Category Archives: This ‘n’ That

CAPS Media Crew Covers St Patrick’s Day Parade and Festival of Talent

The CAPS Media Crew will be “wearing the green” on Saturday, March 16th broadcasting and live streaming Ventura’s 31st annual St Patrick’s Day Parade starting at 10 AM on channel 6. The festive event, sponsored by Ventura Elks Lodge #1430, is a community wide celebration with dancers, classic vehicles, music performances, and much more. Former City Mayor and longest serving councilmember Jim Monahan will be honored as this year’s Grand Marshal along with other grand marshals of yesteryear. The parade will be live on Saturday morning and repeat throughout the following week. Check to find the specific days and times.

The following Saturday, March 23rd, the CAPS Media Crew will record the Festival of Talent for Ventura Education Partnership. Under this year’s theme, We’ve Got The Beat, the annual talent show showcases the wide range of talented students in the Ventura Unified School District. Now in its 18th year, Festival of Talent is the largest fundraising event for Ventura Education Partnership. Proceeds support innovative classroom grants through the VEP Grants program. The majority of the crew members for both productions are students in the El Camino High School media program at CAPS (ECTV). All volunteer their time and expertise for these worthwhile and entertaining events.

The award-winning El Camino High School at Ventura College production team (ECTV) is in the midst of producing an extensive media series on a topic of great importance to the students: immigration. The crew has conducted personal interviews and recorded life histories with multiple émigrés from Mexico including Gabino Aguirre, the former mayor of Santa Paula, and a woman who fled Europe as was part of the WW2 Jewish diaspora that, turned away by the US, took refuge in Uruguay. The series also includes immigrants from Germany, Belgium, Canada and Franco Spain. All of the stories are part of the ECTV series of programs that air on CAPS Channel 6. Go to for specific days and times.

Also, all of the ECTV programs are archived on the CAPS Media website under

CAPS Media continues the important collaboration with Ventura Police Department by producing an ongoing series of community awareness and information projects. Coordinated by Ashley Bautista, VPD Community Outreach Specialist, the series includes regular community updates, crime prevention tips for the public and engaging profiles on officers on the force.

On Wednesday March 27 join DJs, producers and engineers of CAPS Radio KPPQ at our open house and community meeting at 6pm at the CAPS Media Center. Learn about Ventura’s community radio station and let us know what you think.

If you have an interest in community television or are just curious, drop by the CAPS Media Center on the first Thursday of the month and learn how to become a member of CAPS and join our community of enthusiastic and engaged member/producers. For a low membership fee of $25 you will receive hands-on instruction in videography, video editing, radio production (additional fee required) and more. You will have access to our state-of-the-art facilities including our fully equipped studio and will receive invites to special events including our Producers Caucus. Don’t miss out. Go to for information or call 805-658-0500.

Totally Local VC’s Ventura County AG Week

Hundreds of locals and visitors alike turn out for this week-long event.

Sustainability Now News
by Maryann Ridini Spencer (@MaryannRidiniSpencer)

Totally Local VC Agricultural Education Foundation presents its third annual “Ventura County Ag Week,” a celebration of Ventura County Agriculture from March 25 through March 31, 2019.

“Hundreds of locals and visitors alike turn out for this week-long event, and the crowds get larger every year,” said Kat Merrick, Totally Local VC Founder. “The agriculture industry is so vital to our local economy. Considering this, Totally Local VC felt it would be great to introduce the community to its local farmers as well as ag organizations. Throughout the week, through a series of entertaining and educational events, attendees will get the chance to learn more about the economic role agriculture plays in our community as well as the jobs available in farming, and exactly what happens from field to fork.”

In 2014, Ventura County ranked No. 10 among California counties in total crop value according to the California Department of Food and Agriculture. The most recent national data put Ventura county at No. 11 among all counties in the United States.

Week-Long Celebration Schedule:

The “2019 Excellence in Agriculture Awards Luncheon” on Monday, March 25 from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm kicks off the week-long celebrations. Honoring

agricultural leaders from farmers, ranchers to chefs and Ag educators, the event will be held at Limoneira Ranch Visitors Center in Santa Paula. Keynote speaker is Ag Commissioner Ed Williams. Chef Jason Collis of Plated Events is luncheon caterer. Reiter Affiliated Companies and the California Strawberry Commission host the build-your-own-strawberry-shortcake dessert bar. The event is open to the public and tickets can be purchased online at

“Meet-the-Farmer-and-Rancher Mixer Night” will be held Wednesday, March 27 from 5:30 – 8:30 pm at McGrath Ranch & Garden, 5100 Olivas Park Drive, Ventura. Attendees are invited to mix, mingle and taste the flavors of Ventura County while listening to the music of Karen 805 and participate in a silent auction hosted by the Ventura Chapter of (CWA) California Women for Agriculture. The event is free and open to the public (no-host bar).

