Ventura Sunrise Optimist Club’s Most Optimistic Community Member

Do you know someone who has inspired you by their optimism? Do you know someone who encourages you to be your best self? Do you know someone who makes a positive difference in the lives of others? 

The third annual Most Optimistic Community Member nominations are now being accepted by the Sunrise Optimist Club until June 15, 2024.

Recognized last year were Faith Friedlander of Kids and Families Together and Jennifer Thompson of Cassie’s Cats both non-profit organizations that benefit foster children and rescue cats respectively. The awards were given at the club’s annual awards gathering.

“Faith Friedlander is and always has been, one of the most optimistic people that I have had the pleasure of being around. Faith’s constant dedication to all of the programs Kids & Families Together offer and the people that work with (and for) her have kept all of us hopeful and positive through a pandemic that made the future not seem so bright–her optimism and hopefulness helped us weather that storm and prepare us for anything the future holds for us.” Faith was nominated by Kim Becker.

“Not only is Jennifer Thompson of Cassie’s Cats loved by the donors, volunteers, sponsors, adopters and community, she is adored by the cats and kittens in the lounge. These discerning creatures gravitate to her–they understand and reciprocate her unconditional love. They trust her and she honors that trust by making sure every adoption is a good fit for the animal and the prospective adopters. Jennifer was nominated by Shannon Evans and Donna Nicholson. 

The Sunrise Optimist Club is a service club that provides support and scholarships to youth in Ventura. The cornerstone of the club is The Optimist Creed. The Club has been active in Ventura since 1960 and is affiliated with Optimist International. The primary purpose of Optimist Clubs is to bring out the best in kids” as well as promoting optimism as a way of life for all people. 

To access the nomination form go to the Club’s website at For more information about the nomination process or to receive a nomination form for the 2024 Most Optimistic Community Member email [email protected] or visit the club’s website: