Category Archives: News and Notes

Local writer receives lifetime achievement award

stuff atwater
Libby has also been writing her own series of memoirs

Ventura resident Libby J. Atwater recently received a lifetime achievement award in the field of personal history at the 20th Anniversary Association of Personal Historians, Inc. (APH) Conference. As a journalist and personal historian, Atwater has helped others tell their stories for the past 24 years by writing articles and books as well as recording audio interviews and creating DVDs, she now has a chance to celebrate work anniversaries as well as her award. She has served APH on its Executive Committee as its secretary, Print Communications Director, Toolkit Editor, newsletter editor, workshop presenter, and as the Marketing Team Leader for this hallmark anniversary conference.

APH is an international organization with nearly 700 members throughout the world. Conference attendees came to this year’s Sacramento-based conference from as far as Israel, Brazil, and Australia.

Atwater has been transitioning from teaching life-writing classes; volunteer activities, such as chairing the Oral History Program at the Museum of Ventura County; and writing others’ stories to writing her own series of memoirs. Her award-winning tale of her early life, What Lies Within, began a quartet now in progress. The paperback book is available through her new website and on Amazon and Apple as e-books.

Her next book, The Spirit of Villarosa, a true adventure that tells the story of the extraordinary life of Horace Dade Ashton, a man dubbed the “original Indiana Jones” and his son Marc, who was kidnapped in Haiti in 2001.

Atwater has written articles and spoken to numerous groups about her work throughout her career. She is available for speaking engagements and books signings. To book an engagement, please contact [email protected].

emPowering Ventura for safe and efficient homes and businesses

stuff emPower
Energy Coach Javier Saucedo explaining emPower to a homeowner at a recent event.

by Karen Helen

We have been increasingly concerned about water in these years of drought which has been headlined frequently “over the fold” and on almost every newscast. A lot of Venturans have stepped up and participated in reducing home water usage.

What has had less enthusiastic coverage is the energy load and the resources we have here in Ventura County to save on our power needs through the emPower program that has partnered with the county government. The program has many avenues to aid the homeowner and business owner to revamp their structures and save on electricity and gas year round.

How much do you know about your insulation, heating and air conditioning ducts, sealing of windows (as a side note, it’s well worth Googling “replacement windows atlanta” if you’re looking to completely change your windows), efficiency and safety of your hot water heater and furnace? You might also be interested in energy-efficient replacement windows which could also help to make your home more efficient. A site inspection by an energy expert can tell you exactly what is going on and there are even low interest, unsecured loans from avaialble for repairs. Tax credits are also still available to go solar for your hot water needs.

The program specifically designed for the individual homeowner can provide an energy coach to do the free site visit and inspection. This aspect is lauded as emPower’s Personalized Customer Support, providing expert energy advice and access to utility incentives and qualified contractors for any work that is needed. After the inspection a full report will be produced for the homeowner along with pictures. The program in Spanish is available as well.

emPower takes the whole house approach to give you a snapshot of the energy use in your home and does it for free. Besides the financial savings don’t discount the improvement in the comfort of your home and enhancing the quality of the inside air itself. There are always the options for upgrades including going solar, getting Replacement Windows Austin, high efficiency furnace/air and water heater appliances by contractors certified through emPower.

There is also an outreach program run by emPower that provides businesses with a presentation for their employees. A presentation that explains their services in which they will talk about all the energy related aspects of a home or commercial building that many of us don’t think about when we turn on the electricity or natural gas.

Sustainability of safe and efficient energy is the core purpose of emPower. You can contact them at 654-3834; [email protected] and

Jennifer Willis-Teacher of the Month

Teacher at De Anza Academy of Technology and the Arts receives recognition

The Ventura Commerce and Education Foundation (VCEF) named Jennifer Willis — science teacher and Associated Student Body advisor at De Anza Academy of Technology and the Arts (DATA) as Teacher of the Month.

Willis was recognized for her involvement in, and commitment to, providing above-and-beyond educational experiences for DATA’s students. In addition to developing innovative projects to support key learning outcomes, including a biotechnology-focused project and she also coordinates school dances, carnivals and spirit days.

