Max Pays Attention

Local author pens book about a boy who has trouble sitting still.

This exciting children’s book by Dr. Barbara Gibson Paul, children’s author and child psychotherapist is for ages 4-8 year olds is a great purchase for schools, libraries, holiday gifts and birthday gifts.  $14.95 Hardcover.

“Max Pays Attention” is about Max who is a 7-year-old boy who has trouble sitting still and following the rules in class.  Max’s mom helps motivate him to improve his behavior in school.  After lots of hard work Max finally starts to follow the rules and earns something special.

Dr. Pal stated “I was inspired to write this book after teaching special education and becoming a parent myself.  I was in private practice as a child therapist helping parents and children to have less stress and increased happiness.  I couldn’t find a self-help book to share with my client’s  so I wrote “Max Pays Attention”.

“I’m a big believer in using bibliotherapy to help a child or adult with grief, self esteem, school concerns and/or relationship problems.  I believe too many children lack motivation for a variety of reasons.  In the book “The Little Engine That Could” the train thought he/she wasn’t going to get up the mountain but he/she was determined to get to the top and said “I think I can I think I can”.

Barbara Gibson Paul Psy.D.LMFT a resident of Ventura can be reached at 818-599-0053 to schedule a professional parenting consultation, schedule an author’s event or purchase the book.


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