Women’s Economic Ventures welcomes entrepreneurs to the WEV Family

WEV’s Ventura County Self-Employment Training graduates proudly display their certificates during ceremony.

Women’s Economic Ventures (WEV) recently celebrated the accomplishments of 86 women and men who have successfully completed WEV’s Self-Employment Training program during a ceremony held at Montecito County Club.  Twenty-seven of the graduates are from Ventura County and three from Los Angeles County.

After 14 months of training on topics including finances, marketing and sales, public relations and advertising, legal and insurance issues, record keeping, and how to write a business plan, these graduates emerged with the necessary tools and support needed to expand or start their own business.

Graduates range from first-time business owners to those who have turned to WEV to help expand their existing businesses. Some businesses and business concepts include a natural skin care line, a craft store and a vintage pinball arcade.

During the ceremony, each graduate shared their new business venture through an “elevator pitch” that they have crafted and perfected through the course. The ceremony concluded with a reception and “business expo” where graduates showcased their businesses and shared their products with family and friends.

“After 14 weeks of commitment and hard work, these graduates emerge with the tools needed to turn their entrepreneurial dreams into reality, from brand new ventures to strategic growth of an established business, “said Marsha Bailey, CEO/Founder of WEV.  “We are honored to welcome them to the WEV family and look forwarding to seeing where their accomplishments take them.”

WEV’s 14-week Self-Employment Training course provides guidance on how to start, operate or expand a business. The program provides week-by-week training on topics including finances, marketing and sales, public relations and advertising, legal and insurance issues, record keeping, and how to write a business plan.

The next Self-Employment Training (SET) course begins in February in Ventura County.  Orientation required to enroll. The next orientations will take place:

  • Wednesday, January 7 from 6-7 p.m. in Oxnard
  • Thursday, January 14 from 6-7 p.m. in Ventura
  • Thursday, January 21 from 12 -1 p.m. in Oxnard

Location will be given at time of RSVP and is subject to change. For more information or to register for the free orientation, call 456-2355 or visit the website at http://wevonline.org/orientations.