Road
Mon 3/2: Dick Parent Band

2209 E. Thompson Blvd
Tuesdays: Danny D.

Red Cove
1809 E. Main Street
Thurs 2/27: Sock Monkey
Sat 3/7: When the Broken Burn, Legends Shall Fall, Eyes Out, Senior Year, New Leaf

456 E. Main Street
Fridays: Disco Soul Club w/ DJ Cid Hernandez

Sandbox Coffeehouse
204 E. Thompson Blvd
Thurs 6 pm, Weekends noon
Thursdays Open Mic
Sat 2/29: Tyler
Sun 3/1: Eric & Friends
Sat 3/7: Andre Flores

Sans Souci
21 S. Chestnut
Sundays: DJ Darko
Mondays: Karaoke w/ Brian Parra
Tuesdays: DJ Nick Dean
Wednesdays: Open mic
Thursdays: DJ Spinobi
Fri 2/28: Seaside Band
Sat 2/29: Focke Wolves, The Overrides, Transers

The Shores Restaurant
1031 Harbor Blvd, Oxnard
Thursdays: Karaoke
Fri 2/28: Bad Habits
Sat 2/29: A Shore Things

The Star Lounge
343 E. Main Street
Thursdays: DJ Terry
Fri 2/28: Reign
Sat 2/29: Vanise Terry Band

The Sushi House
1127 S Seaward Avenue
Music 1 – 3:30 pm
Saturdays: Gary Ballen

The Tavern
211 E. Santa Clara Street
Sundays: DJ
Thursdays: Get Right DJ
Sat 2/22: The Black Stripes

Topa Mountain Winery
821 W. Ojai Avenue, Ojai
Music: 3-5 pm
Sat 2/29: Brandon Ragan Project
Sun 3/1: Conner Cherland
Sat 3/7: Rich Sheldon
Sun 3/8: Karen Eden

Ventura Harbor Comedy Club
1559 Spinnaker Drive
(Music follows comedy show, around 9 pm)
Fri 3/6: Brian Faith Band
Sat 3/7: Johnny & the Love Handles

632 E. Main Street
(805) 653-7446
Music at 7:00 pm; Sundays at 5 pm
Fri 2/28: Sean Wiggins
Sat 2/29: James Broz
Sun 3/1: Acoustic DNA feat. Dave Rea
Fri 3/6: Mark Masson
Sat 3/7: The Tossers
Sun 3/8: Acoustic Crossroads w/ Tommy Marsh

The Winery Ventura
4756 Market Street
Thurs – Sat 7-10; Sundays 1 pm
Wed 2/26: Beers Brothers Open Mic
Thurs 2/27: Molly Miller Trio
Fri 2/28: Barrelhouse Wailers
Sat 2/29: Bejammington (2 pm); Fred Kaplan Band (7 pm)
Sun 3/1: Rachel Flowers & Friends

740 South B Street, Oxnard
Tues – Thurs 6 pm; Fri & Sat 7:30 pm
Tuesdays and Thursdays: Mark McKinney
Wednesdays: Open mic
Fri 2/28: Isla Vista Jazz
Sat 2/29: Karen Eden
Fri 3/6: Tex Pistols

Vol. 13, No. 10 – Feb 12 – Feb 25, 2020 – Ventura Music Scene

by Pam Baumgardner

Let’s acknowledge the elephant in the room, and then move on. Yes, another venue has closed its doors. What’s worse, it’s a Main Street venue, this time Oak and Main. Was it due to mismanagement? Bad service? Poor advertising? It’s easy to be a Monday morning quarterback, but instead, let’s all just vow to support your favorite venues making up Ventura’s music scene. Rent is incredibly high, and the bands deserve to be paid well, so understand that us music lovers are the ones who truly give it the blood to keep it going.

