Category Archives: This ‘n’ That

Land Rover Jaguar Ventura hosts a law enforcement appreciation reception

Bella Donnelly making friends with police dog “Yankee” and officer Metz.

Officer Hrynyk and dog partner “Jag”
Officer Hrynyk and dog partner “Jag”

On Nov. 15 Land Rover Jaguar Ventura hosted a law enforcement appreciation reception honoring K9 Jag, the Ventura Police K9 Unit and law enforcement county-wide.

Officer Therrien and dog “Yoschi”
Officer Therrien and dog “Yoschi”

In March of 2016 Officer Hrynyk was selected as the Ventura Police Department’s next K9 handler. He was paired with K9 Jag. The Ventura Police Department has four K9 Teams assigned to Patrol. The K9 Teams are available for deployment seven days a week, providing protection to our community twenty-four hours a day.

Photos by Bernie Goldstein

Farm Day Heroes

Chris Massa brings nobility to farming at Balboa Middle School.

by Sheli Ellsworth

Most of us take food for granted. We shop in grocery stores bursting with choices. Food delivered to our doorstep is a click away. Roadside and farmer’s markets offer fresh and organic options. Food can be purchased anytime on any day. Scholar Thomas Malthus erred in his 1779 prediction; the human population has not out-paced agricultural production.

So, why worry about food or farming?

Because our abundance is dependent on a world food market which is dependent on political and economic forces we as individuals have very little control over. For example, in times of war, victory gardens in private residences and public parks decrease pressure on the food supply and allow people to contribute in tangible ways. The ability to grow and harvest is an integral part of our humanity. It connects us with the earth and with each other.

But we have produced a generation who has little or no idea where food comes from or what it takes to get food from field to fork. Community efforts like Farm Day encourage would-be growers to visit local farms, ranches and processing plants, but how do we inspire a whole generation to appreciate the smell of dirt? We find people like Chris Massa who bring nobility to farming.

We found Massa, a farm to school operations specialist, at Balboa Middle School pushing a shovel for the Ventura County Farm to School Collaborative, teaching world geography, environmental sciences, and history. Massa who has a degree in natural resource conservation from the University of British Columbia moved to Ventura to work for Foodcorps. He says he has gotten down and dirty since he was a kid in his mother’s garden. “But the real hook came in college when I took a permaculture design course. Farming encompasses all of my passions, environmental stewardship, creating healthy communities, and running a business.”

Oxnard Elementary School District, Rio School District, and Hueneme Elementary School District also use Massa’s services. He says his job requires him to spend 15 hours a week at Balboa, but his passion for the soil prompts him to spend much more. “In order to keep the farm in a productive state I spend another 10-15 hours weekly of my own time.”

Massa runs his organic gardens like real farms. He started the Balboa plot in June 2016 and hand tilled the soil adding worm castings and biochar. The 7th grade environmental horticulture class and the after-school Environmental Club tend the quarter acre spot. The students are growing lettuce, carrots, tomatoes and beans. They have learned the value of compost, insects and fresh vegetables. The student’s harvest goes to the school cafeteria for consumption. “The kids will try new foods just because they had a hand in the growing.”

What does Massa see in the future? “My biggest hope for the future is that our food system becomes less centralized. I would like to see more home/school/community gardens and farmer owned cooperatives. I would also love to see less food waste and a world in which no one suffers from malnutrition.” What is Massa’s plan for next year? “One of my favorite quotes is from Confucius, ‘If your plan is for one year plant rice. If your plan is for ten years plant trees. If your plan is for one hundred years educate children. ‘”

Massa says he loves Ventura County because of the year round growing climate. “But my favorite thing about living here is the ocean and how friendly the people are.”


Ventura College rally following Nov. 8 election results

Students expressed concern for the well-being of individuals targeted by large political campaigns.

by Andres Tovar-Ventura College

Students gathered the evening after the November 8th election to discuss the future of this great nation. Under the hot sun and heavy air that filled the end of a grueling campaign season, many expressed concern for the well-being of individuals targeted by large political campaigns and stressed the importance of safety in these coming times. Students in all, came together not for protest of any individual entity particularly, but to promote a much needed unity amongst the young and old of our community. Many felt the nation was more divided than ever and in these times where too many emotions run deep, a unity of our citizens regardless of political belief is our greatest duty.

Instructors of Ventura College gave insight on what the next most logical step should be, and in conjunction with the students, offered a message of peace and love and hope. The older individuals that attended this rally then offered further insight into the coming future, expressing sympathies for those who feel threatened and provided wisdom with their experience with similar times in their lives. Many individuals spoke to the crowd of having dealt with rougher times; being persecuted and often abandoned by the system meant to protect and assist them. In their all knowledge and wisdom gained within the borders of time and space here in our home, it was told again the greatest thing a people can do in the hardest of times is unite not against another, but for the sake of itself that it may flourish to be the voice of a generation.

