Category Archives: This ‘n’ That

Answer In A Breeze

Q. Could you tell me what is going on at the Community Park, if anything? Since the Edison vehicles left after the fire, there has been a fence erected and mulch spread out on the land and curbs installed on Telephone Road at Ramilli. Is the city planning on installing a much needed new parking lot and new entrance to the park? Marsha Moreland

A. This is answer from the City “While it is the goal to eventually open the Telephone Road/Ramelli Avenue entrance and build a new parking lot at the Community Park, for now, the City is utilizing the space within the fenced area for sand bags and waddles (to be used during rain events). The entrance at Telephone Road/Ramelli Avenue and new parking lot at the Community Park are part of the proposed CIP cycle for 2018-2014 and will be discussed by the Ventura City Council during budget workshops. The budget workshops begin this month.”

Now we need to find out what a waddle is? Have a question, send it to [email protected] and we will try to get you an answer?

Ventura College named one of the nation’s top community colleges

The Aspen Institute College Excellence Program named Ventura College one of the nation’s top 150 community colleges eligible to compete for the 2019 Aspen Prize for Community College Excellence. The prize includes $1 million in prize funds, as well as Siemens Technical Scholars Program student scholarships, highlighting the critical importance of improving student success in America’s community colleges.

The Prize, awarded every two years, is the nation’s signature recognition of high achievement and performance among America’s community colleges. The Aspen Prize recognizes institutions for exceptional student outcomes in four areas: student learning, certificate and degree completion, employment and earnings, and access and success for minority and low-income students. Ventura was also awarded the nomination honor for the 2017 award.

The Aspen Institute will select ten finalists, from the 150 eligible nominations, to be named in fall 2018. The Aspen Institute will then conduct site visits to each of the finalists and collect additional quantitative data. A distinguished Prize Jury will select a grand prize winner and a few finalists with distinction in early 2019.

The Aspen Prize is funded by the Joyce Foundation, the Siemens Foundation, and the Kresge Foundation. The Aspen College Excellence Program aims to advance higher education practices, policies, and leadership that significantly improve student outcomes. Through the Aspen Prize for Community College Excellence, the New College Leadership Project, and other initiatives, the College Excellence Program works to improve colleges’ understanding and capacity to teach and graduate students. For more information, visit and

VVCB launches new partnership with Utrip

The Ventura Visitors & Convention Bureau (VVCB) is excited to announce the launch of a new partnership with Utrip, the travel planning platform that combines the best of artificial intelligence and human experience. Utrip’s state-of-the-art technology will enable Ventura visitors to create highly personalized itineraries for their trips to the region.

By combining advanced artificial intelligence with local expertise, the Utrip platform optimizes travel itineraries around a user’s preferences, budget, and many other relevant factors. It can instantly sort through millions of combinations and present visitors with customized travel experiences based on their personal interests.

“We aim to ensure that visitors make the most of their time in Ventura and leave here wanting more,” said VVCB President and CEO, Marlyss Auster. “Whether you’re interested in art, music, food or our storied history, Ventura offers unforgettable experiences, and with Utrip’s platform, we can provide travelers with the ability to personalize those experiences and discover what’s best for them.”

“It’s our mission at Utrip to provide travelers with memorable, highly personalized travel experiences,” said Gilad Berenstein, CEO and Founder of Utrip. “This latest partnership will enable Ventura visitors to be inspired by all of the area’s incredible offerings and will allow VVCB to learn more about their visitors in order to build lasting relationships.”

The experience can be found at

Lawsuit filed against Socal Edison

Southern California based Wildfire Legal Group filed a lawsuit against SoCal Edison on behalf of 287 victims of the Thomas Fire. The lawsuit alleges that Edison is liable for negligently starting the fire, due to poor maintenance of electrical infrastructure and the surrounding vegetation. It further seeks to hold Edison responsible for the resulting mudslides that occurred in the wake of the Thomas Fire. The plaintiffs include homeowners, renters, business owners, ranchers, as well as avocado and citrus farms.

The lawsuit, which is not a class action, seeks to recover losses that are not covered by insurance (e.g., cherished family heirlooms), or that are underinsured (e.g., limited coverage for construction rebuild). The suit also seeks to recover damages for emotional harm, and personal injuries suffered in the Thomas Fire, and subsequent mudslides.

