Category Archives: News and Notes

It all began with a community gathering of volunteer singers

The GCCC performs three concerts each year. Photos by De Schrepper Photography

“Hey gang! Let’s put on a show!” This cheerful cry, reminiscent of a Mickey Rooney and Judy Garland musical, could have been heard at the inception of the Gold Coast Concert Chorus.

It all began with a community gathering of volunteer singers who joined with a church choir for a performance of Handel’s “Messiah” in 1987. Ventura’s Trinity Lutheran Church was celebrating its 50th anniversary. All singers in Ventura County who wished to participate were invited to join the celebration. Many of the singers enjoyed themselves so much, that they decided to continue to get together on a regular basis.

More than 30 years later, many of those first participants, along with many others, have been performing regularly. Along with three annual concerts, the dedicated volunteers sing for many local events such as the Ventura County Fair, the opening of the newly refurbished Community Memorial Hospital, a candlelit Christmas concert at the Ventura Mission, and at the Veterans Home of California. The group also has taken the “show on the road” performing many concerts in Europe and Hawaii, and twice at Carnegie Hall. Many of the group will be singing again at the iconic venue in 2020!

The GCCC performs three concerts each year: a holiday concert each December, a classical concert in March, and a “pops” concert in June. Currently under the dynamic direction of Ms. Elizabeth Helms, and assisted with dedication and talent by Jessica Helms as many as 90 singers approach the joyful task from various levels of musical talent and experience. Although they are a “non audition” choral group, what they lack in formal musical training, they more that make up for in enthusiasm and dedication.

Tickets are now available for the glorious Holiday concert “Harmony & Hope” which will be Friday, December 13 at 7:30 pm, and Saturday, December 14 at 2:00 pm at the Crosspoint Church, 5415 Ralston Street #6001, Ventura. Tickets are $5 for children, $15 for seniors and students, and $18 for adults. Call 805-616-7269 or order on line at

3rd annual Christmas Bike Giveaway

Bike giveaway helps children in foster care.

Project Bicycle Love, a local non-profit, is pleased to announce the 3rd annual Christmas Bike Giveaway is underway. In partnership with Coastlands Real Estate Group, this project will provide over 140 children in the foster system with a brand-new bicycle at Christmas. Started as a grassroots project two years ago the need was so large that Project Bicycle Love incorporated this year to serve more children. In the past two years they have given away almost 200 brand new bikes and helmets to kids in the Ventura County foster care system.

Project Bicycle Love works with the County of Ventura as well as local group homes, foster agencies, and foster families to get the names of kids/teens who could benefit from a new bike.
More information about the project can be found at

10th Annual Holiday Donation Drive at Kids & Families Together

Is it more fun to pet Charles or Santa?

Kids & Families Together and Heart 2 Heart are conducting their 10th Annual Holiday Donation Drive for the Annual Holiday Gift Away event on Saturday, December 7, from 10am-1pm in Ventura. They will be serving over 200 children with their caregivers in the Ventura County community. Currently seeking donations of pajamas from infant to adult size, blankets, games, art supplies, gift cards for the teens, and drawing items for our give-away. They are there to show the children they care about them and appreciate the caregivers who open their homes to these children. It takes a loving village to raise these children.

The event will be a family fun day, including a picture with Santa, games, arts/crafts, a movie, treats, and each child will be gifted with pajamas, toys, and other donated items for the family!

They are very grateful to our business and community donors and our numerous volunteers who have helped make this event possible! If you would like to donate or volunteer, please visit or contact Jeni Futvoye, Community Resource Manager at 805-643-1446 ext. 108, [email protected].

They will schedule a donation pick-up or donations can be dropped no later than December 5th at office: Kids & Families Together, 864 E. Santa Clara St., Ventura. Donations can also be purchased from Amazon wish list: and they accept monetary donations, checks payable to Kids & Families Together, Resource Family Support.
With your help, we will create a wonderful and cozy holiday season for foster/resource, kinship, adopted children with the families we serve.