These words do not ring hollow, as they to pass through the voices of the students of Ventura College, giving hope that times may come with difficulty, but be meet with a solidarity bounded by conviction.

A message from staff dictated that the students that participated in their first election not become disheartened with the political process, in regard to the overwhelming division driven by the political environment of the past year. As in most areas of politics, there has always been a divergence in belief between the young and old, rich and poor, and rural and urban; but a common ground for many was the right to have their voice be heard in ballot. This ability to be heard has been fought for and has held to be a foundation of the American way. The rally ended with a plea from voices of all types to hold onto their rights and use them to their fullest extent.

This election is both something seen before and something all too new to know what is to come. In absence of any certainty, the students of Ventura College can only express the need for unity in these most truly turbulent times, as a house divided against itself cannot stand.

Attendees were offered a  guided tour of the Ventura Police department

Chief Ken Corney spoke about the accomplishments and goals of the Foundation at luncheon.
Chief Ken Corney spoke about the accomplishments and goals of the Foundation at luncheon.

Ventura Police Chief Ken Corney spoke to members of The Ventura Police Community Foundation about the accomplishments and goals of the Foundation as well as the Department’s Strategic Plan and public safety at the first annual Chief’s Luncheon on November 16 held at police headquarters on Dowell Dr. Attendees had lunch provided by the Ventura Spaghetti Company and a guided tour of the Ventura Police department.

  • Public Safety Improvements: Initiatives that address specific public safety needs, improve police effectiveness, and officer safety through the use of specialized equipment, evolving technology and other innovations.
  • Community Partnerships: Projects that enhance the relationship between the community and the Ventura Police Department.
  • Youth Programs: Positive and proactive opportunities such as after-school and youth mentoring programs designed to reduce crime-related risk and help disadvantaged youth grow into productive citizens.

The funds raised from membership, donations and fundraising events such as the Annual PAL Golf Tournament, goes to support many essential city programs and safety initiatives. To learn more about the Foundation and membership visit, on facebook at or call 399-4317.

Principal for a Day — connecting schools and the business community

26 schools in the Ventura Unified School District, as well as Vista Real Charter High School, participated in Principal for a Day last week. Volunteers from the business community spent the morning in an elementary, middle or high school, then shared their experiences at a lunch at Ventura Adult and Continuing Education (VACE.)

The volunteers got to witness the faculty and staff of their schools in action, and participated in interactive activities and tours.

Dawn Rosin of Jersey Mike’s in Ventura noted that it was National Sandwich Day and helped students at Blanche Reynolds Elementary prepare sandwiches.

Tina Reed Johnson of Tina Reed Johnson Web Marketing got to see Cabrillo Middle School as a Principal for the day. “It was a pleasure to shadow Ms. Lorelle Dawes of Cabrillo. I’m very impressed with our district’s hardworking teachers and staff. The education of our students is crucial to the future of Ventura County in many ways, and I am thankful to be part of the business leadership involved in our local schools.”

Carlos Cohen, Principal of Ventura High School, was paired with The River Community’s Jim Duran for the day. “It was a pleasure having Jim with us at VHS. Jim was a student years ago here at VHS as well as a parent of 6 students that have attended VHS. Being the principal for the day gave him the opportunity to come back to his alma mater and his roots. A great tree produced great fruit and he continues to do that as a community leader and help others.”

Local author  wins coveted Royal Dragonfly Book Award

The judges of the 2016 Royal Dragonfly Book Awards contest, which recognizes excellence in all genres of literature, have spoken. The Spirit of Villarosa: A Father’s Extraordinary Adventures; A Son’s Challenge by Horace Dade Ashton, Marc Ashton, and Ventura’s Libby J. Atwater won first place in two categories: biography and memoir and historical nonfiction.

“Winning any place in the Royal Dragonfly Contest is a huge honor because in order to maintain the integrity of the Dragonfly Book Awards, a minimum score is required before a First or Second Place or Honorable Mention will be awarded to the entrant—even if it is the sole entry in a category,” explains Linda F. Radke, president of the Dragonfly Book Awards program. “Competition is steep, too, because there is no publication date limit as long as the book is still in print.”

The book is a glorious account of Horace Ashton’s remarkable adventures juxtaposed with his son Marc’s 2001 kidnapping in Haiti by four armed thugs who clearly plan to kill him. While captive, Marc determines to survive and asks himself, “What would Dad do?”

“I am pleased and honored to have won first place in the Royal Dragonfly Book Awards in two categories twice, in 2014 and in 2016. I urge fellow writers to enter this contest,” said Atwater.

To find out how this true-life adventure culminates, read the book, which retails for $19.95. It can be purchased at,,,,, and through these wholesalers: Ingram, Baker&Taylor, Brodart (library distributor), and Follett Library Services.