Wildfire Legal Group is comprised of three Southern California wildfire litigation firms.

The lawsuit was filed in the Los Angeles Superior Court.

For more information about the filing or the case in general, call attorney Elliot Adler at 265-0076, or email [email protected].

The Age of Consequences

Following the devastation of the Thomas Fires and the Montecito mud slides, many locals seek to educate themselves further about the present day status of climate change from trust-worthy sources. This effort presents such an opportunity.

On Sunday, March 4th at 3:00 – 5:30pm, The Age of Consequences written and directed by Jared P. Scott will be shown, free of charge, to the public. This film brings together a collection of footage from around the world along with the explanatory discussion of distinguished admirals, generals, military veterans, and other experts. Rear Admiral David W. Titley, United States Navy (Retired), a member of the Center for Climate and Security’s Advisory Board and nationally known expert in the field of climate, the Arctic, and national security is one of several knowledgeable authorities featured in the film.

This film makes clear that, despite the President’s denial, climate change is not some distant problems but one of urgency and possibly of cascading disasters in a world that is deeply inter-connected. The up-side of this information is that, by increasing our awareness of the problem, we can better prepare. What better time to understand all of this than now as we face the opportunities of rebuilding our homes and lives following the devastation of the Thomas Fires?

This event is also sponsored by Citizens for Peaceful Resolutions (CPR), Veterans for Peace, Chapter 112, and the Climate Hub It will be held at the Unitarian Universalist Church located at 5654 Ralston St. There is handicapped access. Discussions including solution oriented local efforts will follow the film.

Annual Ventura Harbor dredging

Photo by Murray Robertson

In order to assure that vessel traffic can safely access the Harbor the annual Harbor dredging is taking place. The Ventura Port District works to secure adequate funds for dredging to make sure it is safe for commercial and recreational uses.


Art festival supported fire-flood victims

The Ventura Unified School District Office was the site of the Thomas Arts Festival, an art auction and benefit featuring music and performing arts created to assist those rebuilding their lives as a result of the Thomas fires and flood. The event took place on Saturday, February 17.

The event showcased the creative work of local and surrounding artists that raised funds. Featured was a family art space for parents, care givers and children to come together and create art. Live performances by musicians and other performing artists occurred throughout the afternoon.

Moorpark’s Greg Gillis-Smith is a construction project manager, a former space mechanism engineer for NASA, and an unsung hero of the Thomas Fire. Greg started a Facebook group called Thomas Fire Info. The Facebook group grew to nearly 22,000 members.

Dozens of artists, musicians, photographers and performers lost their homes, their studios or both to the fires and floods. Other artists wanted to help, and Gillis-Smith was inspired to create the Thomas Arts Festival as a way to bring communities together in support of the arts.

He said “Our community is filled with artists expressing many art forms, yet hundreds of neighbors suffered tremendous loss due to the recent fires and flood. Many of these people do not fit in the constructs of society because they focus on creativity and helping others and therefore may not qualify for traditional assistance. I wanted to share my most heart-felt appreciation for all those who helped produce the Thomas Arts Festival, those who donated art and money, and all those who attended. This event could not have happened without everyone’s support. The greatest impact, though, may be the relationships and community we are creating through the production of the event.”

Ariel Palmieri, a Ventura County resident, real estate agent, wife and mother of school-aged kids was instrumental in organizing and publicizing the event. She has a background in PR and wanted to use that experience to raise awareness about the event.

She stated “During the fire and its aftermath, I wanted to help my friends, neighbors and others who suffered losses of their homes. I used my presence on social media and connections with business owners to create an in-home free boutique with clothing and other items so people could immediately restock their wardrobes. When Greg decided to create an arts festival, I wanted to use that same energy that was inspired by helping make life a little easier for those who suffered losses to produce and promote the Festival.”

Special Ventura Botanical Garden event

On Feb.11 Fox Fine Jewelry presented a special Ventura Botanical Garden event celebrating the Ventura Botanical Gardens. Joe Cahill, Executive Director of VBG and Debbie Fox proudly displayed the Ventura Botanical Gardens’ new Welcome Center design that uses containers in a series of elevated pavilions. The design is not only green, it is a beautiful use of space, creating inviting outdoor learning and event areas between the buildings.