All posts by admin

Retirement as David sees it!

Like many people, he just didn’t know what to expect when he retired.

by Patricia Schallert

David is a 78 year young, retired gentleman, born in Anchorage, Alaska where he grew up in the dark and cold. He left Alaska at the age of 18, after one year at the University of Alaska, and went to the University of Colorado where they had an Architectural Design Department and beautiful mountains for skiing, which he loved.

After graduation he emigrated to Australia and began his career as an Architect. Returning to Colorado a few years later he started his own firm, David Barber Architects.

After fifty years of designing stunning custom homes and office buildings, he found himself becoming more frustrated with the ever-expanding bureaucracy associated with his work, and decided it was time to retire. He loved the creativity involved in his work and would look for other ways to satisfy his artistic life, without the stress of being a busy Architect.

Like many people, he just didn’t know what to expect when he retired. What would he do? How would he fill his time? Once retired, at the youthful age of 74, he decided to hit the road in a small motorhome, visiting most of the National Parks in the West. He eventually settled in Ventura, near the harbor, with his dogs, Ruby and Doodles. He liked the weather, which suited his outdoor activities year-round.

He wakes early and walks his dogs as the morning light peaks through the fog and low clouds. He is grateful for his good health, which allows him to hike, bike and play golf (even though he says he “never plays very well.”) But “Golf is not a game of perfect”, David says, and he continues to play as often as he can. He walks the golf course and carries his golf bag, getting a good walk and a good workout as he plays.

He is also excited about his oil painting hobby which satisfies his creative need. He loves to paint scenes of the many National Parks he has visited and the mountains of the West. He often dreams about painting, he says, and cannot wait to get up and get to his easel.

Motivated by anything that involves learning, David is currently studying Italian for his up and coming trip to Italy with his son’s family. He would really like to order a cup of Cappuccino in Italian and be able to say ‘Grazie!’ with flair.

David never feels lost or unhappy and cherishes the memories of his successful architectural career. His transition to retirement was not without its own challenges, however. He had to find activities that were interesting and which included learning and creativity to keep him busy and mentally engaged. As part of his day, he does the New York Times Crossword Puzzle.

He learned through meditation and painting to be and stay positive and is happiest when he is walking his dogs, bike riding, having stimulating discussions with friends and “learning something new every day”, which he says is his key to happiness. That, and the thought of hitting a ‘Hole in One!

Editor: If you are a senior (over 70 please) or know of one who would like to share their retirement or job let us know at [email protected].

Long Term Care Ombudsman in Ventura County make a difference

Taylor-Stein has been executive director since 1999 of Long-Term Care Services.

by Carol Leish, MA

As advocates, the Long-Term Care Ombudsman make a difference for residents in order to improve conditions. Sylvia Taylor-Stein, Executive Director of the Long-Term Care Services of Ventura County Ombudsman Program said, “Through advocating, the main services provided by the Long-Term Care Ombudsman include: 1) Facility Monitoring & Complaints Resolutions;2) Investigating and resolving complaints of neglect and abuse that may include physical, financial, psychological and/or verbal abuse. Another main service is: 3) Advanced Health Care Directives, which is a mandated duty that ensures an Ombudsman will witness all directives that are executed by residents in nursing facilities. Also, 4) Pre-placement Counseling, which informs, supports, and educates those who may be considering the placement of themselves or a loved one in a long-term care facility.”

Taylor-Stein has been executive director since 1999. She and her husband have five adult children, and live in Ventura County. She said, “My greatest inspiration in my life was my grandmother who died at age 92 after suffering with Alzheimer’s disease for 10 years. It was the love and deep respect for my grandmother that influenced my desire to become involved with the elderly and the exceptional work with the Ombudsman program. My grandmother was blessed to live and die at home with loving people around her. This is not the case for most of our elderly in long-term care. My goal is to help to build a strong ombudsman program her in Ventura County that can provide the effective advocacy, care and support that those living in long-term care facilities need and deserve.”

Taylor-Stein emphasized that, “No other organization is federally mandated and authorized, like we are, to go into long-term care facilities unscheduled and unannounced, and to advocate for the persons living there. Th Ombudsman is guaranteed access by federal and sate law to long-term care facilities and its residents. No other agency exists for this purpose or is guaranteed access to enter the facility, move unescorted and unhindered throughout the facility and to advocate for those who live there.”

