Vol. 17, No. 22 – July 24 – Aug 6, 2024 – Mailbox

Main Street Moves – Put to a Vote?

I believe the citizens of Ventura need to be given an opportunity to vote on continuing to close off Main Street downtown. I supported the effort to protect our business community during the pandemic; however, I do not believe the community intended for these mismatched blockades and the garage sale ambience that has lingered far too long to continue indefinitely.

Has the City Council inspected the access to E.P. Foster Library? Library patrons have been understanding and inconvenienced far too long. The vehicle exit requires patrons to go the wrong way up a steep incline over large, neglected potholes. Additionally, with the closure of Main Street the downtown is severely limited for the handicapped.

It seems long past time that we be given an opportunity to vote on reopening Main Street. Prioritizing a long term investment in a well-planned, architecturally pleasing renovation of the downtown commercial area would require that we also consider the poor condition of our roads and the backlog of infrastructure projects that would benefit all areas of our city.

Marianne Coffey
Ventura, CA

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