All posts by admin

Vol. 13, No. 16 – May 6 – May 19, 2020 – Forever Homes Wanted

Hi, I’m Sienna and I’m a gorgeous, red-head looking for love and a forever home. I am in the prime of my life (almost 8 years old). In addition to playing tennis, I enjoy hiking and long walks.
I love the attention that I get from my gorgeous look. I would prefer to be the only pet at home so you can have all this redhead power just for you!

I was found as a stray almost 3 years ago. After almost 3 years what my heart years for is a forever home. Would you give me that chance? Canine Adoption and Rescue League C.A.R.L. CARL Adoption Center-call 644-7387 for more information.

Have you ever seen such a cute dog? This little guy was found in Oxnard. He is about three months old and weights just 6 pounds. Is seems like someone must be missing him? Do you know who his family is? Ventura County Animal Services – Camarillo location – 600 Aviation Drive. A753627

Vol. 13, No. 16 – May 6 – May 19, 2020 – Ventura Music Scene

by Pam Baumgardner

The past couple of issues I had interviewed a number of local musicians to see how they were holding up during this COVID-19 self-quarantine, and then somebody suggested I reach out to a couple of the venues, and so I did, but sadly, the response was a little sad, and I will protect those who asked not to participate. They’re just not ready to respond, and who can blame them?

Here’s what I know, there are a couple of venues (who previously hosted live music) that are offering curbside and/or home delivery services (GrubHub, Postmates, DoorDash, etc…) including Peirano’s, Café Fiore, Casa Bella & Prime, the Winery Ventura, Margarita Villa, Topa Mountain Winery, the Shores and now Winchesters on the weekends. Yay! You’ll find more of them listed on this page. I don’t have to tell you how vital it is right now to support these guys. Gift certificates are helpful too; in fact, I was delighted to be gifted a Peirano’s gift certificate from one of our local musicians. You can support venues and help spread the joy and buy a gift certificate or two to help support our musician friends (I’m fine by the way ?).


Many thanks to Kat Merrick and the Local Love Project for spearheading the effort to help Ventura’s food and bar industry employees by enlisting volunteers, and donations and making available weekly produce boxes and more including some household items to those who have been laid off or had their hours cut. If you find you’re in this category, or want to help her efforts, go to the Local Love Project Facebook page for more information and the rules for receiving their weekly care packages.


I’ve continued to work on the Pam Baumgardner Music Hour for KPPQ-LP which broadcasts out of the CAPS Media Center here in Ventura at 104.1 FM, but I am producing my shows at home and uploading them to the station which then loads each show for airplay (Tuesdays and Fridays at 5 pm; Sundays at noon). I had to become creative as I don’t have a “home studio” at the ready. Luckily, I am proficient enough with Audacity’s software for compiling the program, but the real problem is with recording me! I don’t have a microphone and hardware to record my intros and such. But I came up with a temporary workable solution, I use my Android phone and record each element, email each individual file to myself, upload it to my computer, then insert it into the program. I haven’t quite worked out the equalization, and sometimes I’m under/over modulated, but it’s not half bad! I am looking to invest in a real microphone soon.


Along with home concerts, a couple of venues are hosting livestream events which is a great way to keep the community involved with their establishment. Social distancing is practiced, and some of them request a donation to gain access to the livestream. I’ve found several on Facebook including the Ojai Underground Exchange, the Red Piano and Figueroa Mountain both in Santa Barbara. Just some of the artists participating include Shawn Jones, Morganfield Burnett, Cindy Kalmenson, Tommy Marsh with Jim Guston, and Jamie Drake. One thing I don’t quite get is when I see an invitation to view a livestream of a previously recorded concert. Wouldn’t that just be a “watch party?”


I read a story recently that certain European cities were hosting drive-in concerts. Yay or nay? I’d say Yay if, an only if I could be parked in the first few rows, though I wouldn’t mind being fifty rows back for Rage Against the Machine and maybe Paul McCartney. So I’m just spit-balling here, if Ventura considered such an undertaking, I’m think a makeshift drive-in could be mocked up at the Ventura Fairgrounds parking lot, or maybe the backside of the Pacific View Mall, or where our last drive-in theater was located in the parking lot of Barnes and Nobles.


