Category Archives: News and Notes

Harrison honored by Clean-Air Group

Harrison Industries has vowed to buy only CNG trucks going forward. Photo courtesy of Harrison Industries

Harrison Industries continues to lead the ecological charge, achieving well beyond carbon neutrality in terms of greenhouse gas emissions. According to the latest Climate Registry and Avoided Emissions Reporting, Harrison Industries “has fully offset its direct GHG emissions 18 times – well beyond net zero.”

So impressed was The Climate Registry with Harrison’s numbers that it named the company its latest Member of the Month. Each month, one Registry member is recognized for commitment to emissions reporting and leadership in taking action on climate change; Harrison is the first-ever waste hauler to be distinguished with this Member of the Month commendation.

“Our low emissions numbers are remarkable but not unexpected,” said Harrison’s Nan Drake. “We have a well tracked history of avoided emissions and following all of the protocol. We see this as our greatest responsibility and our greatest success as a trash/recycle company.”

Harrison joined The Climate Registry in 2008 – just after the registry was formed – and it’s met its goal of remaining far ahead of the clean-air curve every year.

The Climate Registry is a nonprofit organization designed and created in 2007 to manage and reduce businesses’ greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Governed by U.S. states and Canadian provinces and territories, the registry operates GHG reporting programs globally and assists organizations in measuring, reporting and verifying the carbon in their operations in order to manage and reduce it.

With 12 new compressed natural gas trucks, Harrison Industries has vowed to buy only CNG trucks going forward. “Our truck fleet is totally in compliance,” said engineering manager Mike Harrison, “and we voluntarily report all greenhouse gas emissions to The Climate Registry, which makes us a Climate Action Leader.”

Dr. Kim Hoffmans selected as Ventura College President

Ventura County Community College District (VCCCD) Chancellor Greg Gillespie is pleased to announce that Dr. Kim Hoffmans has been selected as president for Ventura College, effective June 1, 2019. Dr. Hoffmans has served VCCCD for the last 25 years as a nursing faculty, coordinator/department chair, and dean at Moorpark College and currently as Vice President of Academic Affairs for Ventura College.

Hoffman’s appointment as president of Ventura College follows a one-year interim appointment by Dr. Damon Bell and a one-year interim appointment by Dave Keebler as a result of Dr. Greg Gillespie’s promotion as VCCCD Chancellor in July 2017.

Chancellor Gillespie looks forward to working with Dr. Hoffmans in her new role and stated that “she is an experienced and dedicated community college leader and will actively support college employees in helping meet the diverse needs of Ventura College students and our communities.”

Dr. Hoffmans background includes leadership of academic programs, student services areas, career technical educational, accreditation, curriculum, Guided Pathways, and enrollment management. Dr. Hoffmans has served on statewide boards for the California Community College (CCC) Chief Instructional Officers, CCC Athletics Association, CCC Workforce & Economic Development Performance Advisory Board, and others. Locally, she has served as a member of the Ventura College Foundation Board of Directors, a member of California Lutheran University advisory committee for the Graduate School of Education Doctorate Program, and a member of South Central Coast Regional Consortium of community colleges.

VCCCD Board Chair Dianne McKay commented on the importance of providing opportunities for internal leaders, “Chancellor Gillespie has made a smart decision and we are confident that Dr. Hoffmans will lead Ventura College to do great things for our students and community.”

Through her experiences as a nurse and an educator, Dr. Hoffmans has had the opportunity to work with colleagues and students with diverse academic, social, economic, physical, cultural, and ethnic backgrounds and finds the distinct climate of community colleges rewarding, challenging, and full of opportunities. She is excited to serve Ventura College and support student achievement and success in her new role as president of Ventura College.

“I am humbled and honored to serve as the next president of Ventura College.  My philosophy of service is based on the idea that the more energy you apply to a mission the greater the success and personal fulfillment. I have applied this approach as an active member of Ventura College for the past four years by giving much and receiving much more in return. My personal mission is to serve others and the institution by promoting student success and institutional improvement. I look forward to expanding my contributions in my new role,” stated Hoffmans.