Saturday, March 30, families are invited to enjoy a fun-filled day of music and a locally-sourced barbecue luncheon at Oxnard Historical Farm Park, 1251 Gottfried Place, Oxnard. Admission is free. Check time details at

Ag Week, along with help from its sponsors, also hosts private Career Exploration Day, which, held at the Museum of Ventura County’s Agricultural Museum for some 600 pre-registered students and their teachers, showcases job opportunities in the field of agriculture, food science, and culinary arts.

“One of our main goals for this week is to work with area schools to educate the youth of our community,” said Merrick. “Students will hear firsthand from local farmers and chefs about the important role agriculture plays locally and hopefully open up a new world to them in terms of future job opportunities, mentorship programs, and valuable friendships.”

For more information, visit:

“Spread Peace and Love” mural by VCS students on display

Students had the opportunity to chat with Ventura’s Mayor Matt LaVere (he’s the bigger one). Photo by VCS parent Manjula Perera

On Thursday, February 21st, 50 third graders from Ventura Charter School of Arts and Global Education (VCS) walked two miles to Ventura City Hall for a highly anticipated field trip. This journey was a celebration of the unveiling of their “Spread Peace and Love” mural on display in City Hall. The spirit of this peaceful mural is to be a traveling art peace around the city. When third-grade VCS teachers Emily Noel and Kim “Flow” Hansmeier reached out to Ventura City Hall to be the first hosts of the art piece, City Hall was instantly supportive and excited.

Kathryn Dippong Lawson, Ventura City Hall’s Cultural Arts, Education & Historic Supervisor, helped coordinate this special event. The day involved a glance at Ventura’s historical art pieces within City Hall on a guided tour from Tobie Roach, the City of Ventura’s Public Art Specialist. Students had many opportunities to learn about famous, local artists and to connect with art through reflection, observations, and questions.

The field trip concluded with a “Mayor Meet Up” as students had the unique opportunity to chat with Ventura’s Mayor Matt LaVere. Mayor LaVere then concluded the incredible experience by unveiling the student’s art piece of peace. Many high fives, cheers, and peace signs were given and joyful pictures were taken with the Mayor.

Quotes from VCS third grade artists reflecting on their big day at Ventura City Hall:

“At City Hall, we met awesome people! Kathryn and Tobie seemed very passionate about the City Hall art and they wanted to share it with us. City Hall inspired us to do more. The Mayor was much different than I thought he’d be. I thought he’d be really old. He was so fun and cool! We learned that the Mayor’s job is important. The Mayor makes Ventura a better community. He’s a kind person. Meeting him was an exciting opportunity. Maybe I can be the Mayor one day. The Mayor said that every day he walks into City Hall and the first thing he sees is our mural saying, ‘Spread Peace and Love’ and it reminds him to do that. He said the best Mayors spread peace and love.”

“This mural was about kindness, spreading peace, and love to others. We went to be representatives of kindness. We went to show ourselves being a part of the community. Spreading peace, love, and kindness is all that we want to do and are going to do; all that we are. We want our community to be peaceful and kind. We are all pieces of the mural. There are 50 parts/bones of the mural.”

“Our mural is a chance to express ourselves and the work we’ve done. Our peaceful family is open for others to join. We can all be one and bring others together. When you’re kind to yourself, it makes being kind to others easier. The mural is a reminder you can be peaceful and you can set the example; it’s something we don’t want people to forget.”

Upcoming community events with CAPS

Annabelle Augustine interviews Allison Villas and Grace Johnston-Glick about their Thomas Fire experiences.

CAPS Media continues to broadcast great member programming including a fascinating travel show and one covering environmental topics, current event programming and even short form dramatic films. Our members also cover many local events and performances. We continue to broadcast our award winning Thomas Fire Stories program with new episodes on the way.

There are some exciting annual events coming up that CAPS Media supports. These community events include the 31st Annual County Ventura St. Patrick’s Day Parade and the Ventura Education Partnership’s 18th Annual Festival of Talent. Both events showcase the best of what the Ventura community has to offer. Performers, artists, groups, non-profits and businesses are many of those who embrace and represent civic pride.