Here now, your Valentine’s musical choices for February 14: there will be a Punk Rock Prom party (all ages) at Bike Ventura on the Avenue with Rafa Rose, Martini Drive and Without Words; Colette Lovejoy plays Café Fiore; serious dancing will be going on at Copa Cubana with House Arrest; there’s a 20’s theme party at Four Brix Winery with Ginger & the Hoosier Daddies; Benjamin Buttner plays jazz & blues at La Cosecha Modern Concina in the Crown Plaza Hotel; Limon y Sal offers up Mariachi Aguilas de Oxnard dinner shows; there’s a “Rock into my Heart” party at the Sewer with Spacedragon and the Mystos; in Ojai, a special evening of live music with Jade Hendrix at Topa Mountain Winery; in Oxnard, jazz with Toni Jannotta at 1901 Speakeasy in Oxnard; and finally, not only can you celebrate Valentine’s Day with Shawn Jones at Grapes and Hops, but it’s a Marti Gras birthday celebration for owner Tammy White as well.

Get your cowboy boots out because Saturday, February 15 will be the 4th annual Country Music Crawl in downtown Ventura featuring six bands and six venues where at the start you pick the color cup to represent whether your single (blue) or in a committed relationship (red). I’m thinking we should always have that option in all bars don’t you think? In any case, here’s the line up starting at Blue Agave at 4 pm with Lacie Mae; Ted Z & the Wranglers at Star Lounge at 5; then over to Grapes and Hops for Blind Innocense at 6; up to Limon y Sal for Paige Peel at 7; Mike Scully plays Winchesters at 8 pm; then wrapping up the crawl at the Sewer for Rob Leines at 9 pm by which time I’m sure it will be an actual crawl. Get your tickets at

Pulse Drumming will hold a special drum clinic at the Winery Ventura Sunday afternoon, February 23, with Fausto Cuevas (toured with Stevie Wonder, Queen Latifah, Santana, and now with Jennifer Lopez). Following the clinic will be a live performance starting at 2:30.

Quick Notes: now that football season is over, the Boatyard Pub is back to live music every night of the week; there’s a free Chamber Music Concert at the Ventura College Performing Arts Center on Saturday, February 15; Namba has Licity’s Love Fest at Namba Saturday, February 15 and then Dan Rosenboom’s Jazz Fusion on Sunday, February 16; Dark Star Orchestra plays the Ventura Theater Thursday, February 20; and the 6th annual Johnny Cash birthday bash at Bombay’s will be Saturday, February 22 with the Mighty Cash Cats and Silver Threads.

And finally, there will be a fundraiser on Saturday, February 22, for an all-inclusive playground in Arroyo Verde Park at the Garage with over ten bands supporting this effort including the Robot Uprising, Fuse, Day Drunk, One Minute Run, Malice Thoughts and Plot.

Do you have any music-related news or upcoming shows you want help publicizing? Please send all information short or long to [email protected]. For updated music listings daily, go to

Vol. 13, No. 10 – Feb 12 – Feb 25, 2020 – Music Calendar

For more events go to
All Venues Ventura, unless otherwise noted.

Bike Ventura
490 N. Ventura Avenue
Fri 2/14: Rafa Rose, Martini Drive, Without Words

Blue Agave
185 E. Santa Clara
Fridays: Mariachi Band; DJ
Saturdays: DJ
Sat 2/15: Lacie Mae (4 pm)

Boatyard Pub
Ventura Harbor Village
Tuesday-Thursday 6 pm, Friday & Saturday 7 pm
Mondays: Milo Sledge
Thursdays: Jim Friery, Bluegrass Jam
Wed 2/12: Karen Eden
Fri 2/14: Teresa Russell & Stephen Geyer
Sat 2/15: Pop Covers
Sun 2/16: Déjà vu 2
Tues 2/18: Frank Barajas
Wed 2/19: Finnhead Dave
Fri 2/21: Frank Barajas
Tues 2/25: Shorebreak

Bombay Bar & Grill
143 S. California Street
Thursdays, Friday & Saturdays: DJs
Sat 2/22: Mighty Cash Cats, Silver Threads (6 pm)