Agricultural Commissioner to apply for Cal FIRE grant to remove diseased trees and mitigate fire hazards

The Ventura County Agricultural Commissioner has submitted a request to Cal FIRE to receive a grant to offset the costs of removal of dead and diseased trees throughout the County. In recent years, the infestation of Invasive Shot Hole Borers in area trees have resulted in infected trees – either weakening them or causing them to die. When this happens, it’s important to get tree service removal California to ensure that more trees don’t get affected and to improve the safety of the public as they present an increased fire hazard to already dry vegetation during the traditional fire season. The grant, which assists with the removal and disposal of infected trees is available in the amount of $596,064.

“Since dead and dying trees are a concern for fire, and since our county has already suffered through significant wildfires in the last three years, this grant is critical for our county”, said Ed Williams, Ventura County Agricultural Commissioner. “The funding will provide support to help detect infected trees, prevent future infestation, and support suppression or cure efforts. This is a significant step to help support wildfire prevention and suppression.”

The Invasive Shot Hole Borer is a wood-boring beetle that attacks many tree species in Southern California. Trees both within urban and wildland environments are susceptible to the infestation. The State of California has provided $5 million to Cal FIRE to support counties in the removal of dead or diseased trees in an effort to mitigate increasing fire hazards across the state. A majority of the funding available has been offered to eight counties, of which Ventura County is included.

AVID Students in Ventura Unified School District outperform students nationally

The Ventura Unified School District has released new 2018-2019 data on the success of last year’s graduating class of students participating in the District’s AVID program. AVID is a nationally-recognized program that helps students navigate the college application process, and build the academic and soft skills needed to succeed in college and the workforce of the future.

Last year, 97% of Ventura Unified School District seniors participating in AVID completed a FAFSA application, compared to the national rate of 61%. Likewise, 100% of AVID students applied to a four-year college, and 92% were accepted. Nationally, 81% of high school students aspire to earn a bachelor’s degree, yet less than 50% enroll at a four-year university.

“I am so incredibly proud of everyone associated with the AVID program in our District. The students, teachers, and leaders all deserve our appreciation and congratulations for doing such an amazing job,” stated Dr. Roger Rice, Superintendent of Ventura Unified School District.

Research shows that applying for financial aid is one of the best predictors of whether a student will enroll in college. Through the AVID program, the District hosts regular Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) nights and provides dedicated in-school time for students to work with teachers and staff to complete their applications, providing them with better insight into the financial resources available to them.

“We congratulate Ventura Unified School District for its demonstrated commitment to ensuring that all students have the opportunity to pursue a post-secondary education. The milestones announced reflect Ventura Unified School District’s holistic approach to college readiness—starting with building a culture of high expectations among teachers and students, and including the delivery of rigorous, student-centric instruction that prepares them for college-level work,” said Dr. Sandy Husk, former school superintendent and CEO of AVID. “We are proud to be part of Ventura Unified School District’s work to ensure all students can reach their full potential.”

Ventura Unified School District joins 7,000 K-12 schools and districts across 47 states that partner with AVID to build a safe and open culture, high expectations for teachers and students, and collaboration in all classrooms. To learn more, visit .

Bank of America awards $12,500 grant to Cabrillo

Cabrillo Economic Development Corporation has received a $12,500 grant from Bank of America to help fund operating costs related to Real Estate Development and Resident and Community Services

The grant will provide funding for resident services staff to deliver programs and services to Cabrillo tenants and community residents, and for real estate development staff who will further the acquisition and development of new sites for affordable housing in Ventura County, according to Cabrillo’s Director of Business Development and Administration, Denise Bickerstaff.

“Cabrillo builds quality, well-designed housing that is affordable to those with limited means. Currently, CEDC manages 1,129 rental homes in 23 properties. Demand for both affordable family units and farmworker housing greatly exceeds supply in Ventura County. The median rent in Ventura County has increased 23% since 2000, but renter household income has declined 8%. Ventura County’s lowest-income renters spend up to 69% of income on rent, leaving little left for food, transportation, health expenses, and other needs,” Bickerstaff said.

Cabrillo resident services coordinators work with other nonprofit and public partners to provide a variety of resources, social opportunities and educational programs to more than 3,900 residents at Cabrillo properties

Health and wellness programs delivered by staff at Cabrillo include health and nutrition classes, physical exercise classes, and food distributions. Education programming includes English as a second language and citizenship classes, financial well-being classes, and leadership development. Youth activities include afterschool homework clubs, reading and summer programs, Mad Science, and arts and culture programs.

