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CAPS Media crews producing coronavirus updates for City and County

CAPS Media crews are working closely with Ventura City and County officials to provide accurate and updated information on the coronavirus emergency. For the City, CAPS produces weekly videos with City officials in the CAPS studio and out in the community. Recent videos include an update with Estelle Bussa, the city’s economic development manager in which Estelle shared important information for Ventura businesses regarding current safety protocols for dining, shopping and social distancing in Ventura.

For the County, CAPS Crews are covering all of the weekly COVID-19 County updates at the government center and in the community including the most recent location productions at Limoneira and at the Ventura County Public Health Department in Oxnard. CAPS facilitates the live streaming of the press conferences by the County and posts the media, including Spanish language translations of the messages at and

All of the City and County informational videos are being distributed on multiple platforms including City and County websites, CAPS Media, Facebook, Instagram and other social media sites. Rest assured, CAPS Crew members are taking every precaution to stay safe during these productions.

At the same time, the COVID-19 crisis has not deterred the talented DJs and producers at CAPS Radio at 104.1fm from continuing to produce programs. CAPS Media Radio Station Director Elizabeth Rodeno is also directing a campaign to have listeners, DJs and producers record brief audio diaries about what their lives are like during this extremely unique and challenging time. Broadcasters from Australia to Ventura submitted audio shorts about local community organizations and activities. Kat Merrick, Pam Baumgardner, Kathy Good, Nadine Piche and other KPPQ DJs are providing personal insights, public service information, fitness and health tips and more.

If you have a message to share on KPPQ, Ventura’s public access radio station, record your 30 to 60 second daily entry and email it to [email protected]. Tune into 104.1fm to hear the latest updates from the city and county. Special thanks to everyone who submitted videos for CAPS.

CAPS Media is also producing a brief History of the Ventura Pier video for Pier Into The Future, the nonprofit organization that supports the landmark with fund raising events throughout the year. The local nonprofit is a long-standing supporter and organizational member of CAPS Media. The history of the pier video will premiere on Friday, July 31, in support of the Pier Sunset Dinner which is modified from the annual sit-down event to a drive-by, pick-up meal at the pier with food provided by local restaurants and caterers. For more information go to The video will be streamed and aired on all CAPS media outlets.

Due to the Coronavirus emergency the CAPS Media Center is closed to Members and the public until further notice. CAPS Member/Producers can submit programming via the online portal at for broadcast and streaming on CAPS public access television Channel 6 and on CAPS Radio KPPQ 104.1FM. All of us at CAPS Media hope everyone is Staying Safe and Healthy during this challenging time.

Social Justice Column

by M. Scott

This is our first Social Justice column. As the consensus continues to grow regarding the stark reality of systemic racism in American life, the Ventura Breeze recognizes the important role played by the press in helping to increase awareness and foster conversation around this very important issue. The Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement has garnered the support of activists from every walk of life. Nationwide, these activists have organized protests and demanded the removal of statues and monuments honoring public figures connected to slavery or crimes against indigenous people. They are highlighting discriminatory hiring practices, calling for the defunding and/or restructuring of police departments and much more. These deeply emotive, controversial issues are forcing many of us to engage in serious reflection and some difficult conversations as we acknowledge a larger systemic issue and shared responsibility to commit to change.

We look forward to your contributions and input about this difficult subject.

Black Lives Matter Movement

BlackLivesMatter was founded in 2013 in response to the acquittal of Trayvon Martin’s murderer. The Black Lives Matter Foundation, Inc. is a global organization in the US, UK, and Canada, whose mission is to eradicate white supremacy and build local power to intervene in violence inflicted on Black communities by the state and vigilantes.

The Black Lives Matter website goes on to say that, “By combating and countering acts of violence, creating space for Black imagination and innovation, and centering Black joy, we are winning immediate improvements in our lives.”

To learn more, visit

Social Movement News & Happenings:

Stone Mountain Confederate Memorial, often called “the granddaddy of all Confederate monuments,” is once again at the center of an ongoing debate over a symbol that some see as a shrine of southern American heritage, and others see as a depiction of white supremacy etched into stone. Calls for racial equality have swelled in Georgia following the deaths of Ahmaud Arbery and Rayshard Brooks.