Café Fiore
66 S. California Street
Wed 2/12: Big Adventure
Fri 2/14: Colette Lovejoy & Band
Tues 2/18: Fabulous Hangovers
Wed 2/19: Donna Butler
Tues 2/25: The Six

Camarillo Barrelworks
126 Wood Road, Suite 104
Camarillo, CA
Music 7-10 pm
Sat 2/15: Johnny & the Love Handles

Cantina 31
Limon y Sal
598 E. Main Street
Saturdays: DJ
Sundays 1-4: Instone
Sat 2/15: Paige Peel (7 pm)
Sat 2/22: Vinyl Gypsies (2 pm)

Casa Bella
391 E. Main Street
Thursdays: Danny D.

The Cave
4435 McGrath Street
5:30 – 8:30 pm
Weds & Saturdays: Varon Thomas
Thurs & Fridays: Warren Takahashi

Concrete Jungle Brewing
4561 Market Street
Sat 2/15: Juleen, Joey Macmahan, Martini Drive

Copa Cubana
Ventura Harbor Village
Music 7 pm; Sat 11 am; Sundays 3 – 6 pm
Tuesdays: The Jerry McWorter Trio
Thursdays: The Gypsy Blues Band
Fri 2/14: House Arrest
Sat 2/15: House Arrest
Sun 2/16: House Arrest
Sun 2/23: Karen & the Bad Apples

Dargan’s Irish Pub
593 E. Main Street
Music: 4pm
Sun 2/16: The Sunday Drivers

1888 Thompson Blvd
Sat 2/15: Strange Days
Fri 2/21: The Question, After the Smoke
Sat 2/22: Led Zepplica

Duke’s Griddle n Grill
1124 S. Seaward
Wednesdays: Karaoke

El Rey Cantina
294 E. Main Street
Fridays & Saturdays: DJ

Four Brix Winery
2290 Eastman Avenue
Fridays 6 pm; Sundays 1 pm
Fri 2/14: Ginger & the Hoosier Daddies
Fri 2/21: Vinyl Gypsies

The Garage
1091 Scandia Avenue
Thursdays: Open Mic w/ Spencer
Sat 2/15” The Guillotines, Screech of Death, Psychotic Barnyard
Fri 2/21: Curl Up and Die, Pressure Cracks
Sat 2/22: The Robot Uprising, The Cursed Bastards, Cruda, Voodoo Dawn, more…

Gigi’s Cocktails
2493 Grand Avenue
(805) 642-2411
Thurs, Fri & Sat: Karaoke

Grapes and Hops
454 E. Main Street
Wed 6-9, Fri & Sat 8 pm, Sun 4 pm
Tuesdays: Tango Tuesdays
Wed 2/12: Bluegrass Jam
Fri 2/14: Shawn Jones Trio
Sat 2/15: Blind Innocense (6 pm); Dive Bar Messiahs (8 pm)
Sun 2/16: Salty Suites
Wed 2/19: Gypsy Jam
Fri 2/21: Johnny & the Love Handles
Sat 2/22: Blue Motel Room
Sun 2/23: Shawn Jones acoustic

The Hong Kong Inn
435 E. Thompson Blvd
Tuesdays: Open mic (6-10 pm)
Fri 2/21: Dead Heat, ROC, Omega Poiknt, TR, more…
Sat 2/22: Blackstar, Wired

Keynote Lounge
10245 E. Telephone Road
Tues, Wed and Sun: Karaoke
Thursdays: Open mic night
Fri 2/14: DJ AVG
Sat 2/15: Old School
Fri 2/21: Zep Heads
Sat 2/22: DJ AVG

Leashless Brewing
585 E. Thompson Blvd.
Tues: Open Mic, The Listening Room
Fri 2/14: Joe Henry III
Sat 2/15: Kevin Tate
Thurs 2/20: Bobby & Friends
Fri 2/21: The Salty Suites
Sat 2/22: Boom Duo
Sun 2/23: Singer/Songwriter showcase