The State of California has named the Ventura Ombudsman Program as a model program for its excellence and high standards-including weekly and monthly visitations to nursing homes and other long-term care facilities. It is cited by the California Department of Aging as Best Practices in Volunteer Recruitments, Training and Retention. Also, the Ventura Ombudsman Program has been recognized for best practices in family and caregiver support and best practices in systems advocacy.

Taylor-Stein said, “There is always a need for more volunteers to be able to help out in such a meaningful way to ensure the best living situation for those at long-term care facilities. By visiting unscheduled and unannounced and meeting with residents and investigating their complaints/concerns, situations can/will improve. Volunteers also attend Resident Council meetings where residents in groups voice their issues and concerns. We also attend Care Plan meetings with residents in order to get firsthand knowledge of their care needs and how the facility will address their needs.”

“Main services provided by volunteers are: 1) Ombudsman Training/Certification/Re-certification, which is a mandated function of the program. This includes 25 classroom training hours plus 15 hours of field training to new volunteer recruits to ensure that they are prepared to take on facility assignments. Every year thereafter volunteers complete 18 hours per year in continuing education in order to qualify for annual rec-certification.”

Go to or call: (805) 656-1986 for those interested in becoming volunteers. “It’s rewarding and important work,” according to, Taylor-Stein. “You can download the application form on our website. After filling it out, you will be contacted to do a phone interview, followed by an in-person interview. Thank you for making an important difference for those living in long-term care facilities.”

VCAAA seeking new contracted vendors

The Ventura County Area Agency on Aging (VCAAA) is inviting qualified individuals, public and private nonprofit services, and private for-profit organizations to apply as new contracted vendors for VCAAA programs that serve older adults, people with disabilities, and caregivers.

Providers with bilingual Spanish, Tagalog, Farsi and Chinese Mandarin staff are encouraged to apply. Prior to a vendor being granted a contract, they must complete a vendor application packet and supply proof of all required licensing and insurance.

A vendor application packet may be obtained at the VCAAA offices located at 646 County Square Drive in Ventura, or by calling 805-477-7300. Those interested may also obtain an application online by visiting This application process is ongoing. Preference will be given to vendors that provide service throughout the county. For more information concerning the vendor application process, contact Brian Murphy, at (805) 477-7300.

The Bookmark  About Libraries and Friends 

by Mary Olson

Avenue and Saticoy library branches are participating in Lunch at the Library June 20 through July 28. Ventura County Library, in partnership with Ventura Unified School District through the USDA Summer Food Service Program, is making free lunches available at these locations for children and teens 18 years and under. You do not need to sign-up, show identification, or make an application. Lunch will be served on a first come, first served basis.

This program feeds minds and bodies by serving lunches, promoting literacy and preventing the learning loss that can occur when children are out of school during the summer months. Librarians will be taking the opportunity to introduce visitors to library resources and activities relating to nutrition, food waste and farm-to-table and will provide take-home STEAM kits for kids to explore science, math and technology concepts.

Lunch is served
Avenue Library, 606 N. Ventura Ave., M TU W TH, 11am-12pm
Saticoy Library, 1292 Los Angeles Ave., M TU W TH, 12pm-1pm

Hill Road Library has initiated a quarterly book club for adults who appreciate children’s literature. The second meeting of the Wise Owls Book Club will be Tuesday, July 12, at 5 pm. The book to be discussed is Ways to Make Sunshine by Renee Watson. In this book, the Hart family of Portland, Oregon, faces many setbacks after Ryan’s father loses his job, but no matter what, Ryan tries to bring sunshine to her loved ones. Visit the Hill Road Library to pick up the latest Wise Owls Book Club selection.

E.P. Foster will host Bilingual Musician/Singer Nathalia on Monday, July 25, 11 am to noon. Bilingual singer Nathalia is a wonderful performer who will sing in both Spanish and English for children of all ages! This event will be held outside on Main Street.

Ventura Friends of the Library will hold a book sale on Saturday, July 16, 10 am to 3 pm at the Vons at Telegraph and Victoria (6040 Telegraph Rd.) As always, your purchase of quality used books at bargain prices benefits the libraries of the city of Ventura by providing funds for book collections and programs!