The carvings of three Confederate leaders Gen. Robert E. Lee, General Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson and President of the Confederacy, Jefferson Davis sits 400 feet above the ground, which is larger than a football field. The memorial overlooks an outdoor recreational park and casts a shadow over Stone Mountain, Georgia, a predominantly black city.

Mississippi has made it official: The state’s flag, which bears the familiar cross of the Confederate battle flag, will officially be changed. The state’s Republican governor, Tate Reeves signed the decision into law, solidifying yet another response to ongoing racial reckonings around the country.

Governor Reeves said: “There are people on either side of the flag debate who may never understand the other. We as a family must show empathy. We must understand that all who want change are not attempting to erase history. And all who want the status quo are not meanspirited or hateful.”

Stop Hate for Profit:

Stop Hate for Profit is a diverse and growing coalition that wants Facebook to take common-sense steps to address the rampant racism, disinformation and hate on its platform. It includes some of the most prominent civil rights groups and nonprofit organizations in the country including ADL, Color of Change, Common Sense, Free Press, LULAC, Mozilla, NAACP, National Hispanic Media Center, and Sleeping Giants.

More than 1,000 advertisers have joined in a month-long boycott of Facebook. The “Stop Hate for Profit” campaign has signed on big-name advertisers including Unilever (ticker: UL), Starbucks (SBUX), and Coca-Cola (KO).

College Athletics

College athletes in Mississippi and across the country have harnessed their collective power to call for the removal of Confederate monuments, symbols and honorifics and demand their institutions and communities account for racial inequities.

Stars from the University of Mississippi football team in this North Mississippi town have used their platform to push for the removal of Confederate statues on and off campus and marched alongside their coaches, fellow students and residents for social change. Meanwhile, a star running back at Mississippi State University, Kylin Hill, publicly threatened to quit his team if the Confederate battle emblem wasn’t removed from the state flag that had flown in Mississippi since 1894.

The University of Oregon and Oregon State University Departments of Athletics have mutually agreed to no longer refer to Oregon-Oregon State rivalry games as the “Civil War.” This decision is effective immediately and includes all athletic competitions in the 2020-21 academic year and in the years ahead.

The schools made the decision following mutual discussions as well as conversations with university officials and input from current and former student-athletes from both schools.

WEV celebrating 10-years

Women’s Economic Ventures (WEV) is celebrating the 10th anniversary of the Spirit of Entrepreneurship awards by announcing this year’s winners in 10 categories. In addition to the 10 category winners, the Spirit of Entrepreneurship Awards has also recognized Lynne Tahmisian, President of La Arcada Investment Corporation as the 2020 Rock Star: Life Achievement Award recipient.

The 10 category winners and Tahmisian will be celebrated at a virtual event on Tuesday, July 21 from 4 – 5:30 pm.

WEV is thrilled to celebrate these outstanding entrepreneurs during the COVID-19 crisis when women owned businesses have been hit especially hard by shelter in place COVID-19 related restrictions.

California is launching a first-in-the nation meal delivery program

“I hope that you enjoy your meal.”

Governor Gavin Newsom has announced a series of initiatives to support vulnerable older Californians who are isolating at home during California’s stay at home order. California is launching a first-in-the nation meal delivery program, a partnership to make wellness check-in calls, and the expansion of Friendship Line California to help combat social isolation. These actions will support the approximately 1.2 million Californians over the age of 65 who live alone.

“The most important way for older Californians to stay safe is to stay at home,” said Governor Newsom. “These programs will provide older, vulnerable Californians with access to nutritious meals in the safety of their homes and the opportunity to connect with someone who can listen to their concerns and make sure their needs are met. We are all in this together and we will continue to support older Californians who are more at risk during this public health emergency.”

“Older adults are heroes for being the first Californians to stay at home and save lives. However they may be struggling to access food and with the mental health implications of isolation. These programs will make sure our older friends, family, and neighbors have access to the food and friendship they need,” said Director of the California Department of Aging Kim McCoy Wade.

Restaurants Deliver: Home Meals for Seniors

This first-in-the-nation program will ensure vulnerable older Californians have consistent access to nutritious meals while staying safe at home. The Restaurants Deliver: Home Meals for Seniors program will enlist community restaurants to prepare meals that will be delivered to older Californians who are isolating at home during California’s stay at home order. The program will also support local restaurant workers and owners who have lost business during the pandemic. The program will be administered by local authorities and will serve older Californians who are ineligible for other nutrition programs.