Made West Brewing
1744 Donlon Street
Thurs 6 pm; Sat 11 am – 9 pm; Sun 1 – 7 pm
Sun 2/16: Milo Sledge
Thurs 2/20: Mark Masson
Sat 2/22: Peter Blackwelder
Sun 2/23: Kirby Ai

Majestic Ventura Theater
26 S. Chestnut Street
Thurs 2/20: Dark Star Orchestra
Sat 2/22: Skillet

Margarita Villa
1567 Spinnaker Drive
Sun 2/16: Mark Masson (2 pm)
Mon 2/17: Karen Eden & Bill Macpherson (2 pm)
Sat 2/22: Crosscut 805
Sun 2/23: Road Brothers

Namba Performing Arts
47 S. Oak Street
Sat 2/15: Licity’s Love Fest
Sun 2/16: Dan Rosenboom

6555 Telephone Road
Wed: Karaoke
Fri 2/14: Live Band Karaoke

Orozco’s de Ventura
839 E. Front Street
Fri & Sat 5 pm: Victor and Artis

2 W. Main Street
Wednesdays: Karaoke
Fri & Sat: DJs

Peirano’s Delicatessen
204 E. Main Street
Music: 6-8, Sundays Noon – 2
Sundays: The Swillys
Sat 2/15: Kelly’s Lot Trio
Sat 2/22: 805 Allstarz

Plan B Winery
3520 Arundell Circle
Sun 2/16: Theresa Russell
Sun 2/23: Ray Jaurique & the Bluz Trio

2209 E. Thompson Blvd
Tuesdays: Danny D.

456 E. Main Street
Fridays: Disco Soul Club w/ DJ Cid Hernandez

Sandbox Coffeehouse
204 E. Thompson Blvd
Thurs 6 pm, Weekends noon
Thursdays Open Mic
Sat 2/15: Ray Ray
Sun 2/16: Bruce Mancuso
Sat 2/22: Jeremy But

Sans Souci
21 S. Chestnut
Sundays: DJ Darko
Mondays: Karaoke w/ Brian Parra
Tuesdays: DJ Nick Dean
Wednesdays: Open mic
Thursdays: DJ Spinobi
Fri 2/14: Spacedragon, The Mystos
Sat 2/15: Rob Leines, Blackstar
Sat 2/22: Ripkatz

The Shores Restaurant
1031 Harbor Blvd, Oxnard
Thursdays: Karaoke
Fri 2/14: Ray Ray and the Posse
Sat 2/15: Pull the Trigger
Sun 2/16: Masters of the Past (12:30 pm)
Fri 2/21: Brandon Ragan
Sun 2/23: Brandon Ragan Project

The Star Lounge
343 E. Main Street
Thursdays: DJ Terry
Fri 2/14: Renegades 805
Sat 2/15: Ted Z & the Wranglers, Greg & the Gallows
Fri 2/21: CRV
Sat 2/22: Mini Driver Band

The Sushi House
1127 S Seaward Avenue
Music 1 – 3:30 pm
Saturdays: Gary Ballen

The Tavern
211 E. Santa Clara Street
Sundays: DJ
Thursdays: Get Right DJ
Sat 2/22: The Black Stripes

Topa Mountain Winery
821 W. Ojai Avenue, Ojai
Music: 3-5 pm, unless otherwise noted
Fri 2/14: Jade Hendrix (5-7 pm)
Sat 2/15: Shawn Jones
Sun 2/16: Bad Leaf
Sat 2/22: National Cat
Sun 2/23: Sam Kulchin

Ventura College Performing Arts Center
4700 Loma Vista Road
Sat 2/15: Chamber Music Concert

Ventura Harbor Comedy Club
1559 Spinnaker Drive
Sun 2/23: Tina Sings Sinatra to Simone (3 pm)

Ventura Harbor Village
1583 Spinnaker Drive
Fri 1 pm; Sat & Sun noon
Fri 2/14: Kenny Devoe
Sat 2/15: Surfer Joe Band
Sun 2/16: Karen Eden