“Jennifer is a highly effective and engaging teacher who truly cares about all of our students,” said DATA’s principal, Hector Guerrero. “She works tirelessly to create a safe, healthy and fun learning environment that enables students to grow and thrive.”

Along with actively supporting the growth of her students, Willis also continuously pursues her own professional development through participation in conferences hosted by the California Association of Directors of Activities (CADA) and the California Science Teachers Association (CSTA).

Teacher of the Month nominees must be credentialed teachers and display certain qualities, such as outstanding commitment to students, service to school or district committees, involvement in projects on their own time and/or participation in youth-focused activities in the community. For more information about the Teacher of the Month program, please contact Pattie Braga, chair of the Teacher Appreciation Committee with the VCEF, at [email protected] or 477-4052.


January celebration of Martin Luther King, Jr.

Martin Luther King, Jr. was one of the main leaders of the American civil rights movement. A Baptist minister by training, King became a civil rights activist early in his career, leading the Montgomery Bus Boycott. His efforts led to the 1963 March on Washington, where King delivered his “I Have a Dream” speech, raising public consciousness of the civil rights movement and establishing King as one of the greatest orators in American history.

In 1964, he became the youngest person to receive the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to end segregation and racial discrimination through civil disobedience and other non-violent means.

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day is a United States federal holiday marking the birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr. It is observed on the third Monday of January each year, which is around the time of King’s birthday, January 15.

King was assassinated on April 4, 1968, in Memphis, Tennessee. He was posthumously awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by President Jimmy Carter in 1977. Martin Luther King Day was established as a national holiday in the United States in 1986. In 2004, King was posthumously awarded a Congressional Gold Medal.

A national hero and a civil-rights figure  King summoned together a number of black leaders in 1957 and laid the groundwork for the organization now known as the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC). King was elected its president, and he soon began helping other communities organize their own protests against discrimination.




McCune Foundation awards Social Justice Grants

The ARC of Ventura County was  awarded $15,000 for The Co-Advocates of Ventura County and Project R.

Campaigns to boost educational opportunities, create safer streets, and improve working conditions for farm workers will all get a hand up with $340,000 in grants from the McCune Foundation. Fifteen groups in Santa Barbara and Ventura Counties received grants in November to empower teams of parents, immigrants, youth, and other activists in promoting beneficial changes in the community.

“As the Foundation celebrates its 25th year, we recognize that more work is needed to create a just and fair society,” said Sara Miller McCune, the Foundation’s president and co-founder. “The Foundation’s grants provide resources for groups to mobilize around the important issues of today.”

Grant dollars provided by the Foundation will pay for salaries of community organizers, trainings, and other program expenses. In 2015, the Foundation awarded 30 grants and dozens of contributions totaling more than $800,000. Grassroots groups that meet the Foundation’s funding guidelines may submit a letter of inquiry by the next deadline of January 15, 2016. Details on applying for a grant are available at

The McCune Foundation was established in 1990 by Sara Miller McCune and George D. McCune, the founders of SAGE Publications.




Ventura Key Club Sock Drive for homeless

Photo by Ranferi Perea

Ventura Key Club is a dedicated and passionate community service club at Ventura High School. Club members have been working for several weeks on collecting socks for their latest service project -a Sock Drive to donate socks to the homeless in Ventura to help them stay warm during the winter. Group members were able to collect 90 pairs of socks. The socks were donated to Community Action in Ventura, which is an organization that helps the homeless. Thanks to Key Club members, a little warmth was given to the less fortunate this holiday season.

Women’s Economic Ventures welcomes entrepreneurs to the WEV Family

WEV’s Ventura County Self-Employment Training graduates proudly display their certificates during ceremony.

Women’s Economic Ventures (WEV) recently celebrated the accomplishments of 86 women and men who have successfully completed WEV’s Self-Employment Training program during a ceremony held at Montecito County Club.  Twenty-seven of the graduates are from Ventura County and three from Los Angeles County.

After 14 months of training on topics including finances, marketing and sales, public relations and advertising, legal and insurance issues, record keeping, and how to write a business plan, these graduates emerged with the necessary tools and support needed to expand or start their own business.

