SCORE Announces Next In-Person No Cost Workshop for Small Businesses and Entrepreneurs

In partnership with the City of Ventura, the Ventura Chamber of Commerce, and the Economic Development Collaborative Accelerate California: Inclusive Innovation Hub, SCORE will hold a second in-person no cost workshop that will help local entrepreneurs and business owners.

The workshop, entitled “Google and Social Media Paid Advertising Strategies” will be held on August 7 at the Ventura City Hall Community Meeting Room at 8:30am. The workshop will be led by Steve James who is a Digital Marketing Consultant with the firm RevLocal and will cover topics such as the best advertising platforms to use, the differences between search ads and display ads, and how to use analytics to improve results.

The August 7 workshop is a continuation of the March 27 Marketing Strategies workshop that was also presented by SCORE, hosted by the City of Ventura, and led by Mr. James. The prior workshop was well attended and very well received by the business community.

After the event, Cary Glenn, Management Analyst with the City of Ventura Economic Development Division, commented, “I did hear from one of the attendees, who is a tough critic mind you, who found tremendous value in the information and went back to their business, called a team meeting, and immediately began implementing some of the tools learned at the workshop.”

For workshop information, including how to register, go to:

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