632 E. Main Street
(805) 653-7446
Music at 7:00 pm; Sundays at 5 pm
Fri 2/14: Denny Feltwell
Sat 2/15: Mike Scully
Sun 2/16: Karen and the Bad Apples
Fri 2/21: Karyn 805
Sat 2/22: Anchor & Bear
Sun 2/23: Theresa Russell & Jerry Breiner

The Winery Ventura
4756 Market Street
Thurs – Sat 7-10; Sundays 5-8
Thurs 2/13: RJ Mischo
Fri 2/21: Kirk Fletcher
Sat 2/22: The Art Farmers (1 pm)
Sun 2/23: Pausto Cuevas (2:30 pm)

740 South B Street, Oxnard
Tues – Thurs 6 pm; Fri & Sat 7:30 pm
Tuesdays and Thursdays: Mark McKinney
Wednesdays: Open mic
Fri 2/14: Toni Jannotta
Sat 2/15: Lucky Break
Fri 2/21: Shawn Jones acoustic
Sat 2/22: Clear Sky

Vol. 13, No. 9 – Jan 29 – Feb 11, 2020 – Ventura Music Scene

by Pam Baumgardner

I’m a big fan of shaking it up and seeing new things tried out in our little town, and case in point, you can spend your lunchtime at the EP Foster Library in the Topping Room on Friday, January 31, while listening to Opera Santa Barbara, and it’s absolutely free!

Oak and Main’s social media post invites you to celebrate One Love in honor of Bob Marley’s birthday on Thursday, February 6, when they will host a Bob Marley Day with Kaya Now (Marley tribute band) and LayLow.

I spoke with Josh McNutt of Squashed Grapes to get an update on the new jazz club to be simply named, The Grape, and he told me while they have had several setbacks, they continue to overcome all the barriers they’ve come across and hope to be open early Summer. Meanwhile you can catch some great jazz at the Winery Ventura several nights a week located at 4746 Market Street.

Quick Notes: now that Monday Night Football is over for the season, Boatyard Pub welcomes back Milo Sledge with his Monday night residency; it’s good to see Jade Hendrix playing more shows, she’ll be at Topa Topa Brewing on Thompson, Wednesday, January 29; the band, Nein Lives, will debut during open mic night on Thursday, January 30 at Keynote Lounge; find out what the Namba performing arts space is all about during their open house on Thursday, January 30 (4 pm); there should be a packed house for the return of Porcelain Hill at the Sewer on Friday, January 31; you won’t want to miss Jen Staves & the Bluzfish at the Winery Ventura on Friday, January 31 (they’re also celebrating Nee Sackey’s birthday); the Vinyl Gypsies play classic rock on Saturday afternoon at Cantina 31 starting at 2 pm on Saturday, February 1; proving rock is not dead, Ninefinger returns to town with a gig at Red Cove on Saturday, February 1; Concrete Jungle Brewing has a hardcore show on Monday, February 3, kicking off at 5:30 with Born from Pain, Slowbleed and several other bands; in support of their newest release, Widow’s Weeds, the Silversun Pickups play the Ventura Theater on Tuesday, February 4; the Mentors with Social Conflict play the Garage, on Friday, February 7; Caught Red Handed plays Cantara Cellars on Saturday, February 8; and Anchor & Bear duo play Peirano’s on Saturday, February 8.

Don’t forget to check out my little local radio show which actually has the potential for a worldwide audience as it’s not only in Ventura at 104.1 FM, but on the internet at The Pam Baumgardner Music Hour airs Tuesdays at 5 with rebroadcasts on Friday at 5 and Sundays at noon and features mostly local music out of the 805. Do you have music you’d like to submit? Drop me an email.

Do you have any music-related news or upcoming shows you want help publicizing? Please send all information short or long to [email protected]. For updated music listings daily, go to

Vol. 13, No. 9 – Jan 29 – Feb 11, 2020 – Music Calendar

For more events go to
All Venues Ventura, unless otherwise noted.

