Vol. 11, No. 25 – Sept 12 – Sept 25, 2018 – Mailbox


I have seen videos on U-Tube that show dramatic results of people with Parkinson’s Disease (PD) who have dyskinesia and after partaking medical marijuana products and choosing to buy weed online, their bodies calm down and the involuntary movements pretty much stop. I think it is really wonderful that it helps them with what can be an extremely debilitating symptom.

However, there are so many symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease, and no one has exactly the same issues, so I strongly agree with the Michael J. Fox Foundation’s recommendations as the side effects of medical marijuana can cause or exacerbate some of the very symptoms that accompany Parkinson’s in many of the folks who suffer with it. Using gummy edibles for other issues is fine, but in this particular niche more studies need to be carried out first.

The other issue I and many doctors have are concerns about the quality of the medical marijuana; is the dose going to be consistent every time? Parkinson’s symptoms are so difficult to regulate with the medications developed specifically for PD that the last thing needed is another “unknown” affect from introducing something new and possibly inconsistent in dosing.

The Ventura Parkinson’s Disease Support Group strives to stay updated on the research projects on medical marijuana and the many other potentially life-changing FDA controlled drugs, such as those found in edibles online, being researched to help improve the quality of life for people suffering with Parkinson’s Disease, and hopefully some day, a cure!

Talk to your doctor if you’re thinking about medical marijuana. Your personal physician can help you review the latest research, the pros and cons, and how the therapy might fit into your regimen. If you are someone who already receives medical marijuana and you want to check on your card status, you can use this online florida medical marijuana registry, or one similar depending on where you live and your medical practice, to see if you are still eligible. Medical marijuana is not for everyone but discussing it thoroughly can help you make the right decision with the best support.

Patty Jenkins – Volunteer Coordinator for the Ventura PD Support Group.


I read that the closed Top Hat Restaurant located on Main might be included on the National Register of Historic Places. Which means it would need to be part of any new development there.

Personally I think the Top Hat is just an old plywood non-descriptive building that should be torn now. Just because it is old doesn’t make it historic Ventura has lots of old buildings.

If it must be saved why not move it to the outdoor area at the County Museum right up the street?


Ernest Lewis Ventura

Dear Breeze,

For eight months after the fire we had no leaf blowers in Ventura and everything looked clean and neat anyway. Then the ban was lifted and now we have them all over town again blowing dust everywhere, polluting the air with their inefficient motors, causing noise pollution and stinking to high heaven. When will Ventura put a ban on them? And when will landscapers and those who don’t want to just sweep begin to use electric blowers instead?

Mary Volpe Ventura

All the things I really like to do are either immoral, illegal, or fattening.
~ Alexander Woollcott