The Administration will keep updated information on the COVID-19 website on which localities are participating.

Social Bridging Project

The Social Bridging Project will mobilize more than 1,000 callers to proactively reach out to older Californians who are isolating at home. The project will combat social isolation through direct, one-on-one communication with older Californians, many living alone and isolated. Listos California is partnering with the California Department of Aging, United Airlines, Community Emergency Response Teams (CERT), and Sacramento State University to make calls to older Californians. Callers will check on the individual’s well-being, connect them to resources, and connect with them on a personal level.

Friendship Line California: 1-888-670-1360

California is expanding Friendship Line California to support lonely and isolated older Californians across the state. Friendship Line California is toll-free and available to provide emotional support to older Californians facing loneliness, isolation and anxiety. The California Department of Aging is partnering with the Institute on Aging to support this effort.

Today’s announcements build on previous actions to support older Californians isolating at home. Governor Newsom previously announced the Stay Home. Save Lives. Check In. campaign to help combat social isolation among older Californians. The campaign urges all Californians to check in on their older neighbors with a call, text or physically-distanced door knock.

Californians are also encouraged to join the #CaliforniansForAll initiative by signing up at #CaliforniansForAll unites organizations in desperate need of volunteers with Californians looking to serve and share their commitment to their neighbors, while ensuring stay-at-home and physical distancing protocols are met. The initiative will focus on recruiting younger Californians to help the most vulnerable throughout the state, including older Californians who are at higher risk of serious illness due to COVID-19.

Visit for critical steps Californians can take to stay healthy, and resources available to those impacted by the outbreak.

Serra Statue

by Maria Loveday

I recently received my B.A. degree in art history/art studio from CSUCI. My final capstone project was a research paper analyzing the history, controversy, and vandalism of Junipero Serra and his commemorative statues in California with a focus on the bronze Serra statue in front of Ventura City Hall.

Some interesting research findings include :

Seventy-five years after Serra’s death, 19th c. writers and historians constructed Serra’s civic persona with the goal of masking his Catholic identity which made him more acceptable to non-Catholics as the founder of California.

Both the bronze and wood Serra statues are in violation of the 1st Amendment, just as the Serra Cross was in a 2003 case brought against the city which involved issues of separation of church and state which forced the city to sell the property and cross to a local preservation group.

Recontextualization of controversial monuments and memorials through the commission of counter monuments and interpretive plaques reflecting previously oppressed narratives serve educational purposes.

Serra had a medieval mindset derived from the founding of the Franciscan Order in Assisi, Italy in 1209. Corporal punishment for sins was one of the values upheld by Saint Francis of Assisi and Serra took this to heart as he was known by his fellow friars for being particularly drawn to self flagellation to atone for sins of the flesh. Certainly, scantily clad indigenous Californians would have represented sin to such a pious man as Serra. When natives refused to convert to Catholicism they were flogged if not by Serra, then as a result of his orders. These tactics were hardly respectful of indigenous traditional cultures which had not known corporal punishment.

Contemporary California historians provide ample evidence that the mission system which Serra founded in 1769 laid the foundations for the enslavement and genocide of California’s indigenous peoples regardless of whether Serra intended this outcome or not. The decimation of indigenous cultures in California extends from the 1500’s with the first European explorers to Serra’s mission system to Mexican rule to the Gold Rush and California’s statehood to 2020 Serra statue conflicts. These statues embody oppressive ideologies which have caused generational trauma and continue to cause suffering for indigenous peoples.

It is unfortunate that Ventura has yet to remove their prominent Serra statue, a marker defining its citizenry as supporters of indigenous enslavement and genocide. This is an unpopular position to uphold when historically oppressed peoples are calling for justice through peaceful protests worldwide. The most talked about solution is to remove the statue to San Buenaventura Mission where it would not be recontextualized. If this happens an interpretive plaque needs to replace the statue to explain what happened for the benefit of future generations. An alternate solution might be to replace the statue with one that more accurately reflects Ventura citizens in 2020 and add a plaque about what used to be there. If the Serra statue remained in place the City could fund Chumash artists to sculpt counter monuments and author interpretive plaques for educational purposes balancing the current Eurocentric narrative.