“The combination of safe, decent affordable housing and programs and services allows residents to improve their lives and their communities, creating a win-win for families and for our region as a whole,” said Cabrillo CEO Margarita H. de Escontrias.

VCCCD implements state-of-the-art emergency notification system

In response to a need to improve emergency communications, the Ventura County Community College District is implementing a state-of-the-art emergency mass notification system to disseminate real-time information to all students, guests, faculty, staff and administrators, whether they are on a campus or not. These notifications will be prior to, during and after an emergency such as fire, earthquake, severe weather, active shooter, hazardous material, power outage and more. The system is capable of delivering notifications 24/7, 365 days a year at Moorpark, Oxnard and Ventura colleges, Ventura College East Campus in Santa Paula, Oxnard College Fire Technology/Academy, Oxnard College Marine Center and the District Administration Center.

“The District is continually seeking to improve its campus and site facilities in all aspects of infrastructure, physical presence and a positive learning environment, including safety and security measures for students, employees and visitors,” said VCCCD Vice Chancellor of Business Services David El Fattal.

Work on the system installation is planned to be in two phases. Global CTI will complete Phase One using the current infrastructure so mobile and desktop solutions can be made available immediately. Phase Two will involve cabling, configuration and device installation. The system at all VCCCD sites is expected to be completed in 2021. Phase One began this fall at Ventura College.

“Safety and emergency preparedness at our campuses is of the utmost priority,” added Board Chair Dianne McKay. “Global CTI is a leader in the emergency notification industry with a proven track record of implementations at other California community colleges.”

The District’s planned Emergency Notification Solution (ENS) infrastructure will provide notifications through computer monitors, digital signage, outdoor speakers, short message service, public announcements, email and mobile apps. By integrating multiple communication methods, people will see and hear simultaneous audible and visual alerts. Messages will be distributed through indoor and outdoor speakers, classroom displays, dual-sided LCD devices in hallways, text messages on personal devices, and instructions from faculty, staff or administrators, who will also receive alerts on individual mobile apps.

The system’s solution is designed to be highly flexible and scalable and allows for growth as requirements change over time.

Women Veteran Divers Assist National Park Service in Underwater Surveys

All-female NPS and NOAA dive team conduct shipwreck surveys.

Three female veterans of our Armed Services have joined the National Park Service (NPS) for a week conducting shipwreck surveys at Channel Islands National Park.

The veterans, each with distinguished careers serving the U.S. Army and Navy, are sponsored by the Wounded American Veterans Experience SCUBA (WAVES)—a program that helps veterans recover from combat and non-combat related trauma including PTSD.

The veterans are part of an all-female NPS and NOAA dive team including a marine biologist, archaeologist, boat captain, dive instructor, and submerged resources expert.

“The NPS and WAVES have been working together for several years to support injured veterans,” said Channel Islands National Park Superintendent Ethan McKinley. “We are honored to provide these veterans an opportunity to heal and to experience the spectacular kelp forests at Channel Islands National Park.”

Gina Harden, a veteran who started her U.S. Navy career as the 7th female Military Deep Sea Diver, is a support diver sponsored by the Women’s Divers Hall of Fame. At the onset of the trip Harden said, “I am lucky, blessed, and honored to be here. With my 35 years as a Navy diver I can help mentor these veterans, to listen, to be a sounding board, and to support them.”

WAVES divers Bonnie Casler and Alexandria McIntyre, each U.S. Army veterans, are novice divers who will be diving at the Channel Islands for their first time.

Casler, a retired Army Master Sergeant who served for 23 years, describes her experience diving as restorative, “It’s the calm underwater, the bubbles, the peace and quiet, that I haven’t felt in years.”

McIntyre, an Army Signal Support Systems Specialist who served just shy of three years, stated, “This is a big deal to step out of those safe zones, those comfort zones. WAVES has brought me the sense of comfort and confidence. Things get better, you just have to find the thing that gets you better. We found WAVES.”

Casler and McIntyre will also find for their first time on this venture, the camaraderie of a network of experienced female divers and the magnificent kelp forests and historic shipwrecks of the Channel Islands.