Some singer/songwriters are finding inspiration to write new music, others not so much. We all deal with crisis in different ways. Those who are writing have differing viewpoints as well, some write of hope, others write to inspire people to keep their butts at home. I see a lot of musicians are happy to just take time off after a hectic schedule of performing all the time while others fill the void of connecting and sharing in person, they’re now connecting and sharing via a computer screen.


There is a lot of new music out already for 2020. Keep in mind, most people don’t sit down, write music, go to their home studio, hit record and release an album in a month. Most records take some time before they “hit the streets” and not all music comes with a hard copy of a CD these days. I find it interesting that some artists are going totally digital (saves boatloads of money upfront) while others are releasing their music including a vinyl option, totally old school. New music to report includes Last Rock Empire, Death to the Monkey People; Bill Rotello, River of Smoke; Karen 805’s sophomore effort, 21 in My Heart; Ben Wylen, People Say; Medicine Hat, Fences; Michael Fitz, Colors in the Wind; Mik Sullivan, Overdramatic; and Dudeo Perez, King of Last Year (produced by Scotty Morris).

If you are interested, these releases are available on most music outlets online, or check the artists’ website or Facebook page. Ventura Rocks is also a great resource for finding artists and their releases at If their listing has artwork, that’s a link to their music.

Do you have any music-related news or upcoming shows you want help publicizing? Please send all information short or long to [email protected], and for updated music listings daily, go to

The Ventura County Fair Board voted unanimously on Monday, May 4, to cancel this year’s Ventura County Fair. They did it with a heavy heart, I know, I listened in on the remote Zoom meeting. But you know, as difficult as it was for them to come to this decision, it’s the prudent thing to do.

Every spring I wait patiently for the concert line up to be announced and then just like everyone else, I pick out my favorite bands to not only go and enjoy, but to shoot some pictures for and the Breeze. Last year’s line up included one of my all-time favorites, Collective Soul, which I managed to weasel my way into the Meet and Greet before the show. I’m truly looking forward to next year’s fair.

Board of Education approves long range facilities master plan

More than $800 million in school construction projects have been identified in the Long Range Facilities Master Plan approved by the Ventura Unified School District (VUSD) Board of Education at its April 28, 2020 meeting. The plan overseen by Mrs. Betsy George, the Assistant Superintendent of Business Services in conjunction with PBK Architects, has been an ongoing project since January 2019. The plan is expected to cover facility needs in the District over the next 10 to 15 years with some projects more than 15+ years out.

The projects include building improvement of school sites and grounds such as; roof repairs, flooring, painting, restrooms, heating and air conditioning, electrical, fire alarms, furniture, plumbing, drinking fountains, exterior lighting and security cameras, cafeteria renovations, and updated intercom/master clock system. Other projects call for renovations or new construction for STEM Centers, libraries, CTE Program areas, Science Labs, pools, Art, Music, Shop, and Special Education Program spaces.

The plan is the result of nine months of gathering input from a variety of stakeholder groups to ensure broad-based participation in the development of the document, as part of the Long Range Facility Master Planning (LRFMP) process. Input was garnered from a District focus group representing all departments, one-on-one meetings and site walks with each Principal, and a Community Leadership Committee (CLC) made up of parents, students, Board of Education members, civic leaders, city representatives, District Administration and VUSD employees. Additionally, two community forums and two special Board meetings were held where all were invited to provide input on facilities and project prioritization.  Based on this feedback, the educational specifications in the plan represent a vision for the transformation of VUSD’s schools to modern learning environments and hubs for the communities they serve. The plan was developed on six guiding principles: Student Learning, Innovation and Inspiration, Safety and Security, Indoor/Outdoor Spaces, Community Engagement, and Historical Perspective. 

The last time the District underwent a significant facility planning effort was in 1997. Much has changed since then. In 1997, computer labs and fixed computer stations were the norm. Students were expected to learn basic keyboard, programming, and application skills. In 2020, with wireless access and the trend toward a 1:1 a computer environment, the need for dedicated computer labs in schools has decreased significantly. 

The last time the District sought a bond was more than 20 years ago, in 1997 when voters approved Measure M.

The full facility master plan and additional information can be found at

The District is made up of an early childhood education program, 26 elementary, middle, and high schools, with more than 16,000 school-age students, an adult education center, 2,000 staff, and a wealth of parents and community members whom all strive to help our children find their passion—academically and personally. For more information, visit or call 805-641-5000. 

