Bringing Memory and Strength to Seniors

This program has shown how the use of music is a benefit for everyone.

by Juliette Nasarenko

When I started to volunteer at the Lexington Assisted Living senior home, the first thing I noticed was that the home didn’t have music. I began organizing a music program there. Research has found that globally aging senior citizens have lost social interaction and mental acuity, especially during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Research has also shown that music is a way that can help cure dementia, depression, and memory. According to Pfizer, today instead of giving patients medication to cure memory loss or depression, many physicians are having people listen to music (Fink, 2023). This made me become more invested in learning more about how social interaction and music can help improve memory and cognitive skills. According to the Arc, “When used appropriately, music can shift mood, manage stress-induced agitation, stimulate positive interactions, facilitate cognitive function and coordinate motor movements” (The Arc, 2019).

With music being a big part of my life, I knew I would apply it towards my Gold Award for Girl Scouts. My Gold Award aims to improve loneliness and mental acuity in senior citizens by bringing music and physical exercises to assisted living homes. I created the curriculum and led the classes. I remember the first time hosting a class, the seniors wouldn’t come. The recreation director and I would knock on each door to encourage them to participate and celebrated when four residents joined us in that first class. Today classes have 15-20 senior participants.

When evaluating the survey that I had the seniors complete, nine out of the ten respondents said that they recalled memories while listening to music and felt better after doing physical exercises. I continue to develop this program through the Ventura High School Music Department as I have passed it down to two girls who will be taking over the program when I graduate. I know that my program has not only made an impact on the seniors but also on the music department as we all have shared so many memories playing and talking with the seniors. This program has shown how the use of music is a benefit for everyone.

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