More screenings of The Perfect Firestorm – The Thomas Fire Story documentary will be held in Santa Paula on Saturday, March 9th at 1pm & 3pm at the Ventura County Agriculture Museum. This is a free event, open to the public, no reservations are required. The documentary is available for viewing on the CAPS Media website homepage at

Look for new videos on the channels from the Fire and Police Departments addressing safety and preparedness and job recruiting. Videos covering Sandbag Basics, Ready for the Rainy season, Fire Safe Council as well Ventura Police recruitment videos and Crime and Safety Update.

If you have an interest in community television or radio production, or are just curious, drop by the CAPS Media Center on the first Thursday of the month and learn how to become a member of CAPS and join our community of enthusiastic and engaged member/producers. Attend the March orientation class and become a member. For a low membership fee of $25 you will receive hands-on instruction in videography, video editing, radio production (additional fee required) and more. You will have access to our state-of-the-art facilities including our fully equipped studio and will receive invites to special events including our Producers Caucus. Don’t miss out. Go to for information or call 805-658-0500.

CAPS Media’s mission is to create an engaged and informed community through participation in electronic media.

Design in the Making: Ventura County Architecture

Cayetano School Wilson, Stroh, Wilson, AIA.

The Museum of Ventura County and the American Institute of Architects Ventura County (AIAVC) present Design in the Making, a community Architectural Exhibit exploring the dynamic role of architects and designers in affecting positive change in our community through the creative design process. Admission is Free for museum and AIA members, $5 for non-members. For more information, visit or call 805-653-0323.

Design in the Making runs through May 19, 2019 and will feature the Museum of Ventura County’s architectural archives opened to the public for the very first time, and local built and un-built projects highlighting the evolving conversation inherent within the design process with a window into the future.

“Ventura County’s architectural diversity creates a landscape of historic relevance that defines the vernacular of our culture,” said Anna Bermudez, curator for the Museum. “The exhibit will present a cross-section of styles that reflect the influences of immigration and its cultural impact on housing and community buildings throughout the decades and throughout the county.

Accompanying the exhibition, programs throughout the duration of the exhibit include live interactive design charrettes where Designers-In-Residence and Community will come together to create solutions to local place making issues. The AIAVC will host a Scholarship Fundraiser to benefit students planning on pursuing careers in architecture, and to announce the 2019 Scholarship Recipients, Friday, May 3, 2019 from 6-9 p.m. followed by a free activity, “Kid Draw Architecture,” on Sunday, May 5, 2019 from 2-4pm. For more information visit AIAVC or call 805-749-6809.

This exhibit is made possible through the generous sponsorship of Ashley & Vance Engineering, Coast Reprographics, Mary Follenweider AIA, Neel Lighting, and Staples Construction. Additional support provided by the City of Ventura, Ventura County, and private funders.

Established in 1965, the AIAVC is a member-driven organization providing advocacy, leadership, and resources for architects.  Its mission is to promote personal and corporate growth, strength and sustainability of the membership as architects and citizens of Ventura County. This is done by Engaging, Encouraging and Educating the membership and the community at large. For more information visit AIAVC or call 805-749-6809.

For more information, visit

Our Ventura TV surpassed 900 video/tv productions

Veronica Slavin, Dan Feliz, George Alger, Sandra Siepak and Michelle Hoover are all part of the Our Ventura TV team. In-studio interview productions are done in association with CAPS Media Center

Our Ventura TV is an award-winning, weekly talk-show television series broadcast on Ventura cable channel 6 TV and also published on as well as on social media networks. For over ten years the programs have been, and still are, primarily about nonprofits, local leaders, artists and organizations who contribute in some way to the Ventura County community.  Anyone who contributes to the theme of “People doing good things in Ventura County” and the surrounding area is welcome to be interviewed as a guest.

The show’s executive producer, George Alger, stated, “We started producing in-studio cable TV segments in 2008. In 2010 we also posted them online. Since then, we’ve posted over 900 segments that were created in and out of the studio and each week a new show is broadcast on Ventura cable channel 6 and posted online.”

In-studio interview productions are done in association with CAPS Media Center in Ventura, which broadcasts the programming for channels 6 and 15 cable television.

The Our Ventura TV production team includes on-air hosts and a behind-the-camera crew who bring the interviews and other segments onto local TV as well as online. Our Ventura TV Host, Sandra Siepak stated that the mission of the series is to “Connect our viewers with those making a difference for the better here in Ventura County.”

Show Director, Michelle Hoover, added that, “There are no fees for guests who speak about nonprofit or noncommercial messages.”  The weekly cable TV series is sponsored by Nonprofit Fire, Skyworks Marketing and GWC Productions. The Our Ventura TV team, including interview hosts and behind-the-camera technical crew contribute to the show’s success.

