Vol. 16, No. 05 – Nov 30 – Dec 6, 2022 – Harbor Patrol Blotter

Wednes 11/9

4:30am, dispatched to difficulty breathing in the Ventura Marina Community. Officers responded with AMR/VFD to a 73 y/o female with COPD smoking a cigarette and suffering from hypoxia. Patient assessed and transported by AMR.

Thursday 11/10

5:00pm, received report of local female transient at the launch ramp for theft. The incident investigated and was a misunderstanding by the reporting party.

Friday 11/11

7:05am, received a Mayday call from the skipper of a 23ft motor vessel taking on water near the breakwall. Officers responded in Rescue B19, dewatered the vessel and towed is safely back to the launch ramp where it was hauled out.

8:44pm, while on patrol in Rescue Boat 19, officers educated fishermen hoop netting for lobster near the breakwall. During the contacts, postside shaft/prop was wrapped with a lobster trap poly line. Officers were able to operate on one prop back to the patrol dock. The line was cleared by officers the next day.

Saturday 11/12

9:12pm, received a complaint about commercial activity (squid offloading) in the Harbor from a VIM tenant. Officers explained the operation, the industry inconsistency and urgency to catch and offload all hours of the night.

Sunday 11/13

3:36pm, received report of a vessel accident at VIM F-dock. Officers responded by vehicle and investigated the incident. A 35ft sailboat collided with a moored sailboat, sustaining minor damage to both. The incident is under investigation.

Monday 11/14

8:21am, received a report of possible human remains in the sand at Harbor Cove Beach. Officers responded and found what were sea lion pelvic/spine bones.

Thursday 11/17

4:28pm, dispatched to an Ocean Rescue near the Ventura Pier, kite surfer in distress. Officers responded in the Fireboat with State Parks and VFD. The victim was assisted to shore safely, no injuries.

Friday 11/18

12:30pm, received request to tow a 40ft motor vessel that is slated to be destroyed. Officers were able to conduct tow training with new officers before towing the vessel to the boatyard for haul-out.

9:53pm, dispatched to a fall victim at VIM I-dock. Officers responded with VFD/AMR to a 58 y/o female who fell off her boat and onto the dock. The patient sustained minor injuries and was assisted back onto her boat.

Saturday 11/19

10:36am, dispatched to a fall victim near Ventura Sport Fishing. Officers responded with VFD/AMR to assist a 71 y/o male with a contusion above his eye from a fall sustained during a strong wind gust. The patient was treated at the scene, transported by AMR to local trauma center.

Sunday 11/20

9:45am, while on patrol in Rescue B19, officers observed a strong odor of diesel just outside of the harbor. A fishing vessel was off in the distance, but officers were unable to track them down. Officers utilized Marine tracking application and were able to locate the fishing vessel, contact and advise of possible petroleum leak on their vessel. The captain advised he would investigate.

2:55pm, received a “Mayday” call on VHF 16 from a 50ft cabin cruiser. Officers responded assisting Towboat US with call. Vessel towed to fuel dock.

Monday 11/21

5:35pm, dispatched to a hazardous condition in Portside apartments. A tenant is smelling a petroleum type substance. Fire searched her apartment with gas detection device, but unable to locate leak or source of odor.


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