Blue Agave
185 E. Santa Clara
Fridays: Mariachi Band; DJ
Saturdays: DJ

Boatyard Pub
Ventura Harbor Village
Tuesday-Thursday 6 pm, Friday & Saturday 7 pm
Mondays: Milo Sledge
Thursdays: Jim Friery, Bluegrass Jam
Wed 1/29: Karen Eden
Fri 1/30: Shorebreak

Bombay Bar & Grill
143 S. California Street
Thursdays, Friday & Saturdays: DJs

Café Fiore
66 S. California Street
Wed 1/29: Big Adventure
Tues 2/4: Bernie Meisinger
Wed 2/5: Bryan McCann
Sat 2/8: Instone
Tues 2/11: Donna Greene

Camarillo Barrelworks
126 Wood Road, Suite 104
Camarillo, CA
Music 7-10 pm
Sat 2/1: Ray Jaurique & the Uptown Brothers
Sat 2/8: Caught Red Handed

Cantina 31
Limon y Sal
598 E. Main Street
Saturdays: DJ
Sundays 1-4: Instone
Sat 2/1: Vinyl Gypsies (2 pm)

Casa Bella
391 E. Main Street
Thursdays: Danny D.

The Cave
4435 McGrath Street
5:30 – 8:30 pm
Weds & Saturdays: Varon Thomas
Thurs & Fridays: Warren Takahashi

Concrete Jungle Brewing
4561 Market Street
Fri 1/31: How to Live with Robots, Fall out of Line, Sarah Tonein, Black Star
Mon 2/3: Born from Pain, Slowbleed, Risk, Union Front, Arcline, Bare Minimun (5:30 pm)

Copa Cubana
Ventura Harbor Village
Music 7 pm; Sat 11 am ; Sundays 3 – 6 pm
Tuesdays: The Jerry McWorter Trio
Sun 2/2: House Arrest
Sun 2/9: Brandon Ragan

Dargan’s Irish Pub
593 E. Main Street
Music: 4pm
Sun 2/2: The Sunday Drivers

1888 Thompson Blvd
Fri 1/31: The Spazmatics
Sat 2/8: Karla

Duke’s Griddle n Grill
1124 S. Seaward
Wednesdays: Karaoke

El Rey Cantina
294 E. Main Street
Fridays & Saturdays: DJ

EP Foster Library
Topping Room
651 E. Main Street
Music: Noon – 1 pm – Free
Fri 1/31: Opera Santa Barbara

Four Brix Winery
2290 Eastman Avenue
Fridays 6 pm; Sundays 1 pm
Fri 1/31: Inna Rude Mood
Sun 2/2: Kyle Swan
Fri 2/7: FIDO

The Garage
1091 Scandia Avenue
Thursdays: Open Mic w/ Spencer
Fri 1/31: Imperfexion, Malice Thoughts, Big Die, Gigantic
Sat 2/1: Pink Droid, No Biggie, Tyler Indogo, Heather & Tony
Fri 2/7: The Mentors, Social Conflict

Gigi’s Cocktails
2493 Grand Avenue
(805) 642-2411
Thurs, Fri & Sat: Karaoke

Grapes and Hops
454 E. Main Street
Wed 6-9, Fri & Sat 8 pm, Sun 4 pm
Sat 2/1: Shawn Jones Trio
Sat 2/8: Déjà vu Too

The Hong Kong Inn
435 E. Thompson Blvd
Tuesdays: Open mic (6-10 pm)

Keynote Lounge
10245 E. Telephone Road
Tues, Wed and Sun: Karaoke
Thursdays: Open mic night
Thurs 1/30: Nein Lives
Fri 1/31: Funkronicity

Leashless Brewing
585 E. Thompson Blvd.
Tues: Open Mic, The Listening Room
Sat 2/1: Poetic Electric DJ
Fri 2/7: Jacob Marquez
Sat 2/8: Cover Paige Band

