Vol. 15, No. 24 – Aug 24 – Sept 6, 2022 – Mailbox

Dear Editor:

I was delighted to read the Breeze’s excellent front page coverage of the USL League two final which unfolded with great excitement following a thrilling come from behind victory by our local soccer heroes,  Ventura County Fusion. 

I was there and it was a thriller– and a wonderful boost for local soccer. Well done Fusion.

  As a longtime player, and sport reporter, who has covered several World Cups for CBS radio I however, would like to slightly nitpick over just one line in an otherwise perfect report.  The unnamed reporter writes: “Marley Edwards doubled the Fusion lead in the 83rd minute.” 

Those of us who seek perfection in soccer reportage, would realize that the Fusion wasn’t actually “leading” at that moment: They were tied 1-1.  So, when Marley scored the crucial winning goal–he didn’t actually “double their lead”—because, well: The Fusion only led when his rocket shop bulged in the back of the net!  The goal that gave them the trophy. 

   Otherwise Ventura Breeze, thanks for such great coverage.

  Ivor Davis, Soccer nitpicker in chief

Ivor: Picky, picky. By the way the Fusion wrote this so blame them. The only time I ever saw a soccer match was in the 1984 Olympics in LA. Maybe I’ll go again in a few years when the Olympics return.


Ursula Britton

Imagine my surprise when a notice appeared in my mailbox informing me of a proposed 350-unit apartment complex, 5-6 stories in height, right across the street in my midtown Ventura neighborhood! Known right now as Maple Court Mixed Use (PROJ-22-0121), it is located on Maple Street just east of Mills Road, a site currently consisting of 4 office buildings.

It is insane to even think of such a large project for this neighborhood. The only site access is from Maple Street, which is a busy feeder street during commute hours. The increased traffic from 350 units would have to spill over onto Mills Road, already a congested nightmare, and where emergency vehicles have difficulty navigating a path to the hospitals.

This project will do nothing to address the housing affordability crisis, as 90% of the units will be market-rate, meaning they are unaffordable to all but the affluent.

And where does the water come from?? Aren’t we in a severe drought?

The project has zero aesthetic value. It looks cheap and generic, no style whatsoever. Nothing about it evokes Ventura. It could be anywhere. It is too tall and too massive for the neighborhood; it looms menacingly over Maple Street and the backyards of Wesley Avenue. It is a bully.

The Los Angeles developer, Skya Ventures, has a track record so far of 1) inflicting a 92-unit 7-story apartment building on a residential side street in East Hollywood; and 2) renovating a 60-unit lower income apartment building in Highland Park and then evicting 57 of the 60 tenants.

We don’t need any more of this garbage-type development in Ventura. If you agree, let the City Council know your concerns ([email protected]), and remember you can vote them out in Districts 1, 4, 5, 6 this November.

Editor note: See page X for a rendering of this project

The power of man’s virtue should not be measured by his special efforts, but by his ordinary doings.
~ Blaise Pascal


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