Chancellor Gillespie said he looks forward to “the leadership that Dr. Hoffmans will provide at the college, District, and community levels. We are fortunate to have a proven leader with extensive experience in our district and in the state stepping into this critical leadership position.”

“Know Your Limit” Education Program in Downtown Ventura

On July 20 and 21, the Ventura Police Department had officers out in the downtown area to educate the public on how important it is to “know your limit.”

The “Know Your Limit” program is intended to inform community members on how little it takes to reach the legal limit for blood alcohol content (BAC), which is .08% in all states but Utah, where the BAC is .05%.

During this time, officers invited volunteers to take a breathalyzer test to see if they can guess their BAC. Those participating were asked how many drinks they had and whether they believe they are safe to drive. Following the test, officers educate those out drinking on the impacts of alcohol on one’s ability to drive, and the consequences of a DUI.

The goal is to help people understand the effects of alcohol so they can make smart decisions about how they get home after a night of drinking,” said Officer Compean. “It only takes a few drinks to impair, and that’s why it is so critical that people know when not to drive.”

A person’s height, weight, food intake, drug and/or medication use and how much they drink over a time period are all factors that affect BAC. According to the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission, it takes two drinks consumed within one hour by a 120-pound woman and four drinks by a 180-pound man to be at the legal limit. One drink is based on 1.5 oz. of liquor (40% alcohol), 12 oz. of beer (4.5% alcohol) or a 5 oz. glass of wine (12% alcohol). The body lowers your BAC at a rate of .015% every hour.

The average cost of a DUI arrest is approximately $13,500, accounting for vehicle impound fees, fines, attorney fees, auto insurance hikes and other penalties. Please plan ahead and avoid risking a DUI by designating a sober driver.

Funding for the “Know Your Limit” program is provided by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety, through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

SB 1 dollars to repair the roadway on Johnson Drive

The City of Ventura will use its first SB 1 dollars to repair the roadway on Johnson Drive between Bristol Road and Highway 101. Construction began in June and will take two to three months to complete depending on weather conditions. The $2 million-dollar project, supplemented with gas tax funding, includes replacement of asphalt pavement, concrete sidewalk repair, and installation of sidewalk access ramps to ensure safety and mobility for pedestrians and motorists. 

Repairing our streets is a top priority,” said Mayor Matt LaVere. “This is Ventura’s first project using SB 1 funds, making it possible to accelerate road projects and provide residents with safer, smoother roads.” 

Johnson Drive is a heavily traveled corridor and was identified to have poor road quality during the City’s pavement condition index analysis.  Because of funding from Senate Bill 1 (SB 1), the Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017, drivers will benefit and see road improvements much sooner than anticipated. The following projects are on the fast track to completion due to SB 1 funding in the 2019-2020 fiscal year:

  • Ralston Street from Portola Road to Victoria Avenue, slated for fall 2019
  • Victoria Avenue from Telephone Road to Highway 126, slated for spring 2020


Statewide, SB 1 is expected to generate more than $5 billion annually for road repairs, to ease traffic congestion, to fill potholes, make seismic safety improvements to bridges and overpasses, and repair local streets and freeways. Funding in SB 1 is split equally between state and local governments. SB 1 also includes accountability provisions and constitutional protections, such as the creation of the Office of Inspector General, to ensure the funding is spent wisely and on transportation projects only.


California has a backlog of $130 billion in needed road maintenance projects ($57 billion in state highways; $73 billion in local streets and roads).

Mosquito sample tests positive for West Nile Virus

On July 2, 2019, the Ventura County Environmental Health Division (Division) received confirmation from the California Department of Public Health that mosquitos sampled from the City of Ventura during the last week in June tested positive for West Nile Virus (WNV). This is the first mosquito sample collected in 2019 from Ventura County to test positive for WNV. WNV is established in Ventura County and additional WNV positives are expected.