The Friends have received an unusual book donation – a collection of more than 700 volumes concerning the Civil War. These include documents from the Union and the Confederacy, memoirs of generals and published academic and popular histories. None of these will be on offer at the July book sale. We are in the process of researching the items in an effort to assure that they are appropriately offered for sale or donated to libraries or academic institutions. If anyone with expertise in vintage or antiquarian books would like to assist in this project, please email [email protected].

New Curriculum of Safety

by Kylee Brown 

Whether a teacher has twenty years of experience in the classroom or two months, most are now required to add a new subject to their academic planning in the current school environment: educators are working to plan for safety in schools in the event of a live shooter, and calming worried students afraid their school could be next. This unthinkable idea has increasingly become a grim reality across the U.S.

Lauren Lanski has seen more of her students affected by the recent shootings.

Lauren Lanski has been with the Ventura Unified School District for 15 years, the last five as a Health Education, Career Technical Education, and PE teacher at Buena High. She said that with the recent increase in school shootings, she’s seen that more of her students have been affected. “After the last major shooting in Texas I’ve noticed that some of my students were scared, and a few didn’t come to school,” said Lanksi. “I validated their feelings, and at the same time, tried to reassure them that I felt safe and that we’d be ok.” However, she shared that she has been on heightened alert for several years. “In the last few weeks with the increase of school shootings, I am constantly staring at everyone on campus to make sure there’s a reason that they should be here,” she said.

She does not believe teachers should have to be armed. “I personally do not want to be armed with a gun at school. If I truly felt that afraid that I should have to carry a gun, I’d have to personally reconsider what I’m doing,” said Lanski. 

Lawren Agnew teaches preschool and trusts her school’s protocols.

Some teachers feel it should be up to individuals to decide if they want to carry a firearm in the classroom. Lawren Agnew is a new preschool teacher and a high school cheer coach. She said she is confident in her school’s active shooter protocols but nervous in the presence of guns. When asked if teachers should be armed in the future, she responded, “If they feel comfortable enough to be armed, then yes, I feel like it would be up to the teachers if they feel comfortable doing it or not.” Agnew said that if schools allowed teachers to carry on campus, the school should be responsible for paying for proper training. Amidst the gun violence in schools nationwide, she still feels safe. “You do what you’ve got to do to protect yourself and keep those kids safe.” she said.

It also falls to the teachers to reassure, prepare, and protect students. Marcia Amegadzie has taught PE and Health at Buena for the last ten years. Amegadzie takes an open and strategic role in starting the conversation with her students for tactics to stay safe. “I tell them, ‘don’t ever be sitting ducks.’ I say I would be the first line of defense, and they should look around the classroom to see what they could pick up to use as a weapon,” she said. “My approach is, again, if we see a clear path, let’s get the heck out of here.”

Marcia Amegadzie has open talks with her students about taking action to stay safe.

She believes in taking strategic action, but she is very much against teachers carrying on campus. “I feel like that is just a massive disaster waiting to happen if teachers are armed,” said Amegadzie. “If a teacher ever feels threatened by a student, what are they going to do? They could say ‘I felt my life was in danger,’ and the student could possibly be innocent, but it’s that teacher’s viewpoint of the student and situation. I just think that’s a really, really terrible idea.”

Amegadzie suggested that more significant investments should be made on campus security instead of focusing money on arming teachers. “In general, schools just need to be more aware, more alert,” she said.

Editor: If you are a teacher, student or parent we would love to hear from you about teacher’s being armed. [email protected].


Ventura Rotary Fireworks Show and Family Picnic is back

After a two-year absence due to COVID restrictions and challenges, The Rotary Club of Ventura is bringing back the annual 4th of July Fireworks Show and Family Picnic at the Ventura College athletic fields. This year, the event will be held on Sunday, July 3rd with gates opening at 5 pm and the fireworks show beginning at approximately 9 pm.

Mr. Ken Leandro, Rotary event chairperson, explains, “When we contacted the pyrotechnic companies at the start of year, they could not guarantee that they would have an experienced operator available on July 4th. Their business, like many others, imploded the past two years and is facing staffing challenges. Since the dates fall on Sunday/Monday this year, we decided to hold event on Sunday, July 3rd to ensure we have an expert pyrotechnic operator and a world-class fireworks show. We’re so excited to bring the event back, and this year’s show will be awesome!”

