Family needs your help

Jordan Garcia, 1st grader at Portola Elementary celebrated his 7th birthday on October 14, but it was not the celebration that his mother was hoping to provide.  Jordan was recently diagnosed with Leukemia and has started what will be a long medical journey towards beating cancer including undergoing chemotherapy treatments, bone marrow testing, lumbar punctures, and ensuring countless side effects that come with this diagnosis. His mother has asked for positive thoughts for Jordan and the family during Jordan’s birthday month! 

If you would like to help the family with their compounding medical bills, lost wages (his mother is a single mom as his dad passed away two years ago), transportation, and all of the extra costs associated with this illness, the following GoFundMe page was set up by a family friend for that purpose and we have been given permission from the family to share,

As always, our community is rallying together to wish Jordan a very happy birthday and a speedy recovery!   We look forward to seeing you celebrate your 8th birthday carefree and healthy!

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