The Division monitors and controls mosquito breeding sources throughout Ventura County. All mosquito breeding sources in the area where this mosquito sample was collected will be inspected and treated if evidence of mosquito breeding is observed.

The Division also advises the public to take the following precautions to minimize exposure to WNV: Eliminate standing water from your property; make sure doors and windows have tight-fitting screens without holes; when outdoors wear long pants and long-sleeved shirts and limit activity especially at dawn and dusk; when outdoors apply insect repellent.

WNV can not only affect humans but can also affect horses. For information on WNV in horses, the owners should contact their veterinarian.

To report any potential mosquito breeding sources in Ventura County the public can call the mosquito complaint HOTLINE at 805/658-4310. The Division also provides mosquito eating fish to the public to use in non-maintained swimming pools, ornamental ponds and similar water features. To request mosquito-eating fish call 805/662-6582. To report wild birds that have died recently call the California Department of Public Health at 877-WNV- BIRD (877-968-2473).

To obtain information about mosquito control and surveillance efforts in Ventura County please visit the Division’s website:

NAWBO installs new Board

The Ventura County chapter of the National Association of Women Business Owners (NAWBO VC) installed its new Board of Directors last week at the woman owned RELM Wine & Beer Bistro in Camarillo as part of its summer Celebration. Marsha Bailey, founder of Women’s Economic Ventures installed the new slate of officers who represent a broad spectrum of industries, leadership and business acumen.

2019-2020 NAWBO Ventura County Board of Directors

  • President – Lynnette Coverly, Coverly Professional Services
  • Immediate Past President – Diane de Mailly, DDM Metering Systems, Inc.
  • Secretary – Lisa Rule, The Acorn Newspapers and Beyond The Acorn Magazine
  • Membership Director – Kamie Abraham, Sagemark Consulting
  • Programs Director – Rose Hayden-Smith, Shine Communications
  • Public Policy/Advocacy Director – Dawn Dyer, Dyer Sheehan Group, Inc.

Newly inducted NAWBO VC President Lynnette Coverly outlined exciting plans for the new year. She plans to launch quarterly idea-sharing Membership Meet-Ups to allow members to get to know each other in a more relaxed environment. She also announced ideas to reenergize the chapter’s monthly meetings, which includes holding them throughout the County, incorporating breakfast and lunch time-frames, and co-hosting networking activities and educational workshops with community partners. “I’m thrilled at the momentum our chapter is gaining and I look forward to continuing to offer a collaborative, educational and supportive environment for women business owners throughout our county.”

The Board of Directors is joined by active leadership Chairs Andi Malone (Infinity Gifts, Baskets & Balloons) who will lead the Mastermind program and fundraising activities, Doris Muna (Dorothea Essences) who will be developing corporate partnerships, Seana-Marie Sesma (Your PR Girls and MaryJane Services Network) overseeing the Mentor program and special events, and Brenda Terzian (Doug Terzian Construction) as the chapter’s Community Liaison.

Established in 1996, NAWBO Ventura County has been furthering the aspirations of our growing community of women business owners throughout the county for over 23 years. The chapter serves women business owners from the west end of the county, including Ventura, Oxnard, Ojai, and throughout the Conejo Valley, east to Simi Valley and Moorpark, Newbury Park, Thousand Oaks and Westlake Village. In addition to monthly meetings featuring instructive speakers and dynamic panelists, the chapter hosts networking activities and events, including its annual BRAVO celebration honoring the Woman Business Owner of the Year among others. NAWBO VC also takes an active role in supporting favorable business legislation through a state-wide public policy forum. The national organization, NAWBO, has over 80 chapters across the United States. Membership is open to women solopreneurs, small to mid-size business owners, partners and corporate owners as well as those companies that support women-owned businesses. Learn more:

Ventura Port District powers into new fiscal year

With the recent approval of a 2019-2020 budget and new leaders on board, the Ventura Port District is moving full steam ahead into the new fiscal year.