The event almost didn’t come back because of funding challenges too. Mr. Rob Van Nieuwburg, president of Ventura Rotary, explains, “Costs to put the event on have skyrocketed, and our biggest sponsor in past years was not able to return at that level. A couple months ago we were facing a bleak outlook.” Thankfully, two local companies have stepped up as major new sponsors ensuring the event is held. “We’re so grateful that The Trade Desk is supporting the event. This dynamic company was launched within a technology incubator program at Ventura’s City Hall and their support is indicative of their roots and commitment here,” says Van Nieuwburg.

Ventura Rotary also gives big thanks to major new sponsor Wheelhouse.

Ventura Rotary is also grateful for the businesses and organizations that have continued to support the event including the Ventura Auto Center, Hofer Properties, Community Memorial Health Systems, EJ Harrison, and the Crown Plaza Ventura Beach.

Says Van Nieuwburg, “All proceeds from this event directly support the local charity work that Rotary does year-round including programs like Coats for Kids, 3rd grade dictionaries, Perspectives on Peace college scholarships, essay contests, holiday events for underprivileged kids, weekly free eye clinics and much more.” Leandro adds, “So when a family buys a ticket to the event, or a business supports through sponsorship, they really are contributing to their own community.”

As in past years, the event is family-focused with a Kids Zone featuring many bounce houses and organized games like potato sack races and water balloon toss. This year, thanks to sponsors, fun on the bounce houses is included with child’s admission!

Families can bring a picnic, a blanket and soft low back folding chairs, and there will also be tasty food available from several Food Trucks. The main stage will have live music and fun giveaways. (No glass. No alcohol. No pets.)

Tickets are available for online purchase at Tickets can also be purchased at the gate (cash only at the gate). For more information, please visit where details are updated regularly.

Note: The VPD wants to remind you that fireworks are illegal in the City of Ventura.

Fourth of July is synonymous with sun, fun, barbequing, and fireworks. The Ventura Police and Fire Departments encourage community members to enjoy a safe and sane Fourth of July and do their part to help prevent fires and injuries caused by illegal fireworks.

During the Fourth of July holiday weekend, the Ventura Police Department will deploy as many police resources as possible to help catch fireworks violators. If you see a neighbor lighting fireworks, call 9-1-1 if the activity is in-progress or poses an immediate threat to yourself or others.

Anyone found in possession of fireworks, or caught using them, could be fined up to $1,000 and/or receive a jail term of up to a year.

Chef William Traynor brings passion and sustainability to the Crowne Plaza’s New Moofish Cafe

Traynor stays innovative by exploring new styles and trends and reading many cookbooks.

by Amy Brown

Executive Chef William Traynor discovered an affinity and ability for cooking early in life during Home Economics classes during high school. In fact, by his senior year, the school had him help teach some of the classes. After high school he enrolled in the Santa Barbara City College hotel restaurant culinary program, and in the subsequent years worked his way up the ladder in this demanding and competitive profession. Once he graduated from the program in Santa Barbara, he held an apprenticeship at the American Culinary Federation, which included a role at what was then Fess Parker’s Red Lion. He later moved to San Francisco, where he further honed his craft in opening restaurants like Restaurant Lulu.

He returned to Santa Barbara in 1996 and has worked in prestigious locations in Los Angeles and Ventura County area ever since. His most recent appointment as Executive Chef at the Crowne Plaza is opening the Ocean Friendly-certified Moofish Cafe. This accreditation from the Surfrider Foundation demonstrates a commitment to sustainability and environmental best practices, including stringent criteria for reducing items like single use utensils, plastics, polystyrene and paper. The new surf-themed restaurant located on the boardwalk near the pier also embraces a commitment to locally sourced and grown ingredients and a “Farm-and-Sea-to-Fork” philosophy, and includes its own herb garden used for the menu on its back deck.

During his long and successful career, Traynor’s been influenced by a range of successful thought leaders in the restaurant world. “My first chef was Larry Ross in Santa Barbara, he basically threw me into roles in every single kitchen in the apprentice program at that multimillion-dollar food and beverage outfit,” said Traynor. “Bakery, fine dining, banquet—it was really valuable.” He also worked for James Beard winner Reed Hearon, and later was hired as the second American chef every hired at Padres Martini Bar in Agoura Hills. “Another major influence on my career was working with Tim Kilcoyne, at the Sidecar restaurant in Ventura,” he said. “He was focused on using local ingredients 12 years ago, before anyone else was really doing it.”

