Love Ventura

Several members of the city council were there. Photos by Patricia Schallert

Cleaning the river bottom was one of the projects.

The volunteers chose between 17 different projects. At the bike hub were volunteers learning how to fix bikes for kids, at the river cleanup (owned by the Ventura Land Trust) volunteers were cleaning up the river bottom.

Love Ventura stated “By partnering and collaborating with existing groups, organizations and individuals, we believe that our community can have a broader reach and impact in our neighborhoods, schools, and businesses.”

“We believe that every person should have a chance to serve the community. Our serve day on October 7th had projects that all can participate in – from your little ones to our senior community,  those able-bodied and those needing something lighter and not physically demanding. To inspire our community to love each other through connecting, participating, giving, and serving.”

Learning how to fix bikes for the kids by volunteers.

Our city comes together every October for a day of service. Love VC, Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit with the sole focus of inspiring our community to love each other through connecting, giving and serving.

TheTeam is made up of 100% volunteers working to make our community a more vibrant and unified place to live, work and play.

Learning how to fix bikes for the kids by volunteers.
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