Under the leadership of the district’s new general manager, Brian Pendleton, appointed on May 1, and with the addition this month of Commissioner Mike Blumenberg, the Ventura Board of Port Commissioners is poised to oversee the completion of several major enterprises in the months ahead.

Topping the list is the Ventura Harbor Village Marina Dock Improvement Project; now in progress, the $4.6 million project aims to greatly bolster the harbor’s commercial fishing industry as one of the largest commercial marinas on the West Coast.

The Ventura Port Commission also awaits the 2020 opening of Portside Ventura Harbor, a coastal 300-unit mixed-use residential development. In addition, the Port District is heading up a painting refresh of Ventura Harbor Village to introduce new sea-inspired hues this fall.

Settling into his new post, Blumenberg said he is excited to serve as a part of Ventura Harbor’s bright future.

“The harbor is a great and unique property,” said Blumenberg, a Ventura resident with a long professional history in engineering, ocean engineering and project management. “You’ve got everything at the harbor: commercial fishing, retail, recreation, restaurants, scenic beauty, and an opportunity to enhance the experience for our residents and visitors alike.”

“As a commissioner, I will support the Ventura Port District staff and harbor tenants to be able to take it to the next level,” Blumenberg said. “I look forward to assisting the harbor to continue to position itself as a major economic driver for the city.”

Raised in Milwaukee, Blumenberg entered the Naval Academy out of high school and served 24 years in uniform. After his naval career, he joined the Northrop Grumman Corporation, ultimately becoming a program manager. Three and a half years ago, he moved his family to Ventura, where he remains at Northrop Grumman – and now in a role that has him working with the Navy again. “It’s kind of coming back to my roots,” he said.

It was a natural for Blumenberg to offer his services on the Ventura Port Commission, based on his knowledge and experience, his love of the sea and his call to civic duty. “I think it’s important that everyone finds a way to serve the community, to make it better,” he said.

Blumenberg’s four-year term on the Port Commission began on July 1. He joins Chris Stephens, board chairman; Brian Brennan, vice chairman; Everard Ashworth; and Jackie Gardina, who was appointed to the commission in March.

The Ventura Port District, home to the Channel Islands National Park, provides a safe and navigable harbor and a seaside destination that benefits residents, visitors, fishermen and boaters, allowing them to enjoy Ventura Harbor’s exceptional facilities, events and services.

For more information, visit

The Salvation Army bids farewell to the Simoes family

Foto: The Simoes move on to Portland.

by Richard Lieberman

The Advisory Board, along with the Downtown Rotary Club, Lion and the Kiwanis recently held a farewell BBQ for the Simoes family. Silvia Benetti Simoes, Lieutenant along with her husband Favio Simoes and their children bid farewell to Ventura after five years of service with the Salvation Army in Ventura.

“The best thing we were able to do in Ventura was engage with the community to help people and to build up a relationship with people from different areas of the community.” Said Silvia Simoes.

Favio Simoes added “the opportunity for me to have helped people get back to a normal life, and to offer to people not just shelter and food, but just to offer hope, many just need hope.

The Simoes have been reassigned to Portland and will be working at Salvation Army headquarters at the Cascade division.

“We love Ventura and it will always remain in our hearts.” Said Silivia Simoes. “We were so happy to be able to work with so many organizations in Ventura that welcome the Salvation Army.” She added

Favio Simoes began teaching music to youth in Ventura seven years ago and after that leaders at Salvation Army offered him a chance to attend the Salvation Army Training College to become an officer. After training they were assigned to Ventura chapter as their first appointment. “We felt that god was calling us to serve a full -time ministry, and that’s how we got to Ventura.”

“I will never forget what we were able to do to help Ventura Citizens after the Thomas fire to help bring people back to normalcy “said Favio. “It was amazing to see people from all different areas come together to help people in Ventura.” Added Silvia.

The Breeze wishes the Simoes our best at their new assignment. Ventura will miss their presence and good work.

