Vol. 10, No. 10 – February 15 – February 28, 2017 – Mailbox

Sheldon @ Ventura Breeze

In response to the guy who took offence with substitution of the word “Dog” for “God” he obviously doesn’t know what dogs mean to people who love them like family!

I think the attached*expresses what God “for those who are religious” would have felt as well!

Sincerely one of your many readers

* Photo of God’s finger touching the paw of a dog with caption “I’ve turned my own name around and have called you Dog, my friend.”


The Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare, saved my life. I had health insurance. I needed brain surgery. My health insurance company kept delaying approvals for necessary MRI and CT scans to find out what was wrong. Because they refused to pay for the CT scan that was needed to confirm a diagnosis, I had to pay for one of them out of pocket. They assigned an RN to my case to reduce costs. But, because of public pressure, when the Affordable Care Act was being drafted, my surgery was eventually approved by the insurance company in 2009.

As Congress moves forward on a path towards repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act, it is critical that our nation’s communities retain access to high-quality hospital services we need and deserve. Our hospitals not only provide lifesaving care, but they are also key economic engines, providing jobs and security to the entire community.

I am greatly concerned that legislation repealing the Affordable Care Act could leave in place devastating and historic cuts to my hospital. We need your help to protect access to care and our nation’s local economies.

This means that if legislation is approved that repeals the Affordable Care Act, it is imperative that it either replaces the coverage losses simultaneously or repeals the Medicare and Medicaid hospital reductions embedded in the law, so we ensure our community hospitals have the resources they need to care for American families and communities.

Kathy Miller-Ventura

Hi Sheldon,

I am a huge proponent of private property rights but simply can’t wrap my head around any of the arguments for allowing STVRs to operate in residential districts.

I can’t afford a gardener but believe I am entitled to lawn service whether I can afford it or not. Pygmy goats are the cutest things ever and would keep my weeds at bay, thus improving the aesthetics of the neighborhood. Pygmy goats are quieter and less annoying than the neighbors’ barking dogs.

Pygmy goats need veterinarians, groomers, feed, bedding and whatever else they need to thrive and survive – all services and goods I would never purchase but for the pygmy goats. Thus, I’ll create jobs and bring in revenue for businesses and the city.

To help defray costs, make ends meet, and to keep them from sitting idly by when I can’t use them, from time-to-time I’ll rent the pygmy goats to the neighbors. The children, many of whom would never have an opportunity to interact with pygmy goats, will be thrilled, enlightened and enriched by the experience. My pygmy goats could also provide love, affection and comfort for some of the elderly and lonely among us (which is way more than any STVR could do.)

The only people who would complain are whiny, petty and jealous neighbors who either can’t or didn’t think to buy their own pygmy goats.

I don’t know why it’s taken me so long to fully fully appreciate that our city can choose which laws to enforce and which to ignore. I also never dreamed that I could actually keep pygmy goats in my small backyard here at the beach. Fortunately, I guess all I need to do is ask the city to not enforce the zoning codes and issue me a pygmy goat permit. It’s a win-win all around!

Did I mention that I’m a huge proponent of private property rights and that pygmy goats are the cutest things.

Sharon L. Rishel
Pierpont Resident

Talk is cheap, except when  Congress does it
~ Anonymous