Public invited to attend Solarize Ventura Program free workshops

The City of Ventura and the Community Environmental Council announced the launch of the 2019 Solarize Ventura program that makes it easier and more affordable for homeowners to go solar. Coastal Solar, the installer partner, will offer discounted prices through July 31, 2019; the date will be extended for survivors of the Thomas Fire that are working to rebuild. To learn about the benefits and details associated with going solar, such as billing rates, equipment, warrantees, financing, and tax credits, residents are invited to attend one of the following community workshops: 

Tuesday, May 14th 5:30 PM
Ventura City Hall Community Meeting Room, 501 Poli St, Ventura 

Wednesday, June 12th 5:30 PM
Poinsettia Pavilion, 3451 Foothill Rd, Ventura 

Thursday, July 11th 5:30 PM
Ventura City Hall Community Meeting Room, 501 Poli St, Ventura 

A solar coach will be on-hand to discuss options and answer questions. 

This year’s program will offer energy storage equipment, and education on energy storage for the first time.  Storage systems will be available to new solar customers and to existing solar customers who wish to upgrade their systems. Having battery backup will give solar customers some power during power outages. 

There are two main reasons that people are really beginning to invest in energy storage for their homes – economics and resiliency,” explained CEC’s Renewable Energy Manager April Price. Southern California Edison’s new “time-of-use” pricing structures have made battery storage more attractive from a financial standpoint. Under these new rates, many solar customers will benefit by being able to store the energy that is produced by their solar systems during the day and then using that energy in the evening, avoiding the need to buy electricity from the grid at the most expensive time, from 4-9 p.m.  

To learn more, visit or call (805) 963-0583 x101.