The Bookmark About Libraries and Friends

by Jill Forman

Book sale! Book sale! Book sale!

The Friends of the Library have been able to schedule a book sale, hooray! Our warehouse is overflowing and our coffers are not, so we are delighted to resume the practice of in-person used book sales.

April 17, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. at Foster Library in the back parking lot. Quality used books, arranged by genre/category. Books will be displayed in car trunks and on tables. All COVID-19 protocols will be in place including monitored entry and exit, limited time in any one location, social distancing and masks. Payment by exact change, check or credit card.

Reopening status

From Nancy Schram, Library Services Director: There is a very detailed Library Reopening Plan that has been approved by VC Public Health that the library will continue to follow.  The plan is based on the various Tiers as outlined by the state.

Currently in the Red Tier, the Ventura County Libraries are now offering Walk-up Holds Pick Up and access to the library computer labs by appointment.  Computer labs are offered to limited number of people at a time based on building capacity.  Once the county moves into the Orange Tier, we will open up browsing of library collections as well, also within limited capacities.  When the County moves into the Yellow Tier, the capacity limits will be increased, and volunteer groups will be able to enter library buildings again as well.

From new Ventura Librarian

Dolly Knight: I am excited to be taking over this role in the Ventura Region and looking forward to working with the community. Obviously, the pandemic has led to a lot of change, but we’ve embraced this opportunity to try new things, and we’re looking forward to the future.

Online bookstore update

Leslie Bellmore, Online Bookstore organizer, says: Ventura Friends of the Library would like to thank everyone for a very successful first six months with our online bookstore. Customer response has been very positive, and sales have been averaging $500 a month. This was a great help in moving inventory at a time when large book sales were almost non-existent, and our library stores have been closed. The online bookstore has a wide variety of reading materials for everyone, and some great gift ideas. We also sell puzzles, DVDs, and audio books. It is a convenient way to get quality books at bargain prices, avoid shipping costs, and help your Ventura Libraries. We anticipate that the online store will remain even after the Pandemic has moved on.

We have a travel and trivia category and expanded gardening selections. All books are clean and selected for quality literature.

Reminder of many programs offered by the library

Check the library homepage at, the Friends of the Library newsletter, and the library newsletter to find activities. Here is a brief sampling: Storytimes (including bilingual, bedtime, STEAM); art lessons; the mobile library; book suggestions; Discover Science, Minecraft Mondays, and so on.

One last word

Did I mention we’re having a book sale?

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