CMHS emergency departments are open and they have clean laundries

Community Memorial Health System is grateful to everyone in the community for doing their part to stop the spread of the Coronavirus by staying home during this time, but now more than ever, CMHS wants people to know that it’s safe to seek care at Community Memorial Hospital and Ojai Valley Community Hospital. If you need care, don’t wait until your condition worsens.

“It’s important that patients not put off coming in to see us when they need care,” said Dr. Neil Canby, Emergency Department physician at Community Memorial Hospital. “We understand that people may be apprehensive to seek care during this time, but we have put a number of policies and procedures in place to protect the health and safety of everyone who enters our hospitals and emergency departments.”

Some of the enhanced policies CMHS has introduced to keep all patients safe, including non-COVID-19 patients, include:

Mandatory Coronavirus (COVID-19) screening for everyone who enters the Emergency Departments and hospital facilities, including patients, essential companions, physicians and staff.

Mandatory use of surgical masks for everyone in the Emergency Departments, regardless of their COVID-19 status.

Continued use of separate treatment areas for patients who present with COVID-19 symptoms and those who do not.

Continued use of separate waiting areas (including waiting in vehicles) and phone registration following appropriate screening, in order to minimize contact and maintain social distancing standards.

Continued use of enhanced sterilization and cleaning protocols of individual patient treatment rooms and entire Emergency Departments to ensure optimal cleanliness and minimize potential spread.

Continued restriction of visitors (one essential companion only) in the Emergency Departments and hospital facilities to limit potential exposures.

CMHS understands that people may be apprehensive to seek treatment during this uncertain time, but encourages people to rely on CMHS for the care the community has come to know and trust.

Community Memorial Hospital’s Emergency Room is located at 147 N. Brent St. (805-652-5011) and the Ojai Valley Community Hospital ER is located at 1306 Maricopa Highway in Ojai (805) 646-1401.

Community Memorial Health System is the first on-premise laundry to achieve the Hygienically Clean Healthcare certification, an important recognition amid growing global concerns about infection control and an especially important achievement during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The laundry department at Community Memorial Hospital and Ojai Valley Community Hospital provides hygienically clean linens, gowns, scrubs and other garments for all physicians, employees, and patients, helping to ensure a clean, safe environment at both hospitals and prevent the spread of illness.

VPD helps with birthday celebration

No, these kids aren’t being arrested for being too cute. Logan Dawson accompanied by his cousin Aria Dawson, celebrated his third birthday and the Ventura Police Department happily drove down his street wishing him a Happy Birthday over their loudspeaker to help him celebrate.

Lemon Grove neighbors gather

Lemon Grove neighbors came together on Saturday, April 25, with a treat for everybody. Since families can’t go to the zoo, a zoo was created in the neighborhood.

Not your average zoo, this one had no roars or animals running around. In fact, the animals were all still and quiet. That’s because they were toys!

Families made scenes and panoramas with their stuffed animals, and displayed them in the front yards. There was a map, and many residents came walking, on bikes, in cars to see the presentations, greeting folks they hadn’t seen, smiling and laughing, talking about the “exhibits.” It was a special afternoon.

Ventura County Earth Day Awards

The Ventura County Board of Supervisors honored five recipients for Earth Day Awards in recognition of the 50th anniversary of Earth Day.

In District 1 of Supervisor Steve Bennett it was the Ventura Land Trust.

Ventura Land Trust (VLT) is an accredited land trust and 501(c)(3) nonprofit that has been protecting and preserving open space in Ventura since 2003. VLT is currently working on the purchase of 2,100 acres of prime hillside property with the goal of opening the first large-scale, publicly accessible hillside nature preserve in Ventura. VLT together with their extensive volunteer base has diligently removed trash and invasive plants in the watershed, planted native trees, plants and flowers and built trails creating much-needed public access to green space. In partnership with Once Upon A Watershed, each year they host hundreds of local students on free outdoor environmental field trips. VLT also presents a community Environmental Speaker Series of lectures and host an array of volunteer and community activities. To date VLT has permanently protected 30 acres of open space in the Ventura River watershed and manages an additional 60 acres.

Ventura County Fair Board votes to cancel 2020 Fair

The Ventura County Fairgrounds Board of Directors has voted unanimously to cancel the 2020 Ventura County Fair. The action comes amid unprecedented community stay-at-home and social distancing guidelines and was made to protect guests, vendors, staff and others during the COVID-19 crisis.