Following the Thomas Fire reviews highlighted the need for a comprehensive plan

Recently the Board of Supervisors adopted a Disaster Recovery Plan which will be incorporated into the County’s overall disaster plans to provide for an efficient recovery process following a major incident. The recovery plan was developed under the direction of the County Executive Office.

Following the Thomas Fire, after-action reviews highlighted the need for a comprehensive plan which could be used to guide recovery efforts following extraordinary emergency situations and natural, human-caused or technological disasters. Lessons learned during the Hill and Woolsey fires helped to further refine the plan and its requirements.

The plan is designed to be used as a tool following an emergency, not just as a reference on a shelf,” said County Executive Officer Mike Powers. “When a disaster occurs, it is our duty to create order out of chaos. The plan includes a series of checklists that allow for the prompt formation of a recovery team. The checklists and the remainder of the plan provide a ‘roadmap’ for establishing a recovery team, integrating with other jurisdictions and working with incident teams and state and federal recovery teams.”

The plan designates the Board of Supervisors and the County Executive Officer to serve in the primary leadership roles for disaster recovery and focuses on activities whose goals are to bring about recovery as rapidly as possible. The plan is designed to be adaptable for recovering from potential large-scale disasters that can create unique situations.

 The plan also designates supporting roles for the County Office of Emergency Services, recovery task forces, state disaster recovery coordinators, local disaster recovery managers, private sector and non-governmental organization leaders and, when needed, the federal disaster recovery coordinator.

The Disaster Recovery Plan outlines the mission, purpose and scope of our recovery activities,” said Powers. “It also calls for an evaluation of recovery activities through an after-action review to ensure we are continually refining our recovery processes to better serve the public.”

The plan deals with topics such as hazardous materials; debris removal; housing, financial and mental health assistance, and is intended to be a resource that can be shared with cities involved in the same disaster, or other jurisdictions experiencing a disaster needing a recovery plan.

Back to school donation drive

Each child will receive a backpack and age appropriate school supplies.

It’s that time again for families to start shopping for back to school supplies and for some, it is a financial hardship! Kids & Families Together, in partnership with Heart 2 Heart, is hosting their 9th Annual Back to School Donation Drive for foster/resource, kinship, and adopted children in Ventura County. We know school supplies can be costly on a tight budget. They want to help these families by easing their financial burden, as well as providing a fun family event. The goal is to help children start their new school year off fresh with confidence and hope! With your generosity, along with help of local businesses and community partners, they will be able to provide these supplies to at least 250 children and youth in need. Your support will help promote their learning, self-esteem building, and help motivate our youth to stay in school.

In partnership with River Community Church, there is an amazing location where each child will receive a backpack and age appropriate school supplies. They will be providing the back to school donations at the annual event on August 10th in Ventura which will include fun activities, a reading tent, touch-a-truck, donations of clothing/household goods and snacks will be provided.

A few ways you can help is through volunteering, finding sponsors, direct donations, shop at Amazon wishlist: and hosting a donation bin at your location.

It takes a loving village to raise these children and they hope you will be a part of that village!

Donations can be dropped off at:

Kids & Families Together, Monday-Friday between 10am-4pm, 864 E. Santa Clara St., Ventura and at community locations throughout Ventura County. See website for a complete listing of drop off locations:

Kids & Families Together is a local nonprofit who provides support, education and counseling services for individuals and families in foster care, kinship, adoption, and birth families in Ventura County. Our mission is to strengthen relationships by providing safe, supportive help that keeps family members emotionally connected to one another. For over a decade, Heart 2 Heart has been assisting foster and kinship families with durable goods to help with the children in their care such as bedding, clothes, diapers, small furniture and seasonal items such as back to school supplies. We also host families for special events throughout the year, such as our back to school event. We are here to let them know their community supports them as they raise children who cannot be at home.”

If you would like to volunteer, make a donation/schedule a pick-up or host a donation bin, please contact: Jeni Futvoye, (805) 643-1446 ext. 108 or email [email protected].