Traynor shared that he stays innovative by exploring new styles and trends and reading many cookbooks. “I experiment a lot in the kitchen and see what works and what doesn’t. Whatever is looking good at the famers market I’ll pick up and play around with it,” he shared. “Being in California it’s hard to get bored—we’re so lucky to have all of these wonderful ingredients available.”

He said he appreciates the freedom he is given by the company to be creative, and in helping create the new restaurant and its menu. Its beachfront location makes following another passion easy–he also keeps some of his surfboards stored on the wall of the restaurant, along with signed boards from surfing superstars like Rob Machado and Kelly Slater, and a video screen with a feed from the surf camera on the roof of the Crowne Plaza. Chef Traynor regularly paddles out early in the morning right out front at C Street. When asked for advice for anyone considering a career as a chef, he said, “Choose the chefs that make the types of food you like to eat, and learn from them. Don’t worry about the money—if you have the passion, the money will follow.”

Vol. 15, No. 20 – June 29 – July 12, 2022 – Opinion/Editorial

∙ There is so much to write about I don’t know where to start. Like lots of Americans (certainly not all), I am very depressed by the recent decisions of the Supreme Court. And on a more local issue, by the situation of Ashley Bautista.

∙ From a previous issue of the Breeze; “The County of Ventura has selected Ashley Bautista as their new Public Information Officer following the retirement of Bill Nash. The position reports to County Executive Officer Mike Powers.”

She spent the previous five years as a public information officer for the city of Ventura and the Ventura Police Department and has won several awards for her work.

Ashley Bautista was arrested in Ventura in a suspected misdemeanor DUI hit-and-run crash. The accident was at the intersection of Paseo de Playa and Harbor Blvd. near the Ventura Promenade.

While at a stop sign, a car was rear-ended by Bautista’s and she continued driving away after the collision. When she was pulled over Ashley was arrested on suspicion of misdemeanor DUI involving alcohol and misdemeanor hit-and-run.

She has since resigned from her position with the county. Even though our relationship has been on a professional level I have always considered her to be a friend and am very upset that this has happened to her. I hope this was an isolated incidence and she can put her life back on track.

The Supreme Court has made some major decisions.

∙ In a major expansion of gun rights after a series of mass shootings, the Supreme Court determined that Americans have a right to carry firearms in public for self-defense, a ruling likely to lead to more people legally armed. The decision came out as Congress and states debate gun-control legislation. The high court’s first major gun decision in more than a decade split the court 6-3, with the court’s conservatives in the majority and liberals in dissent.

From New York Daily News

“Using a garbled reading of history as a crutch, the U.S. Supreme Court’s supposed textualist conservatives have just managed to codify a cartoon cutout version of the Second Amendment, obliterating New York State’s concealed carry firearm permitting system. We will mince no words: This will cost the lives of civilians and police officers, as almost anyone in New York City will now be free to carry a gun. At a time when the proliferation of weapons is already killing record numbers of Americans, the nearly absolutist right of self-defense the majority canonizes will become a right to societal suicide.”

“It’s just 27 simple words written in 1789: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

Justice Clarence Thomas, writing for the six-member majority, brazenly ignores that first clause and renders the second in the most expansive terms imaginable.”

Ohio’s permit-less gun carry law for “qualifying” adults is a measure that would lift restrictions on school teachers, custodians and bus drivers from carrying firearms at work. Is a “qualifying” adult” one that signs a promise that they won’t kill a spouse, themselves, or students?

So, the solution to gun deaths is to arm more people with guns, right?

This might help, though, President Joe Biden has signed the most sweeping gun violence bill in decades, a bipartisan compromise that seemed unimaginable until a recent series of mass shootings, including the massacre of 19 students and two teachers at a Texas elementary school.

“Time is of the essence. Lives will be saved,” he said in the Roosevelt Room of the White House. Citing the families of shooting victims he has met, the President said, “Their message to us was, ‘Do something.’ How many times did we hear that? ‘Just do something. For God’s sake, just do something.’ Today we did.”

Even though the majority of American’s support Roe vs. Wade in the other depressing Supreme Court decision is the overturning of this long-running statute. Even though objections to abortions are supposedly based on religious beliefs I still have not seen, or have been sent the passages from the Bible that support this position.

∙ Writing in the LA Times Robin Abcarian stated:
“Goodbye, legal right to abortion.
Goodbye, separation of church and state.
Goodbye, common-sense gun laws.
Goodbye, Miranda rights.
And that’s just the beginning.”