To learn more about the Dragonfly Book Awards, visit, email [email protected] or call 480-940-8182.




Aloha Steakhouse chooses the City Center Transitional Living

alohaBlack-and-Blue Flat-Iron Steak is steak blackened and grilled over lava rocks, topped with Danish blue cheese, and served with a choice of soup or salad and fresh steamed vegetables or baked potato, mashed potatoes, or wild rice

For every order of this dish sold through December 31, 2016, Aloha Steakhouse will donate $2 to The City Center Transitional Living of Ventura in support of homeless families.slide-2-trees-2000x370

Ventura County Certified Farmers’ Market

The Ventura County Certified Farmers’ Market Association has announced its holiday schedule for its Ventura locations.  The Downtown Ventura Market, held on the corners of East Santa Clara and Palm Streets from 8:30 a.m. to 12 noon., will be open both Christmas Eve, Saturday, December 24, 2016 and New Year’s Eve, Saturday, December 3, 2016 and will be open regular market hours.

The Wednesday market held at the Pacific View Mall, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., will remain open during the holiday season.

The weekly markets offer shoppers delicious fresh fruit and vegetables, meat products, herbs, honey, eggs, nuts, olive oil, jams & jellies, fresh cut flowers, potted plants, and much more.

Harrison’s trash collection delayed one day for Thanksgiving

In observance of Thanksgiving Day, the employees of Harrison Industries are taking the day off on Thursday, Nov. 24. As a result, customers who normally have their trash and recyclables or green waste collected on Thursday or Friday will have it collected one day later than usual.

The Thanksgiving holiday will not affect customers who have their trash and recyclables or green waste collected on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday.

The regular schedule for all customers will resume the following week.

Harrison Industries serves the cities and surrounding unincorporated areas of Ventura, Ojai, Camarillo as well as the unincorporated areas of El Rio, Somis, Ojai Valley and Channel Islands beach communities as E.J. Harrison and Sons; Fillmore and surrounding unincorporated areas as Santa Clara Valley Disposal; and Thousand Oaks, Newbury Park and surrounding unincorporated areas as Newbury Disposal.

For more information, call 647-1414.

Interface Children & Family Services’ Youth Advisory Board honored at National Philanthropy Day

Ventura’s Tina and Andy Killion, Volunteers of the Year, Ventura County.
Ventura’s Tina and Andy Killion, Volunteers of the Year, Ventura County.

The Association of Fundraising Professionals Santa Barbara and Ventura County Chapter announced this year’s National Philanthropy Day honorees including Keets and Hugh Cassar for Philanthropists of the Year, Ventura County; Tina and Andy Killion for Volunteers of the Year, Ventura County; and Interface Children & Family Services’ Youth Advisory Board for Youth in Philanthropy at their recent luncheon.

“One of the most amazing things about living in our community is the generosity of those who live here. The people of our community truly care. They are dedicated and compassionate. The Association of Fundraising Professionals is honored to recognize and celebrate this year’s outstanding National Philanthropy Day honorees. These individuals and organization are making a difference in our community with their time, talent, and treasure,” says Elaine K. Mah Best, President, AFP Santa Barbara and Ventura Counties Chapter.

Celebration and Awards Luncheon recognizing all of the honorees and celebrating National Philanthropy Day were held on Thursday, November 17 at the Ventura Beach Marriott. In addition to recognizing the generous philanthropy in our region, the chapter celebrated its 30th anniversary. Norbert Tan, Executive Director, Ventura College Foundation, served as Master of Ceremonies.

The Killions have served as leaders for this Caregivers signature fundraising event for each of the 15 years since its inception. Their enthusiasm and dedication has helped . . . supply Ventura County seniors with resources and social and personal support, allowing them to stay in their homes and continue useful and satisfying lives.

Andy and Tina Killion grew up in our waterfront community and have raised their family here. Andy’s lifelong passion for boating inspired him to create a Spectacle of Sails and Boats right off our beautiful Ventura Pier in order to bring attention to the important work of the Caregivers Organization. Caregivers serves hundreds of Ventura County seniors by responding to the important needs of homebound and frail elders. Andy and Tina left their corporate careers in 2005 to purchase and operate Anchors Way Marine Centers in Ventura and Channel Islands Harbors. Since wrapping up their boat yard adventures they have both returned to their former careers.

National Philanthropy Day is the occasion each year when thousands of people around the world come together to celebrate giving, volunteering, and charitable engagement, thus raising awareness of the role of philanthropy in our society. Here in Santa Barbara and Ventura Counties it is a special day each November when we pay tribute to our own – exemplary local philanthropists, organizations, and professionals who give so generously of their time, talents, and financial support, making our community a better place for us all.