Graduates range from first-time business owners to those who have turned to WEV to help expand their existing businesses. Some businesses and business concepts include a natural skin care line, a craft store and a vintage pinball arcade.

During the ceremony, each graduate shared their new business venture through an “elevator pitch” that they have crafted and perfected through the course. The ceremony concluded with a reception and “business expo” where graduates showcased their businesses and shared their products with family and friends.

“After 14 weeks of commitment and hard work, these graduates emerge with the tools needed to turn their entrepreneurial dreams into reality, from brand new ventures to strategic growth of an established business, “said Marsha Bailey, CEO/Founder of WEV.  “We are honored to welcome them to the WEV family and look forwarding to seeing where their accomplishments take them.”

WEV’s 14-week Self-Employment Training course provides guidance on how to start, operate or expand a business. The program provides week-by-week training on topics including finances, marketing and sales, public relations and advertising, legal and insurance issues, record keeping, and how to write a business plan.

The next Self-Employment Training (SET) course begins in February in Ventura County.  Orientation required to enroll. The next orientations will take place:

  • Wednesday, January 7 from 6-7 p.m. in Oxnard
  • Thursday, January 14 from 6-7 p.m. in Ventura
  • Thursday, January 21 from 12 -1 p.m. in Oxnard

Location will be given at time of RSVP and is subject to change. For more information or to register for the free orientation, call 456-2355 or visit the website at

Tall ships return to Ventura Harbor

Photo of  by John Ferritto

A movie star tall ship and her companion return to Ventura this winter for more than three weeks of sailing adventures, cannon battles, and educational programs for young people. The brig Lady Washington and the topsail ketch Hawaiian Chieftain are scheduled to sail into Ventura Harbor Village January 15 and stay until  February 8.

New this year are three Evening Sails on Wednesday January 20, January 27, and February 3. These 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. excursions are opportunities for individuals and families – who are unable to sail on the weekends – to enjoy an educational and relaxing experience on an authentic tall ship. Passengers are encouraged to help raise a sail, learn a sea shanty, or just soak up an ocean sunset. Tickets are $35 each.

The Ventura stop also includes the popular Battle Sails, which are three hour recreations of a typical 18th century cannon duel between two tall ships using real cannons, and gunpowder, but no cannon balls. Tickets are $75 for adults, and $67 for seniors (62+). Students with ID, active military, and children 12 and under are $39.


Town Hall Meeting  for Our County, Our Kids

As a foster parent, families can become a link in a lifelong chain. Loving homes can provide the unconditional healing, support and guidance that can help a child and siblings thrive and grow as every child needs. With over 1,000 youth still in need in Ventura County, foster youth from birth to teens especially need a loving parent who will support them as if they were their own.

On Saturday, Jan. 23 from 9-11 a.m., Foster VC Kids, a division of Ventura County Children and Family Services, will host a Town Hall Meeting in which aspiring families can learn more about what it takes and how amazing it is to become a home for VC foster children.

“Our own youth are inspiring us on the radio, at panels and especially at this very special Town Hall meeting, in which we will hear from those involved in foster care who will address and hopefully inspire the need for more quality homes as resources for our youth,” says Elizabeth Thasiah of Foster VC Kids.

Joining the event and showing their support will be Supervisor Steve Bennett – a huge advocate supporting foster care. “One of the great drawbacks to this process has been the lack of awareness and information available to educate potential parents on why they should consider this inspirational avocation – helping children in need,” explained Bennett. “This is your chance to find out how meaningful it is to open your life to a child and family.”

Other outreach includes the VC Fire Department, police/sheriff and health care industries, faith communities and current foster families. In addition, Foster VC Kids is inviting local FFA’s (foster family agencies), Casa Pacifica and experts of foster care to answer any questions. It’s an event for all, and Foster VC Kids is encouraging the county to spread the word to bring awareness to this important event.

Help Foster VC Kids in our mission to find more Homes with Heart.

Join us for an Informative Town Hall Meeting. Bringing together local citizens, community leaders, educators and County employees to talk about innovative ways to uplift our local youth.

Ventura County Human Service Agency

855 Partridge Drive, Ventura