∙ For some good news, with the debut of macOS Ventura (likely later this year) Ventura images will be seen throughout the day on the screens of almost every Mac computer in the world. The tech giant Apple has chosen the name “Ventura” for the company’s new Mac operating system.

Visit Ventura’s Digital Marketing Manager Mike Laan stated, “Literally every creative person in the world is going to be using this operating system, and Ventura photos will be on the desktop by default. I think it will bring more exposure to Ventura.”

∙ For now, single-family residential properties in the City of Ventura are encouraged to voluntarily reduce water use by 20%. Stricter measures, including implementing water shortage rates and mandatory outdoor watering restrictions, could go into effect if demand reductions are not achieved through voluntary efforts.

∙ Most of California beaches (including Ventura’s) are much cleaner than in past decades. In its annual report Heal the Bay graded more than 700 beaches and concluded that 94% logged clean water quality.

∙ Amazon plans to begin delivering some packages by drone to homes in a select few Northern California homes this year. My question is how much do you tip a drone when it delivers a pizza? And if it accidently delivers it to your next-door neighbor can your neighbor legally eat it by saying they thought it was a birthday present?

Museum of Ventura County reception

The Museum’s transformation led visitors on an historical journey. Photos by Patricia Schallert and staff

The Museum of Ventura County held an open reception introducing the new exciting exhibitions and welcomed guests to a free event on June 18th, in Ventura. The Museum debut included All That Glitters Is Not Gold, Always Keep Creating, Chromatic: The Museum in Six Colors and Behind The Curtain:An insider’s look at the George Stuart Historical Figures.

The Museum’s transformation led visitors on an historical journey, from the 1920’s as lived by residents of Ventura County and through 100 years of collected Country artifacts displayed in eye catching chromatic brilliance, to a celebration of Carol Rosenak’s artistic range.

All That Glitters Is Not Gold is about the surprising history of the 1920s and Prohibition in Ventura County. As population and wealth boomed, creativity flourished – but so did a tide of repression and exclusion. This exhibit tells the local story of the jazz age through collections and archives.

The event included fine finger food, wine and music.

On June 15, an exclusive behind the scenes, pre-public opening press tour with Actor Curator of Collections, Renee Tallent and Research Library & Archives Director, Deya Terrafranca was held unveiling the exciting 2022 exhibit transformation.

The Museum of Ventura County is located at 100 E Main St. The Museum celebrates, preserves and interprets the art, history and culture of Ventura County, the California Channel Islands and the surrounding region through its collections, exhibitions, events, educational programs, publications and its research library, and serves as a gathering place for the community.

The Museum has two locations – the main museum is located at 100 East Main Street, Ventura, California (805-653-0323). The Agriculture Museum is located at 926 Railroad Avenue, Santa Paula, California (805-525-3100). Both museums are open Thursdays through Sundays, 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. –

Ribbon Cutting at Ventura Music Hall

Music Hall donates $10,000 at ribbon cutting. Photo by Michael Gordon

by  Shirley Lorraine

What a transformation! From lowly beginnings as a popular bowling alley, to the Discovery music venue and now to this – the Ventura Music Hall, a venue specializing in bringing in entertainment of myriad genres suitable for a wide range of ages.

The June 16 event featured a plaque presentation by Ventura Chamber of Commerce President and CEO, Stephanie Caldwell, as well as the ceremonial ribbon cutting. The Hall has been open for a few months and now it is official. The venue is a revamped, redecorated welcome sight, featuring a large kitchen, bar, comfortable and ample seating, accessible dance floor and stage.

Thomas Cussins, President of Ineffable Music, expressed his sincere thanks as he stated how warmly embraced he and his project has been by Venturans. He said “this shows how Ventura grows and cares about the arts. It is our mission to bolster the arts, impact the community and give back to the organizations that comprise this wonderful community.”

To that end, a portion of each ticket sold will support local arts and nonprofit causes. At the ribbon cutting, a $10,000 check was presented to the Ventura Music Festival to continue its mission of bringing world-class music to arts patrons. Susan Scott, VMF Executive Director, and VMF Board members gratefully accepted the ceremonial donation.

The Ventura Music Hall is located at 1888 E. Thompson Blvd. Sign up for the newsletter at to see the talent line up.