The Board considered ongoing guidance and updated information from State and County health care and government officials about the status of the coronavirus pandemic and the improbability that mass gatherings like the Ventura County Fair could safely and responsibly take place this summer.

“Every year thousands of happy faces come through the fair gates to enjoy the County’s most timeless tradition,” said Barbara Quaid, Fair CEO, “It is because of those smiling faces that we are completely comfortable with this decision. We are already looking forward to welcoming everybody back in 2021 when we will resume the 145thVentura County Fair. We encourage our Ventura County neighbors and friends to continue adhering to all public health guidelines so that we can all come together again in 2021.”

The 12 day Fair welcomes nearly 300,000 fairgoers each year and has an immeasurable economic impact to Ventura County.

“We are thankful to the healthcare workers and those who are on the front lines making extraordinary efforts to help others during this great time of need,” said Quaid, adding “ We are currently on standby to be utilized for emergency operations services at any time. We’ve partnered with Food Share to serve as a food distribution site and will continue looking for ways that we may serve the community.”

For more information and for updates regarding the fairgrounds please visit www.venturacountyfair.orgor call (805) 648-3376.

Vol. 13, No. 16 – May 6 – May 19, 2020 – Movie Review

Streaming Spotlight by Cindy Summers
Upload – Amazon Originals

Breeze rating from 1 to 4 palm trees, 4 being best.





Upload is a dark comedy with witty dialog that centers around death and the futuristic ways people choose to move through it. The world at this time is divided into living humans known as Bios and those who have crossed over, some choosing traditional death while those who can afford an afterlife being given the opportunity to upload their consciousness to a chosen virtual reality world for eternity where they are able to still communicate with the living world through technology.

The hitch is that you have to plan and pay for your afterlife choice before death, as a consciousness can only be transferred from a living person, with each afterlife realm driven by high priced amenities. There are several different virtual destinations for uploads, Horizen’s Lakeview being the most affluent afterlife zone. Upon arriving, afterlife guests are assigned a customer service rep referred to as their angel that they can all on for any concerns merely by calling out “angel”. The customer service rep consolidates the guest’s memory files and builds a VR visual profile from their images so guests feel a seamless transition into the afterlife, and their angels have a basic knowledge of their background and characteristics.

This futuristic world for the living Bios is completely controlled by technology with self-driving cars, 3D printed fake food and sex suits to have intimate encounters with those in the afterlife. Unfortunately for Nathan (Robbie Amell), his self driving car lost control and crashed into a large truck. In the hospital, Nathan is told that his situation is serious, and his girlfriend Ingrid Kannerman (Allegra Edwards) was there to convince Nathan to choose the Lakeview afterlife, due to her family’s wealth and future plans to reside there.

Though Nathan’s vitals had begun to recover, Ingrid got him to sign the consent, so his consciousness was removed, along with his head (an unfortunate side affect) and he was transferred to Lakeview where Ingrid had complete control over every thing Nathan did as every action had a charge, even thinking. Ingrid made sure that Nathan had an unlimited data plan so that she could always communicate with and control him.

Though angels are customer service agents working shifts, Nathan developed a special relationship with Nora (Andy Allo), a spunky rep that liked to bend the rules. As Nora and Nathan’s relationship grew, Nathan found himself wanting to be free of the financial grip Ingrid had over him and explore the possibilities with his angel Nora, which was strictly forbidden.
Nora had her own struggling in the real world of poverty and her dad being diagnosed with vape lung, not wanting to upload as Nora would prefer, rather wanting to join is deceased wife. Being a savvy tech, Nora discovered that some of Nathan’s memories were corrupted, and upon attempting to correct them discovers that Nathan’s car crash seemed intentional, and works on both sides to try to discover the truth.

Upload definitely poses questions regarding our future and the afterlife with lots of jabs at big corporations like naming the afterlife corp Horizen, Nora reaching out to her tech friend at AT&T&T and pokes at policies like the Vogue interview Ingrid does virtually with Nathan promoting Bios vs Uploads being the ultimate long distance relationship with Ingrid saying “Speaking of sex, would you like to watch one of our sex tapes. My dad got Ang Lee to edit the body cam footage from our first night together. …They’re on my office computer.”

Rated: TV-MA
10 Episodes – approx. 30 min each