They will gain exposure to the science and preservation mission of the NPS as they document and assess the shipwrecks and other underwater historical resources in the waters surrounding Channel Islands National Park.

WAVES Project is a nonprofit organization that was established to provide wounded veterans with service connected disabilities to experience the freedom and challenge of scuba diving. Their mission recognizes the unique properties of the aquatic environment that are ideal for combat wounded veterans as they rehabilitate from various injuries received in combat such as amputations, spinal cord injuries, PTSD, Traumatic Brain Injuries, along with a host of other injuries received in battle. Scuba diving takes the advantages of the properties of water, including weightless and limited audio input, allowing combat wounded veterans to exercise in a therapeutic environment. They provide training in specialized SCUBA equipment suited to the person based on their physical needs.

Women Divers Hall of Fame is an international non-profit professional honor society whose mission is dedicated to recognizing and honoring woman divers that have made outstanding contributions to the arts, science, medicine, media, deep sea exploration, underwater archaeology, medicine, equipment technology, diving, conservation, and more.

Ventura Harbor announces reopening of dry boat storage

Ventura Port District has invested $61,000 towards the Dry Boat Storage Lot.

Ventura Harbor’s new Dry Boat Storage has recently been resurfaced and is now open with 88 dry storage spaces which can accommodate 14 to 43- foot size boats year-round. The Ventura Port District Dry Boat Storage is located conveniently across from the harbor’s public launch ramp and Dave’s Fuel Dock at 1540 Anchors Way Drive, making it accessible to the water for regular use and nearby to Ventura Harbor’s attractions, dining and shopping.

Ventura Port District has invested $61,000 towards the Dry Boat Storage Lot refurbishment, with additional costs covered by the Anchors Way street modifications inclusive in the Portside Ventura Harbor residential development plans.

According to Brian Pendleton, Ventura Port District’s General Manager, “the newly re-opened storage facility provides boaters with the year-round option of keeping their boats in dry storage for added convenience and more regular use consistent with the Ventura Port Districts’ mission to provide exceptional boating facilities and services.”

Fees for Ventura Port District Dry Boat Storage range from $68 to $215 per month in the key-card fenced facility at Ventura Harbor. A bonus for boat storage tenants includes a 50% off discount of the annual Ventura Harbor Public Launch Ramp Permit. Future plans for the dry boat storage area will feature a kayak rack for personal watercraft.

To check space availability for Ventura Port District Dry Boat Storage and apply for a permit/application visit or email [email protected]

Castro Family, Ventura Police & Ventura Police Community Foundation Toy Drive

“Bringing joy to the brave junior crime fighters at VCMC.”

The Ventura Police Department announces the 10th Annual Castro Family, Ventura Police and Ventura Police Community Foundation Toy Drive. The community is invited to donate unwrapped toys or gift cards for the patients and siblings of the Children’s Center for Cancer and Blood Diseases at the Ventura County Medical Center. Donations, for ages infant to 18 years.

In 2008, Corey Castro was seven years old and was treated for Gorham’s Disease, a rare bone disease. As a patient, he was asked if he wanted to pick out a toy from the center’s toy box. Corey discovered the toy box needed more toys and asked his family if they could help fill the box for other children receiving treatment at the center. The Castro Family in partnership with the Ventura Police and Ventura Police Community Foundation worked to make that dream a reality and has since provided toys and gifts to more than 1,500 patients and their siblings. The effort raises awareness about the only pediatric oncology and hematology center in Ventura County. Ventura Police Officers join the Castro Family in hosting a holiday party for the children and their families and help pass out gifts with Santa and Ventura Police K9s.

“Bringing joy to the brave junior crime fighters at VCMC is a humbling experience. Many of these children are fighting for their lives. We appreciate this opportunity to partner with the Castro Family and our community in providing a special evening for the children and their siblings during the holiday season,” said Commander Sam Arroyo.

Businesses interested in being a toy drop off location are encouraged to call 805-339-4317.

Toy Drop Off Location: Ventura Police Department, 1425 Dowell Drive

Date/Time Toy Drop Off until December 12, Monday – Friday between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.