Vol. 17, No. 02 – Oct 18 – Oct 31, 2023 – Harbor Patrol Blotter


6:22pm, while on patrol officers removed a hazard to navigation, 4ft log in the Pierpont Basin. The log was taken to the launch ramp and thrown away.

10:50pm, received request to assist PD with a theft investigation. The individual overstaying his welcome at L/R had battery stolen. Incident under investigation.


11:33am, while on patrol in truck, receiving multiple complaints/inquiries about the large construction project (Ventura Water Pure) occurring through Anchors Way, Marina Park and eventually into the ocean just outside Marina Park.

2:45pm, observed a vehicle unable to pull vessel/trailer up the ramp due to low tide. Officers attached tow line to vehicle, were able to pull it up launch ramp.


6:00pm, lobster season begins. Officers taking Fish & Wildlife wardens out to check on lobster fishing regulation violations. Issued several warnings, observed approximately 180 hoop nets deployed just in the sandtrap area.


3:55am, received Mayday call VHF-16, 50ft fishing vessel with broken rudder arm 1 mile outside harbor. Officers responded in Fireboat, took the vessel en tow near the #2 buoy and towed to their slip at VHV A-dock.


10:01am, received report of an overdue vessel, out rigger canoe with 6 POB’s. Officers responded in Fireboat, located vessel off the Ventura Pier, in no distress


4:45pm, received request to assist a capsized sailboat in the entrance of the harbor. Officers responded in Fireboat and after several attempts were able to successfully right the small sailboat with 2 POB’s, that were pulled from water.
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