Made West Brewing
1744 Donlon Street
Thurs 6 pm; Sat 11 am – 9 pm; Sun 1 – 7 pm
Thurs 1/30: RJ Bloke
Sun 2/2: Peter Blackwelder
Sun 2/9: RJ Mischo Band
Majestic Ventura Theater
26 S. Chestnut Street
Sat 2/1: Dermot Kennedy
Tues 2/4: Silversun Pickups, Eliza & the Delusionals

Oak and Main
419 E. Main Street
Tuesdays: Beer Bros. Open Mic
Thurs 1/30: Johnny and the Love Handles
Thurs 2/6: Kaya Now, Laylow
Fri 2/7: Kings Revenge, the Guitar & Whiskey Club
Sat 2/8: Shaky Feelin’

6555 Telephone Road
Wed: Karaoke

Orozco’s de Ventura
839 E. Front Street
Fri & Sat 5 pm: Victor and Artis

2 W. Main Street
Wednesdays: Karaoke
Fri & Sat: DJs

Peirano’s Delicatessen
204 E. Main Street
Music: 6-8, Sundays Noon – 2
Sundays: The Swillys
Sat 2/1: Medicine Hat
Sat 2/8: Anchor & Bear

2209 E. Thompson Blvd
Tuesdays: Danny D.

Red Cove
1809 E. Main Street
Sat 2/1: Ninefinger

456 E. Main Street
Fridays: Disco Soul Club w/ DJ Cid Hernandez

Sandbox Coffeehouse
204 E. Thompson Blvd
Thurs 6 pm, Weekends noon
Thursdays Open Mic
Sat 2/1: Andre Flores
Sun 2/2: Michael Ward
Sat 2/8: Cook & Rose
Sun 2/9: Michael Ubaldini

Sans Souci
21 S. Chestnut
Sundays: DJ Darko
Mondays: Karaoke w/ Brian Parra
Tuesdays: DJ Nick Dean
Wednesdays: Open mic
Thursdays: DJ Spinobi
Fri 1/31: Porcelain Hill

The Shores Restaurant
1031 Harbor Blvd, Oxnard
Thursdays: Karaoke
Fri 1/31: Brandon Ragan (solo)
Sat 2/1: Milo Sledge Trio
Sat 2/8: Karen Eden
Sun 2/9: Brandon Ragan Project

The Star Lounge
343 E. Main Street
Thursdays: DJ Terry
Fri 1/31: Greg & the Gallows

Sundry Gallery
433 Main Street, #15
Fri 2/7: Milo Sledge & Co.

The Sushi House
1127 S Seaward Avenue
Music 1 – 3:30 pm
Saturdays: Gary Ballen

The Tavern
211 E. Santa Clara Street
Sundays: DJ
Thursdays: Get Right DJ
Fri 2/7: Wired, Damn Chains

Topa Mountain Winery
821 W. Ojai Avenue, Ojai
Music: 3-5 pm, unless otherwise noted
Sat 2/1: The Salty Suites
Sun 2/2: Nathan McEuen
Sat 2/8: Other Mother Brother Band
Sun 2/9: Patricia Avis Trio

Topa Topa Brewing
104 E. Thompson Blvd
Music: 6 pm
Wed 1/19: Jade Hendrix

Ventura Beach Club
281 W. Main Street
Fri 2/7: Club805 Techno DJs

632 E. Main Street
(805) 653-7446
Music at 7:00 pm; Sundays at 5 pm
Fri 1/31: Miss Bix & the Nervous Tics
Sat 2/1: The Tossers
Fri 2/7: Shawn Jones
Sat 2/8: National Cat
Sun 2/9: Acoustic Crossroads w/ Tommy Marsh

The Winery Ventura
4756 Market Street
Thurs – Sat 7-10; Sundays 5-8
Thurs 1/30: Dr. T. & the Blues Criminals
Fri 1/31: Jen Staves & the Bluzfish

740 South B Street, Oxnard
Tuesdays and Thursdays: Mark McKinney
Fri 1/31: Shawn Jones
Sat 2/1: Brian Faith Band
Fri 2/7: Tex Pistols
Sat 2/8: Blue Motel Room