The removal and/or recontextualization of oppressive statues does not lead to the erasure of history, but seeks to reveal histories that have been repressed. Restitution for harms done to indigenous peoples during California’s colonization is long overdue. While it is admirable that citizens, the City Council and the Mayor of Ventura are reevaluating the Serra statue for removal, it remains to be seen whether or not this city and its people are ready to face its’ past and move forward or deny its’ past and remain stuck in illusions which uphold repressive colonialist ideologies.

Serra statue not historic landmark

The Ventura Historic Preservation Committee has decided that the bronze statue of Father Junipero Serra standing in front of City Hall is not a historic landmark. Based upon the fact that it is a replacement of the original statue.

Ventura Community Development Director Peter Gilli stated “It’s important to note for the public that a statue of a historic figure at a prominent location does not automatically make the statue a historic landmark. Also, just the fact that an object is important to the community would not automatically make an object historic.”

The committee voted 4-1 against the statue’s historic status with Vice Chairwoman Ann Huston casting the no vote

CC decisions on statue is scheduled for 6pm

The Ventura City Council on Tuesday night delayed their decision on whether to permanently remove two statues of Father Junipero Serra. One is located in city hall and the other across the street. The delay was due to a technical oversight.

The next meeting on the statue is scheduled for 6pm on Wednesday, July 15. The meeting will be virtual. Go to for information on how to watch and participate in the discussion.

City Council will require masks

Father Serra was wearing a face mask before it was the law.

On a 4-3 vote the City Council will require masks to be worn inside businesses and government offices, on public transit and in most indoor venues that are open to the public. This order will go into effect once the City Council approves the final ordinance which will be considered at a future meeting.

The city manager will need to draft an emergency ordinance to lay out the details of the new order. It will be modeled on a similar order in Santa Barbara.

Councilmember Erik Nasarenko stated “masks have become such a common feature that I don’t even think people question it anymore. Ultimately it’s not about discomfort or inconvenience, it’s about doing whatever we can in whatever way possible to limit the spread of a highly infectious and deadly disease and if that means wearing a face covering, I think we should do it.”

Nasarenko, along with Councilmembers Cheryl Heitmann, Sofia Rubalcava and Christy Weir voted in support of the order. Mayor Matt LaVere, Lorrie Brown and Jim Friedman voted no.

Brown and Friedman voted no because they question the city’s ability to enforce the use of face coverings in businesses.

Police Chief Darin Schindler said enforcement of the policy would not be a priority for the department.

“I would obviously put communication in front of enforcement. I just don’t think it’s a viable option right now to expect us to contact people for purposes of enforcing them wearing a mask. It’s going to put our officers in a difficult situation especially with the current climate surrounding the use of police authority right now.”

Violations of the mask order would be handled through the city’s emergency action citation process, the same way that violations of other pandemic-related health orders are handled. Ventura plans to focus on education to try to obtain voluntary compliance from the public. But if that doesn’t work, a written warning may be issued, followed by an administrative citation.

So, basically this is just symbolic.

We have so much to learn from black elders

— and so many reasons to support them

This blog originally appeared on the Diverse Elders Coalition website.
by Jenna McDavid – from February 6,2018

February marks the start of Black History Month, a celebration of Black and African American stories, experiences, and impact on American culture. At the Diverse Elders Coalition, we’re proud to celebrate Black Elders every month of the year, but February offers us a bonus opportunity to lift these stories up into the national spotlight. Black Elders have so much wisdom to share about our history and the ways they have challenged white supremacy and other forms of oppression. It is imperative that those stories are not lost or forgotten.

I recently (2018) attended a Capitol Hill Briefing about the Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP), during which we heard testimonials from community-based organizations that employ older adult workers through the federally funded program. SCSEP placement not only provides employees with meaningful work, wages, and socialization, but also gives these organizations staff to help them continue to serve their communities.

Diverse Elders Coalition partner, the National Center and Caucus on Black Aging, is a primary grantee for SCSEP, providing employment opportunities for African American older adults across the country in community-based service organizations like TERRIFIC, Inc. in Washington, DC. Sharron Holquin, a SCSEP participant who spoke at the briefing, talked about the lifetime of employment experience she brings to her current employer, and how we shouldn’t dismiss older adult workers because of ageist assumptions about their abilities.

