Vol. 17, No. 16 – May 1 – May 14, 2024 – Mailbox


Since when do politicians, judges and now Justices of the Supreme Court make medical decisions regarding abortion care? It was bad enough when the above outlawed abortions for rape and incest victims, as well as for a woman’s personal decision!

Now, the above (mostly men), and none with medical degrees are arguing about how much bleeding should a woman endure, or how septic and how high a fever before a woman can get needed medical care.  Or, require a woman to carry a non-viable, or dead fetus that may prevent future pregnancies!

Women are suffering in hospital parking lots waiting to bleed more or become more septic before doctors can save their lives!

How evil and how dare these politicians and judges treat women so cruelly!

Have we become a Third World Country or are we really The United States of America where all people are supposed to have freedoms over their medical decisions.

Judith A. Beay, RN


By Ivor Davis (Rambunctious Old Geezer)

As a 45-year resident of Ventura– I would like to go on a short rant.

My moan is about our Post Office Service—specifically what has happened to the once proud customer service at the main post office in downtown Ventura on Santa Clara.

They used to be an icon of good, efficient service. But now it has become yet another ordeal in life.

In my opinion—it has deteriorated beyond belief.

Today in the year 2024–should you happen to take package to mail—expect a wait in line for up to 30 minutes!

I am not, (repeat not,) complaining about PO Veterans like James and Bill, who still valiantly toils behind the counter as he has for many decades. Singlehandedly he does a brilliant job—but he has little help. I mean, who wants to admire those outstanding wall murals for half an hour for what was once a simple in and out purchase of stamps, or mail parcels?

When I checked, here’s what I was told: All the delivery persons have been moved to Oxnard Post Office so that today the cavernous sorting area in the back of the post office, is empty–now a ghost warehouse!

As a result of that move, the Post office—without a thought for its warm body clients– has severely cut back on its counter staff. This is the sorriest state of affairs I have ever seen in my 40 plus years of using that once dominant downtown post office.

Today, for example a couple came in to purchase a money order and spent 15 minutes at the counter, paying for their very large cashier’s check with one-dollar bills.

A patient client finally shouted, “Pleeeze—send in the cavalry!”

So: Can someone in the postal service—particularly Postmaster General Louise DeJoy–please inform me how we can bring some joy back to the Ventura postal system. And whether the good old efficient days of a visit to the post office will ever come back?


We loved the alien sending his vacation picture from Marina Park! Thank him for showing us what’s in that fortress-thing. Did you translate the Breeze into Marspeak for him?

Jill Forman

Jill: We tried to translate it into Marspeak but Word didn’t have that option. Hopefully when he returned home they have that ability. Would you like to deliver there if they want to start reading every issue?

At last came the golden month of the wild folk– honey-sweet May, when the birds come back, and the flowers come out, and the air is full of the sunrise scents and songs of the dawning year.
~ Samuel Scoville Jr., Wild Folk