Additionally, the production team also creates video and TV segments for commercial messages and businesses in the community.  Paid video and TV production services include:

* TV Commercials * Business Interviews* Facility Tour Videos* Product Videos
* “How To” Videos* Public Service Announcements* Infomercials* Documentaries

Our Ventura TV shows are broadcast every week on Ventura cable channel 6. The majority of shows feature guests who are interviewed about their expertise and/or community activities. Additionally, there are music, theatrical and other entertainment productions.

To become a guest on Our Ventura TV, just visit and click “Contact.”
Visit for more information or email George Alger at [email protected]

Photo: left to right: Veronica Slavin, Dan Feliz, George Alger, Sandra Siepak and Michelle Hoover are all part of the Our Ventura TV team.

Ribbon cutting held for Riverside Apartments

Cutting the ribbon is City of Ventura Mayor Matt LaVere surrounded by people that made it happen.

A ribbon cutting ceremony was held Wednesday, February 20 , for Riverside Street Apartments, a new 23-unit affordable housing community located at 791 Riverside Drive, Ventura. The project was developed by W & J Investments, LLC and built by Judson Builders, Inc. of Ventura.

The community is composed of two- and three- bedroom apartments with an onsite community center featuring computer stations and a large screen TV. Outdoor amenities include a playground and mini-soccer field. Constructed sustainability, the project is built with zero net energy consumption due to its solar water heating and solar electrical generation as well as a ground water recharge system. Additionally, the community connects to the Ventura River Bike Trail which is located right behind the property.

Project collaborators represented at the ceremony were W & J Investments, City of Ventura, City of Ventura Planning Department, J. E. Armstrong Architects, Housing Authority of San Buenaventura, Integrity Housing, Chase Bank, Judson Builders, FPI Management and Ventura Chamber of Commerce.

“One of the City of Ventura’s most critical priorities is to create affordable housing options for its residents,” said Mayor Matt LaVere. “This beautiful project, a collaboration of multiple partners, brings us closer to achieving that goal.”

Rotary Club of Ventura South to host Mardi Gras Fundraiser

The Rotary Club of Ventura South will host its 4th annual Mardi Gras fundraiser in support of Turning Point Foundation on Sunday, March 3. The gala event begins at 3:00 p.m. at the Tower Club, 300 E. Esplanade Drive in Oxnard, and will feature traditional New Orleans jazz and food, silent and live auctions of exciting items, and a view from the foothills to the Channel Islands that only the Tower Club can provide.

For over 30 years, Turning Point Foundation, a local Ventura County non-profit (Tax ID #0213467), has operated community-based mental health programs. Turning Point’s programs address the full range of personal needs, including a homeless shelter to meet necessary physical and safety requirements, supported housing to provide decent, affordable housing for those permanently disabled by mental health issues, and rehabilitation and socialization centers to provide meaningful, productive activities, companionship and a sense of purpose.

Because of the myths and stigmas attached to mental illness, many people struggle with its effects alone and unaware that their symptoms can be controlled by medication and the functional problems they experience can be addressed through rehabilitation and support services. Turning Point works with clients to reverse the devastating effects of their illnesses, such as job loss, homelessness, isolation, addiction, incarceration, and even thoughts of suicide.

Tickets for the event are $50, and there is also a variety of sponsorships available for businesses and individuals. Contact Suki Sir at Turning Point Foundation ([email protected] / 805-947-5400). Proceeds from the event will go directly to Turning Point Foundation and other charitable causes supported by Ventura Rotary South. As they say in New Orleans, “Laissez Les bon Temps Roulez” (Let the Good Times Roll)!

The Rotary Club of Ventura South is one of more than 35,000 Rotary clubs with 1.2 million members around the world. Rotary members believe that we have a shared responsibility to take action on our world’s most persistent issues. Our clubs work together to promote peace; fight disease; provide clean water, sanitation, and hygiene; save mothers and children; support education; and grow local economies. Rotary Ventura South meets at noon every Monday at the Tower Club in Oxnard (300 E. Esplanade Drive, 22nd Floor). Visitors are always welcome. For more information, visit

Oxnard Salsa Festival accepting applications for Community Stage

Dates for the 26th Annual Oxnard Salsa Festival are July 27 and 28, 2019. Attracting visitors from throughout southern California, the festival is a celebration of everything salsa – the food, music and dance. It takes place at Plaza Park, Fifth and “B” streets in historic downtown Oxnard from 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. both days.