I came away from this briefing with not just a greater appreciation for SCSEP, but also a framework that I hope to bring with me into my work with the Diverse Elders Coalition — and beyond. When talking or working with diverse elders, younger generations must always ask ourselves: What assumptions are we unfairly making? What stories are we missing because we didn’t think to ask? And what can we do, each day, to better honor and support the elders who have paved the way for our generation?

Stay tuned to the Diverse Elders Coalition blog all month long for Black History Month contributions from our incredible writers and guests from around the country. And in the meantime, check out some of these Black History Month highlights from years past:

A Gift From My Grandmother: An Embrace of Life — and Aging by Jeneé Darden

SELMA: 50 Years Later by Mandy Carter

You won’t believe what I learned from our black elders by Bryan Pacheco

Black, Gray and Gay: The Perils of Aging LGBTQ People of Color by Chandra Thomas Whitfield

Housing For Diverse Elders is a Public Health Issue by Dr. Imani Woody

The Ventura Police does support peaceful protests

‘I support any movement that supports equal rights’

by Carol Leish

Ventura Police Chief Darin Schindler stated, “The current Black Lives Matter movement does focus on the rights that all people have, and the idea that everybody deserves to be treated fairly and with respect. In my opinion, it will go on for a long time, since it will be continuing until people feel that things are changing in our society.”

The Ventura Police does support peaceful protests, according to Chief Schindler. He said, “Everybody, no matter who you are, or what your race or gender is, deserves to be treated with respect and dignity. The police department deals with all people of various races, gender, and sexual orientation.” Thus, he emphasizes that, ‘All people should be treated fairly and with dignity.”

According to Chief Schindler, ‘We do not use choke holds. We do use the carotid control hold, which is an upper body control hold, that restricts the blood flow to the brain, and causes somebody who is fighting to pass out temporarily. It’s not a choke hold that would restrict breathing or compress the front of the neck. It is only rarely used when there is the imminent threat of death or serious injury to the officer.”

He stresses that, ‘In the 30 years that I’ve been working within the police department, this is one of the most heated times for prejudices. People feel that it’s coming to a boiling point. And, people don’t like being biased against or treated differently.”

Ventura Mayor Matt LaVere stated, ‘Ventura hasn’t had any rioting. We’ve had peaceful and productive demonstrations, which I think is the Ventura way of doing things.”

He went on, ‘I support any movement that supports equal rights in order for everyone to be treated equally. Black Lives Matter movement will be lasting until the community make necessary changes to make sure that there is equality between all people.”

“As police officers, our job,” according to Chief Schindler, “is more of policing versus just enforcing laws, which is just a small part of what we do. We also do problem solving. We can do a lot more when we work together. Through building trust, by building bridges within the community, we can find a solution together. We want everyone to feel welcome and safe, and to realize that we’re here for them.”

CAPS Media and the Power of Information

Hello fellow Venturans. Since the start of the COVID-19 crisis the CAPS Media Center has been closed, however CAPS crews have continuously provided extensive communication services to the City and County to help inform the public. For example, every week CAPS produces updates by City officials and CAPS continues to direct the broadcast and streaming of City Council meetings and other committee meetings with remote participation by board members, committee members and city staff. Plus, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday CAPS Crews record the live County COVID-19 updates at the County government center and then edit/format the updates with titles and subtitles in Spanish. In addition, CAPS crews continue to produce numerous videos for Ventura County Fire, Public Health and other agencies.

For years the Ventura Breeze has given CAPS Media the opportunity to provide updates on our activities. Despite serving the Ventura community for twenty years, many people do not know what CAPS Media is, what it does, where it is located or how the organization was founded or evolved.

Community Access Partners of San Buenaventura or CAPS, as it is commonly known, is a Public Access, non-profit 501 3(C) corporation was formed on December 20, 2000 by a group of public and media-minded Ventura citizens.

Public Access is guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. This provided a catalyst for the Ventura group in forming a Public Access entity created by the cable franchise negotiations between the City of Ventura, Avenue Cable (later Charter Communications) and Adelphia Cable (later Time Warner and now Spectrum). The public-private agreement provided for multiple PEG access television channels in Ventura.

