Cancer Foundation of Santa Barbara Awarded Candid’s Platinum Seal of Transparency

For the 6th consecutive year, the Cancer Foundation of Santa Barbara was awarded Candid’s Platinum Seal of Transparency. This award highlights the Foundation’s commitment to transparency, accountability, and efficiency in all aspects of its operations.

The Cancer Foundation of Santa Barbara earned Candid’s Platinum Seal by sharing specific information about their finances, governance, strategic priorities, impact on their community, and number of donors, volunteers, and grants awarded. To keep their seals from expiring, Candid requires organizations to update their information once a year.

Stephanie Carlyle, Director of Philanthropy at the Cancer Foundation of Santa Barbara, emphasized the importance of transparency for nonprofits, stating, “Transparency is essential for building trust with our donors. By openly sharing our financials, impact reports, and resource allocation strategies, we empower our supporters to make informed decisions about their philanthropy, knowing that their contributions are making a meaningful difference in the lives of cancer patients.”

In addition to its outstanding transparency practices, the Cancer Foundation of Santa Barbara sets itself apart with its strict financial oversight and ethical standards. The Foundation voluntarily undergoes an annual financial audit by an independent accounting firm, ensuring accountability in its financial management.

To view the Cancer Foundation’s profile, visit

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