Project Understanding staff head out in the storm to help the unhoused

On Sunday evening February 4, during torrential downpour Project Understanding Pantry Manager Michael Rodrigues and pantry driver Matt Maxfield went out into the community looking for some of our unhoused clients.  Michael stated, “we are here to help the underserved and they need us” , Michael and Matt loaded up the van with items that were needed, Tarps, rain jackets, warm clothes, socks, blankets,  sleeping bags, pet food, pet blankets and some groceries. 

They were able to hand out these needed items to 18 unhoused individuals and 3 dogs and 2 cats.  Project Understanding has served  the community since 1977.  We are thankful for our staff and their dedication to Ventura County.  To find out more about how you can help visit us at or call 805-652-1326

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