Festival organizers are currently accepting applications from local dance and vocal performers who would like to showcase their talent on the festival’s Community Stage. Fourteen performance time slots are available and will be filled on a first come, first served basis. Acts will be chosen at the discretion of the festival committee. A Community Stage application is online at

Presented by the Oxnard Downtowners, the annual event attracts an estimated 35,000 attendees who love spicy foods and sizzling entertainment. Highlights include live salsa bands, salsa dance lessons, a salsa recipe challenge and a “Dancing With Our Community Stars” competition on Sunday. The two days also feature a vendor marketplace, international foods and a kids’ zone.

Event admission and parking are free. Main stage open seating is $5 per person. In the last 10 years, the festival has raised a half a million dollars for the local community by supporting and partnering with non-profits. For festival information, call 805‐535‐4060 or visit and on Facebook.

Ventura Libraries March Events

Avenue Library

Children & Family Events

Bilingual Early Literacy Class 3/4, 11, 18, & 25 Mondays @ 5:30-6:30pm
Join us for storytelling, nursery rhymes, and more!
Lego Play
3/7, 14, 21, & 28 Thursdays @ 3 –5pm
Bring your imagination and experiment with creative designs.

Adult Classes & Events

Laubach Literacy English Classes

3/4, 11, 18, & 25 Mondays @ 10:30-11:30am

3/5, 12, 19, & 26 Tuesdays @ 9-10am & @ 10-11am

3/6, 13, 20, & 27 Wednesdays @ 11:30am -12:30pm

3/7, 14, 21, & 28 Thursdays @ 10–11am

Introductory English classes offered through Laubach Literacy. Make an appointment today, call (805) 385-9584.

Wherever You Are Adult Computer Instruction – by AppointmentCall the Avenue Library to make an appointment for 30 minutes of 1 on 1 computer tutorial.

E.P. Foster Library

Local Author Talk- Florencia Ramirez

3/9 Saturday @ 1-2:30pm 

Join author Florencia Ramirez in her discussion about her book “Eat Less Water.” Ms. Ramirez’ book “takes the reader on a journey to meet American’s food producers growing food with less water. The author exposes the seldom-seen connection between dwindling water resources and the choices we make when shopping for groceries for our families and offers us the solution that begins in the kitchen.”

A Matter of Balance Class

3/5, 12, 19, & 26 Tuesdays @ 1-3pm

The Ventura County Area Agency on Aging presents this practical, award-winning fall prevention class. For more information and to register please contact: Dina Ontiveras 805-477-7343.

Venture (a) Out In The County…a Sierra Club Educational Series

3/12 Tuesday @ 5:30-7pm
Join us as we learn about hiking, camping and natural resources in and around Ventura County.

Children’s Events

Early Literacy Class

3/5, 12, 19, & 26 Tuesdays &

3/6, 13, 20, & 27 Wednesdays @ 10:30am

Join us for stories, poems, music, movement, a simple craft, and fun!

Teen Happenings

Virtual Reality

3/5, 12, 19, & 26 Tuesdays @ 3:30-5:30pm

Explore the virtual world with different VR platform including Oculus Rift and HTC Vive. This event is for ages 13-17.

Hill Road Library

Family & Children’s Ongoing Events

Early Literacy Class
3/6, 13, 20, & 27 Wednesdays @ 10:30am
Join us for stories, poems, music, movement, a simple craft, and fun! Aimed at ages 0-5.

Children’s Special Events
Discover Science
3/12 Tuesday @ 4pm

Explore science concepts through hands-on experiments with Rachel Chang. Ages 8+

Adult Events
Medicare 101
3/14 Thursday @ 2:30pm
Join us for this workshop about Medicare basics. Learn how to sign up and file claims. Ask the expert all your questions! For adults.

Book Club: All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr
3/26 Tuesday @ 6pm
Join us for this lively book discussion. Ask for a reserved copy from a staff member at Hill Road Library.

Saticoy Library

Children & Family Events

Early Literacy Class

3/5, 12, 19, & 26 Tuesdays @ 10am
Join us every week for stories, poems, music, movement, a simple craft & fun!

Paws for Reading

3/23 Saturday @ 12pm

Read aloud to registered therapy dogs. For additional information or to schedule an appointment, call 805) 671-5148.

Adult Classes & Events

English Classes

3/4, 11, 18, & 25 Mondays &

3/6, 13, 20, & 27 Wednesdays @ 3- 5pm
One on one instruction in English hosted by Laubach Literacy of Ventura County