Twenty years ago our visionary founders ensured that the operation of the Public Access media center for community service would be managed as an independent non-profit organization without discrimination. Today CAPS continues to train and guide members and collaborate with the City of Ventura, Ventura Unified School District, Ventura College, Ventura County and other community, educational, service and faith-based non-profit organizations. Primary funding for CAPS is derived from franchise fees paid by the cable companies to the City of Ventura. A portion of these franchise fees were allocated to CAPS Media.

CAPS is managed by a small staff with oversite from an unpaid Board of Directors which includes community members, elected by the CAPS Media membership and/or identified by the Board of Directors, as well as representatives from the City of Ventura, Ventura Unified School District, the Ventura Community College District and the County of Ventura. CAPS Mission is “to create an engaged and informed community through participation in electronic media.” Our vision is to Engage, Educate and Entertain.

CAPS Media is a membership organization. Anyone who lives, attends school or works in the City of Ventura, as well as non-profit organizations can become members of CAPS Media for a nominal annual fee. With various training classes, strong mentorship and support, our members share their voices and have produced award winning programs.

For over fifteen years CAPS has managed two Public Access Television Channels 6 and 15 and more recently. one Public Access Radio Station, KPPQ.

In 2019 alone CAPS provided over 27,000 hours of services. These include directing, broadcasting and streaming 55 City meetings, including City Council, Design Review, Planning and Historic Preservation and 19 VUSD board meetings. We rebroadcast VC Board of Supervisors meetings. The CAPS staff provided more than 15,000 hours of Production Services in support of the community. Our well- established programs of media education for students and community groups totaled almost 10,000 hours. More importantly, we’ve helped to inspire and support youth voices as they created award winning programs.

Exciting new chapters in the story of Community Access Partners of San Buenaventura await us all when our community emerges together from the current crisis. With that in mind, all of us at CAPS Media hope everyone is Staying Safe and Healthy during this challenging time.

Ventura Botanical Gardens announces re-opening with new hours

With the re-opening, new COVID protocols are in play.

The Ventura Botanical Gardens (VBG) recently announced the COVID reopening date of Saturday, June 6. The Gardens have been closed due to both the pandemic and subsequent new construction including sponsorship sites and entrance development.

With the re-opening, new COVID protocols are in play. The Merewether Welcome Center entrance is now set up for non-contact social distancing. The exit has been moved to the back of the education structure—signs will point the way. There will be a limited entry of 50 visitors in the entirety of the Gardens. These protocols are based on National Public Gardens guidelines and are subject to change.

The Gardens are open Wednesdays through Sundays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. (closed Mondays and temporarily on Tuesdays). Entrance is free on Fridays (formerly on Tuesdays)—the change was made in part to facilitate opportunities for long weekends. Admission is $7 per person. Visitors can same day pay online at, or pay at the door. Non-contact credit card payment is preferred over cash, but not required. Members are free. Children under 18 are free. EBT cardholders are free. The upper gardens north of Summit Drive are free and open to pedestrians when Grant Park is open. The upper gardens are accessible by walking from Summit Drive, Brakey Road, or Ferro Drive. Leashed dogs are welcome on Fridays and Wednesdays. The Gardens will also be open and free to the public on International Climate Change Day, June 21.

Aside from these public health and safety guidelines, visitors will be treated to a new entrance walkway. Local architects, Noah Greer and Martha Picciotti, designed the entrance. Halter-Encinas Landscaping did the construction.

“It was a real challenge starting with a long, steep asphalt driveway. We used redwood pickets set on stepped walls to add texture and frame the entry,” said Noah, lead designer. “Those pickets will soon enclose the new nursery, so visitors will be able to look into the heart of the gardens as they walk by.”

Additionally, both the Fynbos Garden and the Karoo Gardens, located near Summit Plateau, are showing substantial changes. In the Fynbos Garden, the protea are enjoying a full bloom of reds, yellows and oranges and in the Karoo Garden, the young aloe trees are beginning to mature.

For more information or to learn more about the Gardens, please visit our website, Facebook or Instagram pages.

The nonprofit organization has a 40-year Master Plan dedicated to creating a botanical garden celebrating the Mediterranean climate regions. The setting is a world-class site with spectacular views of the California coastline, verdant agricultural vistas, the Channel Islands and Ojai’s Topa Topa peak. VBG will continue to create new outdoor opportunities for training, research, and educational programs ranging from horticulture and botany to sustainability.